Chapter 299: I’m The Best - And Don’t You Forget It

Arit finally made it to the kitchen after a lot of limping and the sight that greeted her was something that she was never going to forget in her entire life.

Mark was standing shirtless in front of the stove with Talia sitting on his shoulder and laughing at something that he said. Mark was holding a spatula in one hand and he used it to flip the bacon in the pan before going to grab the toast as it came out from the toaster.

“So, where does Arit keep the butter?”

Mark asked with a small grin and Talia grabbed a fistful of Mark’s hair with both hands and turned his head in the direction that he was supposed to go!

“Over there. Big sister Arit likes to keep things high up so that she can reach them easily. She also does it so that I can’t reach it, but she doesn’t know that I have big brother! Humph!”

Mark obeyed her like a robot and went to the cupboard while chuckling at what she said, he could only guess that Arit put the butter there because Talia liked taking it. Mark spread butter on the toast and put them on a plate before turning around to put it on the table.

“Hey, Arit, you’re up?”

“Big sister! We’re making breakfast! Big brother is making breakfast!”

Mark wasn’t surprised to see Arit since he heard her coming even before she left the room. Arit was still standing in the doorway with a look of surprise on her face as she saw everything cooking in the kitchen. There was bacon, toast, coffee, pancakes, and even some juice with fruits. She didn’t expect this.

“I figured you’d be tired, so I decided to make breakfast. Come on, I’m almost done.”

Mark turned back to the stove to finish off the bacon and he was a little shocked as he felt Arit wrap her hands around him from behind and put her forehead on his back. There was a wide smile on Arit’s face as she squeezed him into a hug.

Mark chuckled as he finally put the fire off and took the bacon off the stove. He turned around and kissed Arit softly.


Talia got a front-row seat to watch the kiss and both Mark and Arit chuckled as she made a disgusted sound. Arit smiled up at Mark with pure love in her eyes.

“You’re the best boyfriend in the world.”

Mark winked at Arit and grinned coyly.

“That’s right, I’m freaking awesome. Now, come on, go grab a seat before our ratatouille gets too mad at us.”

Mark slapped Arit on the ass as he guided her towards the table, and Arit smiled as she went to sit down. Talia still had a look of disgust on her face and she shook her head as she grabbed hold of Mark’s hair again and turned him around to finish off breakfast.

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Arit tilted her head while talking.

“You want to go see Pat?”

Arit was rubbing some more butter on her toast when she heard Mark say that he wanted to go and meet with Pat. Arit was obviously surprised. Mark nodded, took a bite of his pancake, and swallowed before answering.

“Yeah, there’s something we need to talk about. I don’t think I can push it back anymore.”

‘They want to talk about us.’

Arit heard the voice of the queen echo in her head and she closed her eyes and sighed internally, knowing that she had caused Mark even more trouble.

‘We should kill Pat. He might try to make Mark leave us.’

Arit told the queen to shut up, Pat wouldn’t do that. If Pat says anything about them, then it is the truth, after all, they were the ones who killed Francis and Esmeralda without thinking about the consequences. Besides, Arit is sure that no matter what Pat says Mark won’t leave them. Mark loves her.

But even though Arit wouldn’t deny that she made a mistake, there was still part of her that wanted to talk to Pat and see if he was on her side or not. Would Pat really tell Mark to leave her?

She smiled at Mark while taking a bite of her toast.

“Maybe I can come along? I have work today, but I can leave if it’s something serious.”

“Nah, it’s nothing serious. I just need to see him before he starts spamming me with messages. You know how he gets when I ignore him.”

Arit chuckled. Mark and Pat had a weird friendship. They hardly spoke to each other, but whenever they did, they talked like they had been seeing each other every day for the past few years.

And if Pat ever called Mark and Mark didn’t pick up, Pat would get really worried and start spamming Mark’s phone with calls and messages before just tracking him down like some sort of stalker and pinpointing his position.

If Pat was a girl, Arit would have been very worried that Pat was in love with Mark. She was just glad that Mark’s best friend was a guy. Arit finally nodded and asked Mark if he could drop her off before he went to see Pat, and Mark agreed as they went back to eating.


Mark’s Kawasaki motorcycle stopped in front of a restaurant and Arit came down from the bike gently. Arit was wearing a pair of blue faded jeans that did wonderful things to her ass and a white t-shirt that hung loosely off one of her shoulders. She took off her helmet and most of the men around immediately turned in her direction to see her face.

The people on the streets were all staring at the pair in shock. Many of them recognized Mark as GHOST, and the recent news that Mark had recently become an Undefined superhuman had increased his popularity so much that there wasn’t a single person around who didn’t know about him.

“Isn’t that GHOST?”

“Holy shit, who’s that girl beside him? She’s smoking hot!”

“Haven’t you heard? That’s GHOST’s girlfriend, Arit. Social media has been going crazy about her for some time now.”

“They say she’s the sexiest of the BAGS.”

“The BAGS? What the hell are the BAGS?”

“Yo, are you for real right now? Have you been living under a rock? It’s obviously Boyfriends and Girlfriends of Superhumans. They even have their own reality TV show. It’s crazy good.”

A girl showed A man a MeTube page dedicated to the BAGS and the man deadpanned.

“What the fuck? People actually sit down to watch this?”

“Dude, you need to keep up with social life. Anyway, I hear Arit’s just a high school girl. Imagine a high school girl having a body like that.”

“Only someone like GHOST can get a girl like that. We normies ain’t got a chance. Should we go ask for an autograph? We might not see GHOST here again for some time.”

“Haha… I don’t think so. Remember what happened with Ghunter and that reporter that time? He killed her and they swept it under the rug like it was nothing. I don’t want to be some statistic. Just leave him alone.”

Mark took the helmet that Arit handed him and glanced at the restaurant curiously, wondering why Arit had been working so hard here for the past few weeks.

“You’re still not going to tell me what you’re doing this for, are you?”

Arit smiled and hugged Mark before giving him a small peck.

“Sorry, I’ll tell you about it when I’m done, okay? It’s a surprise.”

Mark just smiled at her as she gave him another kiss and he told her that he would pick her up later before he drove off to go see Pat. Arit watched Mark go with a happy smile on her face and waved at him one more time before she turned to enter the restaurant.

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