Chapter 756 - 756: Unexpected Pretence

A large explosion went off once the crane was destroyed and the monster roared again as it continued destroying the area!

Mark frowned and finally turned to look at the other screen where the MDS was being displayed. The MDS showed various blue circles all around the docks to mark out the superhumans that were running away from the monster, and there was also a large red circle there that showed the monster rampaging at the shore.

Once Pat was sure that Mark had gotten a good look at what was going on, Pat then turned the focus of the MDS to a different part of the shore.

“After your bird got close enough, I was able to get a better view of what was going on at the shore. I know it’s going to sound crazy, but I double-checked to make sure that it was correct, so you don’t need to ask. Take a look at this”

Pat stopped the MDS scanner at a certain part near the shore, Mark frowned and asked a simple question.

“Why are there so many red circles?”

Mark asked this question in confusion as he wondered why there were so many red circles on the screen. But Pat didn’t even need to answer for Mark to figure out exactly what it was. There were hundreds of anima all packed together in one small area. What the fuck was this?

“Is this like what happened in America? Is it underground?”

Arit asked this as she also stepped forward to take a better look at the screen, and Pat shook his head while pointing at the altitude meter at the side of the screen. Enjoy exclusive chapters from My Virtual Library Empire

“No, it’s not even underground. This is above ground. And before they cleared out, there were many superhumans around that area, so I’m sure it’s not something hidden. The superhumans in Japan all know about this, so I figured that it must either have something to do with the upcoming tournament and they want to see this as a test for all of you, or it is some sort of anima stash they were keeping to sell later or to use in making more weapons. But what really bothered me was what I saw once the monster arrived.

“When the monster first arrived at the shore, I thought it was an Eldritch class monster that just found its way here. But then I got a good look at it through the MDS and I realized that the mana signature I was picking up from the MDS was far more than what a monster of its strength should have.”

Mark spoke up in disbelief.

“Are you trying to say that the monster is intentionally holding back so that people would think it is weaker than it really is?”

Pat nodded.

“I’m not just saying it. I know it is. The monster is intentionally pretending to be a lower-level Eldritch when it has enough mana to be an Elder Eldritch, or maybe even a weaker Armageddon. It’s holding back and dragging out this fight for as long as possible. The monster started its attack around seven-thirty, and around seven-forty-five, I saw two red mana signatures moving unseen through the shore while everyone was distracted by the large monster. They made their way down to the area where the other anima were all being held, and that was what drew my attention to it. All the other anima being held captive pulled away from the two anima that arrived like they were scared of them, but after some time, the other anima all converged around the two anima, and now I can’t find them anymore because of how dense the mana there is.

“The mana signature of the two anima that snuck through the shore showed that they were around low-level Eldritch class, but I don’t know what their real strength is cause they could be suppressing their mana like the Eldritch that’s attacking the shore. I also don’t know what the hell they were doing there or why they needed to sneak through the carnage the way they did.”

Mark’s brow had been getting more and more tense the longer he heard Pat speak, and when Mark heard Pat say that two anima had moved across the shore unseen and hidden in the large group of anima, Mark leaned forward and spoke up in a worried tone.

“The large monster was only acting as a distraction so that those two other anima could sneak into the larger group, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah, that about sums it up. Everything was too perfectly organized for it to be a coincidence, so I’m certain that it was all planned out. And after I thought about it for a little while longer, I realized that it was around that time when the Russian man attacked Leah unprovoked and drew the attention of both Megumi and you away from what was happening on the other side of the country. They had planned all this from the start.”

Mark’s mind was whirling at this point as all the different pieces started to come together in his head—the fight that happened only a moment ago as well as the large fight that was happening at the dock right now. Even the fact that Megumi and Genshi were this far from the shore at just the right moment. It had all been planned by someone. Was it the Russians? No, Mark didn’t think that it would be them. For some reason, Mark didn’t see an anima responding to anything but undeniable force. Even Salazar hadn’t been able to control anima this precisely. The only thing Salazar could do with the anima after he created them was to send them out without restraints for them to cause as much damage as possible.

The anima were too aggressive for them to listen to reason, and from what Mark saw in the tabs of the Russians when he used [True Sight] on them, none of the superhumans in the Russian team had the strength needed to subdue an anima of this strength into doing what they wanted, so that could only mean that it was someone much stronger that planned all of this.

What the hell was going on in Japan?

Mark thought about going over to the shore to help out with the anima subjugation since the anima was actually far stronger than it was pretending to be, but Mark realized that it would not be necessary since Megumi and Genshi were already on their way there. Megumi had enough power to handle this anima even if it unleashed its full power, so Mark didn’t need to worry about that. Instead, Mark was more focused on the anima that had hidden themselves in the other group. If that group of anima was being prepared for the superhumans to use in the upcoming tournament, then didn’t that mean that the anima in there were trying to get to one of the superhumans in the tournament?

Someone put this entire plan together just to sneak those two anima into the upcoming tournament for some reason. Mark needed to find out who and why.

The only people that Mark was sure knew what was happening in the country were the Russians that just arrived, and if Mark wanted any answers, then he would need to go and get one of them to tell him what he wanted to know! But then another issue presented itself once Mark thought about doing this! The Japanese government was definitely not on good terms with the Vanguard guild. If Mark went and tried to force the Russians into telling him what he wanted without any proof other than his own words, then there was every chance that the government would see it as a form of coercion.

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