[You already said that. And you don’t have to like it. But, it’s the only plan with the least amount of risk and the highest chance of success. I know it’ll work, but I’m going to need you to agree before we move forward, captain.]

Mark looked at Jeanne who was still standing in front of him, and he could see the confusion on her face as she waited for him to finish his call with her brother. Mark could almost see Pat’s expectant face overlapping on top of her own, and he finally nodded and told Pat to go ahead.

“In and out, nothing else. We don’t know what’s in there, so don’t send in anyone that can’t protect themselves. Keep me updated on the mission no matter what happens. Do you understand?” Stay updated through

[You got it, captain.]

Pat cut off the phone once he was done talking, and Mark turned back to Jeanne and thanked her for her help.

“I have to get back to class.”

Jeanne raised a surprised brow as she looked from Mark over to the blob of mutilated bodies before glancing back at Mark. He was just going to ignore that thing?

“Aren’t you going to do something about that?”

“Your brother is working on it.”

Jeanne’s eyes widened.

“Pat? He volunteered to do something about this!? Don’t tell me he’s thinking of putting himself in danger! I’ll smack that idiot if he tries anything stupid!”

Jeanne knew that Pat was a reliable person, but this was not something that she wanted him to have any part in. The world of superhumans did not care about how smart you were. The only thing that mattered here was raw power. Pat did not have enough strength to do anything substantial here by himself.

“Yeah, he volunteered, but I don’t think he’s going to get into any trouble. He’s smarter than that. I have to lay low for now since all eyes are on me. It’ll be hard for us to find out what happened with the humans that were mutilated if I put the ones responsible for it on high alert. You work in the NSA building, don’t you?”

Jeanne nodded.

“Yeah, why?”

“For now, you should be careful around that building, especially a man named Salazar. We have a very short list of the possible culprits responsible for this, and Salazar is really high up on that list. If possible, take an extended leave or something. Just try to stay away until we’re sure of what Salazar is up to.”

Jeanne’s eyes widened in shock, and she couldn’t even say anything in return as her eyes trailed towards the dead anima and her mind raced. The NSA might be involved in this? That was crazy. If it was anyone else telling her this, then Jeanne would never even give it a second thought. The NSA has only helped people for a very long time.

They have spared no expense to make sure that superhumans and civilians didn’t get hurt by any anima disaster around the Federation of America.

But since it was Mark and Pat saying it to her, Jeanne couldn’t help but think deeply about it. It didn’t matter how much Jeanne trusted the NSA. She trusted her brother more. If her brother suspects the NSA, then there had to be a good reason for it.

Mark waved to Jeanne as he turned to leave.

“I have to get back to class. Go check up on Pat for me if you can, you know how he can get when he’s busy. Make sure the bastard eats something other than junk food at least.”

Jeanne nodded her agreement and she put on her gloves as she watched Mark jump up to a building to leave the scene with Tina following behind him.

“What the hell is that idiot doing? Doesn’t that girl know I can see her underwear?”

Jeanne was shocked when Tina jumped up and suddenly flashed every person in the area and Jeanne immediately concluded that Tina must be an idiot. Jeanne gave the mass of mutilated bodies one last glance before she shook her head and walked over to her helicopter to leave. She had to go see Pat.

[Life Academy] (A/N: Talia’s School.)

“Did you hear? There was another anima attack close to Nature Academy. They said it was three calamities this time. GHOST came to the scene himself and absolutely destroyed all of them in no time at all!”

“Three? Hasn’t the frequency been increasing since that calamity appeared from the ocean and GHOST was exposed? It’s almost every week now.”

“Yeah, you think they’re attacking more frequently because of him?”

Some female teachers were walking down the academy hallway while talking to themselves about the recent anima attack, but they didn’t notice the little girl who was passing beside them as she came out of the bathroom and made her way back to the class. Talia frowned as she heard that there was an anima attack near her big brother’s school.

Was big brother and that big-breasted bimbo okay?

If they are after big brother, then I’m sure he will be fine. But that big-breasted bimbo is not that strong, so she might not be able to win. I wish I was with big brother instead of being here.

Talia huffed as she entered the class and she immediately exclaimed in annoyance as she saw someone touching her teddy.

“What do you think you are doing to Teddy, you idiot!”

James immediately recoiled like he had been burned and turned around in shock, but once he saw that it was only Talia at the door, he sighed and frowned.

“Why are you screaming so loud? I was only touching it.”

“You don’t touch Teddy no matter what!”

Talia immediately stormed over to him and grabbed her teddy away from the wall. She hugged the enormous teddy close to her chest and glared at James in annoyance. James could not understand why Talia was so angry. It was just a teddy bear.

James had no idea that the teddy bear was the last thing that Talia’s grandfather James gave to her, so she loved that teddy bear more than anything in this world!

Well, the teddy bear and her big brother.

Talia finally huffed and turned away from James. She went to her seat and sat down alone while facing the board. The other kids in class had all gone out for recess, so Talia was the only one in the class right now. She would have gone out with them as well, but after the fight that she had with those bullies before, she decided that it was best if she didn’t interact much with the others.

They would only annoy her.

Thunk! Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!

Talia’s brow twitched.

Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!

“Will you stop doing that! Why are you even here!? Go away!”

James recoiled in surprise at Talia’s sudden outburst and he finally stopped tapping his finger on the desk. James frowned and told her that it was none of her business what he was doing there and Talia glared at him for another moment before turning away again and facing the board. The both of them stayed like that for a few moments before James finally spoke up.

“So uh…”

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