The head of the Russian Supeahuman alliance was always glaring and sneering at the littlest inconvenience, and after some time, Henry decided that it was best to just not relate with her anymore since the Russians didn’t really hold much weight in the Superhuman Alliance.
Henry asked Mark what he needed the Russian Director for.
Mark answered quickly.
“I need you to help me keep an eye on her and the other non-combatants from Russia. I don’t know what it is yet, but the Russians are planning something dangerous. When we’re in the tournament, I’ll be able to keep an eye on the superhumans to make sure they don’t do anything stupid, but out here, I won’t be able to help much. Keep an eye on them and make sure they don’t do anything. I’ll give you a direct line to someone working in my guild who can help you with tracking them, so you don’t lose any of them.”
Henry was shocked that Mark was asking him to do something like this. It wasn’t only because Henry didn’t think that they were close enough for Mark to even bother asking him for favors, but it was also because Mark looked so serious when saying it. Mark looked like the end of the world was coming and the Russians were the ones holding the bomb that would end it all.
Henry just had to ask.
“What exactly did you find out about the Russians?”
Mark glanced at Henry for a moment and debated whether he should tell Henry everything or not. Giving Henry some half-baked information wasn’t going to be enough to make him believe Mark, so the only way to make him realize that the situation was serious was to tell him everything. Mark thought about how best to structure his next words for a few seconds before he finally spoke up.
“Do you remember the attack at the shoreline yesterday? The one from the Eldritch-class monster. Don’t you think it’s a little too much of a coincidence that the attack happened at exactly the same time the Russians attacked one of the other contestants unprovoked? I had someone look into it, and there’s a chance that everything happening in this tournament was just a ploy by the Russians to sneak dangerous anima into Japan. So I need you to keep an eye on the Russians and make sure that they don’t do anything suspicious.”
Henry’s face couldn’t have shown a more shocked expression even if he tried. He was looking at Mark like Mark had grown a second head out of nowhere. The Russians were planning to sneak anima into Japan? And they were working with the anima to accomplish that? Those were some serious allegations that Mark was throwing around! If Mark was wrong and any of the Russians ever caught wind of it, then there was every chance that Mark would be charged with a lawsuit for those allegations!
But what if Mark was right?
This thought crossed Henry’s mind as his shock began to mellow out again, and Henry realized with a small amount of amusement that he was actually considering the possibility of what Mark said.
All superhumans had an instinctive sense for danger, and their sixth sense which allowed them to tell when to trust and when not to trust a person was much stronger than it was for humans. This ability was even more pronounced for superhumans who were stronger, and since Henry was one of the strongest superhumans in America, he had a very good intuition.
Henry always felt like the Director of the Russian Superhuman Alliance rubbed him the wrong way, and he decided that since Mark was this certain that something was about to happen, then the least he could do was to just keep an eye on them and make sure they didn’t do anything dangerous. If it turns out that Mark was wrong, then it would be no skin off his back.
Worst case scenario, if the Director of the Russian Superhuman Alliance saw him watching her, then she would think that he was attracted to her. Henry felt a shiver go down his spine at that thought and he decided right then to be as discreet as possible.
Henry couldn’t even imagine being in any form of relationship with such a woman.
“Very well, I’ll do as you asked. There are a few non-combat members of the Alliance here, so we will all keep an eye on the Russians for you. If anything suspicious happens, then I’ll take care of it. But in exchange, I need you to focus on the tournament to the best of your ability. I want to win, Mr. Vantias, my future depends on it. So if you can promise to give me that victory, then I will do as you ask for as long as you need me to.”
Henry said all this with his eyes narrowed intensely at Mark, and Mark couldn’t help the scoff that came out of his mouth.
Leave it to Henry to make everything into a business proposal. Mark wouldn’t be surprised if Henry sold the entire country off one day because he thought it would help him in the long run.
Mark gave Henry a nod and told him that he would do his best before he turned to go to the changing room where Arit and Luna were waiting for him.
The outfit that they were given by the American government was very similar to what the army wore. They wore green cargo pants and a tactical vest over a green long-sleeved t-shirt. There was a stitching of the American flag on the left bicep of the t-shirt, and even though Art looked at the outfit like it was the worst thing she had ever seen, she still put it on because it was the only outfit that they had.
The entire attire had been created using anima skin and strengthened by one of the superhumans blessed by Athena. Even if it went through a nuclear explosion, Mark didn’t think it would suffer too much damage. But they were going into a battle where even the weakest enemy could unleash the force of a nuclear bomb, so it didn’t really make that much of a difference in the long run.
Mark pulled up the arms of the long-sleeved t-shirt and equipped his gauntlets so that they covered his forearms. He then took his mask and clicked it into place so that only his upper face was visible.
Arit was already in her QUEEN form, and thankfully, whoever was in charge of the outfits accounted for her wings and left an opening behind her outfit so that the wings could grow out from there. Luan didn’t need that much of an adjustment for her own power, but she noticed that the outfit she had was capable of withstanding much lower and higher temperatures than Mark and Arit’s uniform, so whoever made it must have also accounted for her freezing or boiling the entire region during her fights.
The contestants all walked out at the same time, and Mark looked around at all the countries that had also changed. But his eyes didn’t stay on any of them for long before moving toward the Russians with a narrowed gaze. Mark had already told the rest of the team to keep an eye on the Russians, so even if they were going to be actively taking part in the tournament, Mark was certain that the Russians wouldn’t be able to do anything without him knowing.
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