Raven stood up from the ground slowly and started to take steps back as the light grew brighter and brighter! What the hell was going on!? Experience tales with My Virtual Library Empire

Mark took in another breath and sighed as he felt his consciousness start to spread all around him. It was a slow process, but Mark started to feel something more in his body. It was like Mark was starting to grow a new limb—or no, that wasn’t a proper description. It was like gaining a seventh sense.

If there were five senses that allowed you to interact with the world and a sixth one that allowed you to have intuition and instinct, then this was like a seventh sense that allowed Mark to feel the world around him in an intimate way. Like the world around him was a part of himself.

Mark was achieving Zen.

Mark allowed his breathing to continue calmly, and his senses kept on spreading all through the world around him. He could feel the birds flying through the air above the gym. He could feel the ants walking between the cracks in the wall beside him. He would even feel the trees outside as they swayed in the breeze. It was a strange feeling, and Mark didn’t hate it at all. In fact, Mark felt a small smile start to spread on his face as he slowly reached out to one of the birds in the air! The world began to expand in his eyes, and for a moment, he was able to see the sky through the eyes of the bird.


But then a sharp headache shot through Mark’s head and Mark winced in pain while grunting!

The sensation completely vanished, and Mark felt his consciousness returning to his body! He took in a deeper breath and sighed it out before slowly opening his eyes! Fuck, that was the best thing Mark had ever felt in his life! But what the hell happened there!? Mark was sure that he was getting it, but for some reason, he wasn’t able to really connect with the animals that were flying through the air! Was it because Mark wasn’t calm enough?

Mark decided that he would think about it more when he was doing it again. Mark called out to Raven and frowned when he didn’t hear Raven’s voice. Mark looked around him as he didn’t see Raven sitting where she had been, and he raised a brow when he saw the woman standing behind a barricade on the other side of the gym! Raven was looking out from behind the door with a look of suspicion on her face, and Mark wondered what the fuck was going on!

“What the fuck are you doing over there?”

Raven narrowed her eyes at Mark for a moment before she started to come out from behind the door she was using as a barricade and spoke.

“Your head was fucking glowing! I didn’t know if it was going to fire off some sort of laser, so I went to hide, and I was going to just leave if it kept doing that. Seriously, what the fuck even are you!? What were you doing!?”

Mark hadn’t really explained what he had been doing to Raven since he didn’t feel like it, and Raven didn’t ask since she knew better than to pester someone about their personal training. Mark had just told her that he needed her help in meditating, and she was more than happy to help out! But now that Mark was fucking glowing, there was no way she was going to allow him to keep doing whatever he wanted! If Mark didn’t tell her what he was doing, then she was going to leave the gym and let him keep trying on his own! Raven was only a B rank, so she knew she would be squashed like a bug if any of Mark’s powers went out of control! Raven was not going to be collateral damage for anyone!

Mark laughed a little at Raven’s words, and Raven blushed in anger and frowned at him! She thought about smacking him on the back of his head but changed her mind when she realized that she would only be hurting herself!

“Are you gonna tell me what you’re doing or not!?”

Raven was no longer amused, and Mark told her to relax when he heard the anger in her voice.

“Okay, relax. I was just testing out a power I have. It’s something that just popped up recently, but I need to meditate and connect with nature before I can learn to use it properly. The light’s harmless, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

Raven gave Mark a doubting look, and Mark tried to give her his most reassuring smile. She really didn’t have anything to be afraid of.

But Mark was worried when he heard that the light was so bright. Was the light going to be something consistent every time he used this blessing!? That might turn out to be a lot more disadvantageous than Mark was willing to accept! What if Mark was in a life-or-death battle when he had to hide and watch the opponent using this power? He would be giving away his location the moment he tried to activate it!

Mark shook his head and sighed as he decided that he would just deal with that later. First, Mark had to make sure he could actually use the power without getting a massive headache!

Mark turned to Raven.

“Raven, I need you to help me out with something. Whenever I use this power, I sometimes get a splitting migraine that breaks my concentration. Is there anything that you know can help with this?”

Raven hummed as she lit a cigarette and came over to sit in front of Mark. She asked Mark what exactly he envisions while meditating, and Mark told her that he doesn’t think about anything. Mark focuses on the darkness behind his eyes to make sure he is as calm as possible, and Raven nodded and spoke.

“Maybe you should try feeling it more than just seeing it. Meditation isn’t just you trying to empty your mind, it’s you trying to understand your body better. If you constantly focus on darkness, then you won’t really be able to connect with your body. It’ll be difficult at first, but you need to envision that feeling you’re going through at any time. The feel of your breathing, the beating of your heart, the rushing of your blood through your veins. Feel all of these things and stop focusing on seeing anything, that might help you more.”

Mark hummed and thanked her for the help before he closed his eyes and focused once more. This time, Mark focused more on feeling rather than just seeing, just like Raven had suggested. He felt for everything around him and inside of him and calmly took a breath as he allowed his mind to wander through the feelings!

The last time Mark had done this, he stayed in a meditative state for more than two hours before he saw any form of progress, but this time, Mark only stayed in the meditative state for an hour before he felt his mind start to wander through the consciousness of the world once more.

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