On the day of Salazar’s execution, Luna was in the wide, circular room with other guild leaders and government officials, watching the spectacle from an upper balcony surrounding the arena below. A stone block stood in the center of the room with a depression in the middle where Salazar’s neck would rest.
A man dressed in black and carrying a long axe stood beside it, his face covered with a white mask.
The door on the other side of the room opened, and Salazar was led in by some guards. He looked clean and shaven, wearing a black shirt and trousers, with food crumbs on the side of his mouth, indicating he had just finished his last meal. Normally, the government would never sentence a person to such a bloody death. They would have sentenced him to either hanging or electrocution.
But since Salazar was a superhuman, they knew it would be nearly impossible for him to die by those means. Superhumans were far more durable than humans, so the judge had to ensure that whatever sentence they gave Salazar would kill him in one try.
Salazar looked unfazed by the sight of his executioner and allowed the guards to lead him toward the block without any hesitation. He was about to kneel in front of the block when he suddenly stopped, his eyes trailing up to the balcony opposite from where Luna was standing.
Suddenly, it felt like the air in the entire room grew heavy as Salazar’s pressure seemed to inflate and pour out of him in waves! The guards at his side tensed in response, but they didn’t need to bother because Salazar just shouted loudly in glee.
“I knew you would come, KING!”
Everyone’s eyes trailed over to the other side of the room, and Luna gasped quietly when she saw Mark standing on the balcony, looking down at Salazar with a cold gaze. Mark didn’t bother to respond, and Luna could hear some of the people around her wondering why Salazar was calling GHOST the KING.
“You just couldn’t stay away, could you!? The mere thought that someone else would take this kill from you must’ve been eating you alive on the inside! If only I managed to gut those foolish girls, this reunion would have been more memorable!”
Mark’s expression never changed, but the pressure in the room began to rise as his anger grew. Salazar’s grin widened as he knew he was getting to Mark.
“Don’t you worry! I have a lot in store for you, KING! I’m going to take away everything that you love, and there’s nothing you will be able to do about it! This city, this country, this world, and all the vermin living in it. Their time has run out, and I will be the catalyst that brings about the change. Just you wait!
I’ll make sure you have a front-row seat as my vision comes to life! I’ll make sure of it!”
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Mark said nothing in response to Salazar. He just continued to look down at him like all the other silent observers as Salazar was led to the block once more and forced to kneel. Salazar kept his eyes on Mark no matter how much they moved him around, and it wasn’t until they put a bag over his head that Salazar finally rested his neck on the platform and relaxed his body.
The executioner walked up to Salazar, made the sign of the cross, and then raised his axe. Somewhere in the background, a priest completed his prayer.
“May your soul not lose its way through the Styx.”
Salazar’s head dropped into a basket in front of the block, and Mark turned around and walked away from the scene.
Luna quickly moved through the crowd of people walking towards the exit as she tried to catch a glimpse of Mark. Everyone she passed made some room for her, and Luna was able to catch Mark’s retreating form after a few seconds of searching. Luna had no idea why she was even looking for Mark.
She had already decided not to talk to him for some time since he rejected her, but she found herself moving closer to him. She couldn’t let him go after everything that just happened.
There were others surrounding Mark, trying to strike up a conversation with him, but Mark’s hostile aura alone was enough to make most of them back off. It was obvious that Mark was not happy, and they were smart enough not to try talking to an angry person.
“Mark! Mark, wait.”
Luna called out to Mark from behind, and she saw him stop once he heard her voice. Mark turned around curiously, and Luna finally reached him with a tired sigh. There were too many people around them. If not for the fact that most of them moved out of her way once they saw who she was, Luna was sure she would have lost Mark.
Mark looked down at Luna with a small frown on his face, and Luna felt a small blush rising on her cheeks as memories of what happened between them began to come to the forefront of her mind, but she managed to push those thoughts down as she smiled worriedly at Mark.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Mark’s brow furrowed before he closed his eyes and sighed. When he opened his eyes again, he was a little calmer and managed to give Luna a tiny smile in return.
“Yeah, I’m fine. How are you? It’s been a while.”
“Almost a month, yeah. I didn’t see you at any of the trials, so I didn’t think you would come for the execution.”
Mark just shrugged as he looked behind Luna – back at the room where Salazar was just killed. Mark didn’t think he would come here either, but he just had to see this for himself.
“I came around the area to check up on the Eldritch that we captured. There hasn’t been any progress in getting it to talk again, so I was wondering what was going on. I figured I’d just stop by to see how the execution went.”
That was a lie, and even Luna could tell that Mark wasn’t telling the full truth. It was true that Mark came around to check up on the Eldritch, but he made sure to finish that task as quickly as possible so that he could come over here and see the execution. Even if Mark couldn’t kill Salazar with his own hands, he needed wanted a front-row seat to see the bastard die.
Mark looked around them and saw that many of the people leaving the building were staring at Mark and Luna as they passed. Some of the more meddling superhumans even brought out their phones and took pictures or videos of them talking. Mark knew that those would likely appear on the internet before long.
“Come on, my car’s over at the parking lot, let’s talk there Are you on your way home?”
Luna nodded.
“Yeah, I didn’t bring my car, so I was thinking of calling my secretary to pick me up. If you don’t mind, maybe you could take me home?”
Luna sounded a little hesitant to say those last words, but she was able to keep her voice steady without making it seem like she was anxious. She expected Mark to refuse or give some excuse and let her down gently, but she was surprised when he just nodded and waved her on.
“Alright, come on. We can talk on the way.”
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