Maria didn’t need to be told twice and she took in a deep breath as Arit pressed the inhaler for her. Arit gave her another dosage when she noticed that Maria was not yet breathing well and it wasn’t until she gave three doses that Maria finally nodded and started to breathe on her own.

Arit was on her knees and she looked at Maria closely with that look of worry still on her face. Maria leaned against the table behind her and held her throat in pain as she watched Arit with a deep fear in her eyes. She didn’t understand what the hell just happened, but she knew that Arit was just about to kill her. Why the hell did she help her?

Arit dropped the inhaler on the ground and Maria almost flinched back from her as she thought that Arit was about to hit her. Arit frowned and sighed before getting back up.

“Sorry. I sometimes lose it when I hear anyone talk about Mark like that. Just, please don’t involve him in this. It was my mistake and I won’t let him face any consequences for it. If you even mention his name around the investigator, then I don’t know what I will do to you.”

Yeah, never again! Never in my life!

Maria nodded faster than she had ever nodded in her life! She didn’t know what the hell just happened, but she decided that she was never going to speak Mark’s name again in her entire life! Maria once had a small crush on Mark and if the situation were different, then she might have even pursued Mark and tried to steal him from Arit.

But after what just happened, she would find it difficult to even look Mark in the eyes ever again!

Arit was happy when Maria nodded and she smiled for a moment before she decided to get back to business. The break was almost over and they had to figure out what they would do about the twins. Was there any way to deal with a situation like this? The twins were far stronger than her and they also had Luna backing them up. Trying to get rid of them could end badly.

‘But it is worth the risk. We have to protect the King.’

Mark will be sad if I get hurt. We should tell him about this and come up with a plan together. It’ll be safer with the woof us working together, right?

‘No. If we involve the kings, then the King could be exposed. We have to cut off all possible chances of that happening. I say we kill the girl. She is the only weak link that exists right now. Killing her will ensure no harm comes to the King.’

Arit’s eyes trailed towards Maria as she heard what the queen said and Maria slowly reached back and grabbed a hold of the table when she saw the contemplative look in Arit’s eyes. Maria’s heart rate spiked and she suddenly felt the instinctive fear that rats feel when they are being stared down by cats.

The queen was right. Maria was literally the only person alive other than Arit and Mark who knew what happened that day.

Should I just kill her?

Arit quickly shook her head to get rid of that thought. No, that might end badly. We are trying to cover up murders. Killing another person will only make the government pay more attention to the school and things will get harder for Mark. Arit sighed and looked away from Maria and Maria felt her heart rate calm down a bit.

Maria would never know how close she came to being murdered at that moment.

Arit was still trying to think of something to do about this when she suddenly heard the doorknob rattling. Arit’s head snapped to the door and she quickly told Maria to get the fuck off the floor and clean her neck! There was an injury on Maria’s neck with a bit of blood leaking from it and anyone would be suspicious if they saw it.

Maria rushed to get up obediently and sat down on the seat she had been in before while cleaning her neck roughly and they both waited with bated breath as the door opened.


“What the hell are you doing all the way over here?”

Arit felt her heart soar in joy as she heard Mark’s voice echo from the door and she quickly went up to him happily.

“Mark, you came to get me?”

Mark hummed in confirmation while looking around the room. His eyes landed on Maria and he raised a brow when Maria immediately looked away from him and stared down at her feet. Mark’s keen eyes caught a glimpse of the injury on Maria’s neck and the fresh line of blood that was leaking from the wound. He frowned.

“What the fuck happened here?”

Arit swallowed slightly as she heard the anger in Mark’s tone. She quickly tried to explain.

“T-The queen got out of control, sorry. I just… couldn’t control it.”

Mark glared at the wound on Maria’s neck in irritation. He then closed his eyes and sighed to calm himself before opening them again and speaking to Maria.

“Can you drive?”

Maria looked up at Mark in confusion and Mark frowned at the stunned look on her face. Did he fucking stutter!?

“I asked you a fucking question.”

Maria quickly nodded once she noticed that Mark was not in a good mood.

“Y-Yes, I can! I can drive!”

Mark took out his car key and threw it at her. Maria stumbled to catch it and she finally brought it to her chest while looking up at Mark in confusion.

“Get the fuck out of here. Take my car and go home for the day, I’ll tell the principal you were sick. There’s a first aid kit in the car so use a bandaid to close that fucking injury.”

“W-What… but what about school?”

“Don’t make me fucking repeat myself!”


Maria quickly got up and rushed out of the room and Mark shut the door behind her and locked it with a click. Once they were alone, Mark turned to Arit. Arit was staring at her feet while hugging her hands across her stomach. She looked like she really regretted what she had done and she knew that she deserved Mark’s anger. But she never expected what Mark told her to do next.

“Bring her out.”

Arit looked up at Mark in confusion and Mark started walking towards her while talking. Arit backpedaled.

“Bring the queen out right now. You said you could control it, didn’t you? So you don’t need any trigger. Bring her out this instant!”

Arit’s face twisted in shock for a moment before it slowly started to relax into a calm look as her mouth slid into a grin! Arit’s poison-yellow eyes looked up Mark seductively and she stepped forward with a wide smile!

“Hello, my King.”

Slam! freē

Mark grabbed Arit by the shoulder and slammed her into the wall and the queen grunted in pain! His forearm pressed her against the wall and he leaned down to face her with a glare as she slowly smiled up at him.

“King, I know you’re angry, but I can explain. She would have exposed us if we let her go without scaring her. She dared to bring up your name without thinking and I didn’t want her making that same mistake again. She is weak, so she was going to talk sooner or later. I had to make sure she didn’t say anything about you.”

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