A bolt of lightning surged forward at an unbelievable speed and tore through the air before slamming into the Russian leader with full force! The man was blessed by Zeus, so he had a natural resistance to most Lightning Attacks! This was the only thing that allowed him to walk away from that encounter with his life! The force of the lightning was so intense that he was shot back into the ground!
The floor under him cracked and cratered like glass, and he groaned as he tried to get himself out of there! There were some arcs of blue electricity dancing around his body, and he could feel the excess power threatening to burn him alive from the inside.
Mark finally landed on the ground, and he moved toward the Russian leader while sending his [Fang of the Thunder God] out to grab the man by the neck! The Fangs raised Dimitrihigh into the air, and the man almost choked as he grabbed the chain and started to thrash around roughly! Mark stopped a few meters away from him and looked him in the eye as he spoke.
“What the fuck are you guys playing at in this tournament?”
The man kept trying to get the Fangs off his neck as he stammered out,
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
[Styxwatcher’s Discernment] has detected a lie!
Mark frowned as this notification came up again and he stepped closer to the man.
“This is the second time you lied to me. I swear you will not like what happens to you if you lie a third time. Why the fuck did your team member create a diversion and what anima did you sneak into this tournament?”
The Russian leader was immediately shocked by what Mark said, but then a smile started to spread across his face before he started to laugh!
“Of course, we wouldn’t be able to fool the human KING for long! I thought you were so foolish that you wouldn’t notice anything! I really underestimated you! Don’t you worry, KING! We have one hell of a surprise waiting for you!”
A loud explosion went off somewhere in the distance, and Mark realized that it must be one of the other fights happening on the island! Mark flexed his hand and turned back to face the Russian leader with a narrowed glare. Mark was going to get the information out of him one way or another. It was only a matter of how long the man could hold out!
[Blunt Force Trauma] has been activated!
Meanwhile, on another part of the island, the other teams had been thrown out from their planes as well and most of them had landed separately at various parts of the island. The rest of the Russian team that was left behind by Mark and their leader had all tried their best to leave together from the plane.
Mark knew that the Russians had a plan that they were trying to accomplish on the island, so he theorized that it was very unlikely that the rest of them would throw away their plans just to try and save their leader. It was more likely that they would both try to complete the plan and also try to save their leader.
Once the Russians all left the plane, Arit and the rest of the American team jumped out of the plane. Arit, Tina and Luna immediately went after the Russians and the other embers of the American teams just followed behind them.
Luna’s plan was to follow after the Russians and find out exactly what it was that they were planning. Even if the Russians found out that they were being followed, there was nothing that the Russians would be able to do. The worst-case scenario was that the Russians would turn around and confront the Americans, and if that happened, then the Americans could easily beat the Russians since they were all stronger than the Russians.
The Russians were the first to get to the ground, and Luna narrowed her eyes in irritation as she saw that they were trying to run away! Luan shouted to Arit and Tina to go and get the ones that had gone further away. Arit nodded and put her wings out and stopped free-falling before she flapped them and started to go after the Russian that was furthest away! Tina saluted before she activated her lightning powers and flashed after Arit!
Luna put her hand out and immediately activated her mana! The entire area suddenly flash-froze at that moment as ice traveled through the air and began to freeze everything in a kilometer radius around her!
A cold wind swept over the area, and by the time it cleared out, the trees and ground were completely covered in snow and ice! The superhumans who were running had managed to avoid getting completely frozen by Luna’s powers, but they weren’t able to go any further because their legs had been frozen to the ground, preventing them from moving!
Luna landed on the ground and immediately raised both hands to the side and increased the mana output into the spell! The entire region around Luna started to freeze over again. There had been eight Russians who came down from the plane before Luna and the other Americans, but Luna was only able to stop four of them from getting away using her abilities. Arit and Tina had gone after the other four, and Luna immediately turned to the rest of the American team when they landed.
“Go help out Arit with finding the others! I’ll take care of these four!”
Luna shouted out her command, and the vice-captain that she brought from their guild nodded as he headed out to do as he was told, but the rest of the Alphas looked completely lost as they looked at Luna like she had gone mad. Weren’t they supposed to be chasing after the anima in the area and killing them for points? Why were they chasing down the Russians?
“Luna, is this what you told me about yesterday? You were serious about the Russians being part of some plan?”
Alec Ben was the only one not from the Vanguard guild who didn’t look completely confused by what was going on. Mark and Luna had explained what was going on to him because they knew that they would need his help in the tournament to stop what the anima were doing, but they didn’t bother telling the Alphas about it because they knew that once they told the Alphas, it would all get back to Henry, and that might make things more difficult for them. But now that they were already in the tournament, they didn’t have to bother about trying to keep things hidden anymore since it was impossible for the Alphas to do anything about it.
Luna nodded to Alec’s question and told him that they were going to round them all up before they could get away! Alec sighed at this and turned to regard the Alphas before telling them to follow Luna’s orders.
“I don’t fully know what is going on either, but I trust that they are doing this for an important reason. All of you need to round up the Russians.”
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