Chapter 291: I’ll Do Anything To Win


The wiik-bat was high in the sky and it tilted its head to the side curiously as it wondered what was going on. It could see its kind master down there and she was being held hostage by some other humans! The wiik-bat was confused for a few seconds before it realized that the humans holding its kind master hostage felt the same as the humans that surrounded the territory of the King!

These are the King’s minions!

This was bad! It had to send a message to that wicked master Mark!

The wiik-bat was about to send a message out to Mark, but it noticed that the police officers were pointing their guns at the crowd of people. The people in the crowd started to shout out in fear, but the police officers did not even give a damn as they started to fire!



“Argh! They’ve gone mad! Run! Run!”

“No! don’t kill my baby! We aren’t terrorists!”

“Give me your hand! We need to run! Agh!”

All over Saitama, the same scene was playing out as the police killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians on the King’s orders. They did not know who the master of Pawn was, but Joan figured that if she simply killed everyone in Saitama, then she would eventually kill the master of Pawn as well.



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The wiik-bat immediately flew down to the ground as it heard the sound of bullets being fired!

Luna was in the middle of the crowd, so she had not been hit by a bullet yet, and with the number of men running towards her to protect her from the bullets, she hadn’t even had to move since they started shooting, but the wiik-bat knew that it was only a matter of time before she got hit by a stray bullet!

The wiik-bat slammed into the police officer closest to Luna and knocked him out from the force of the impact! It screamed out its signature sound to Luna, telling her to run, and it quickly sent a message to Mark to tell him what was happening!

Mark was dodging hundreds of blood spikes coming at him from every direction! He had a look of intense concentration on his face as he watched Joan floating in the sky and sending the spikes at him, and he tried his best to think of a way to defeat her.

‘Should I just try to bring her mana down to half of mine? No, that would take too long. She has at least three times as much mana as me. Trying to bring it down will take too long.’

That meant that Mark had to use physical force against her. Mark just had to beat the shit out of her until she could no longer attack him!

Mark felt his hand twitch as he thought about attacking immediately, but the smile that started growing on his face suddenly died again as he narrowed his eyes at Joan.

‘There’s that feeling again. What is this shit?’

Mark felt that feeling inside him again as he glared at Joan. For some reason, Mark just couldn’t get into the mood. Normally, at a time like this, Mark would be really getting into the fight. Even if the fight was dangerous and he could lose his life, Mark would be feeling excited at the mere thought of going up against an opponent.

But Mark just couldn’t get into the mood here. It was something that Mark was not used to feeling and he decided that he would just ignore the feeling for now and focus on the fight. There was no need for him to allow something like that to stop him from winning a fight.

Mark changed his direction of movement and he suddenly started to rush towards Joan! Joan was a little surprised by the sudden charge, but she did not let that stop her from attacking with even more fervor! The blood in the air gathered around her and she sent it at Mark like a battering ram! Mark easily dodged around it and it slammed into the ground with enough force to leave a deep crater!

Mark ducked into a building at the side as the blood formed into a sharp pole and flew straight at him! The pole broke through the building wall and Mark used the back of his glove to redirect it as it was about to slam into him!


The pole flew to the side and slammed into another wall and Mark dashed out from the building as many more of the blood-poles slammed through the roof and obliterated the building!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Mark was about to launch himself off the ground to meet Joan in the air, but he stopped as he got a message from the wiik-bat.

The wiik-bat transmitted a feed of what was happening in Saitama back to Mark and Mark’s eyes widened in shock as he saw Luna being shot at by a police officer. She was hiding behind a car as the bullets flew everywhere and Mark felt a massive wave of anger rising from inside him once he saw it!

Joan continued controlling the blood around her with a calm look on her face as she prepared to send another wave of attacks at Mark, but she stopped what she was about to do as she noticed Mark was no longer looking at her. His gaze was focused on something in front of him and his brow was furrowed in anger as his hands tightened into fists.

Joan did not know what Mark was looking at, but she could only guess that Mark saw what she was doing in Saitama somehow. She smiled and raised her hand to gather a blood arrow in front of her!

Name: Joan d’Arc

Role: Servant King

Game Rank: EPIC Rank I

True Rank: B Rank

Potential: B Rank

Description: The visionary seer who was once a major leader during the hundred-year war between France and England. She was once heralded as the voice of the gods and her visions led the people of France to many victories against the English, but as time passed, she was accused of witchcraft and burned at the pyre for her crimes.

She holds a deep resentment for the gods for allowing her to be killed and there is no love left in her heart for humans, so she feels nothing even after killing thousands.

Affiliation: True Evil

Joan thought that Mark would get angry or perhaps rush at her once he saw what she was doing. Joan did not know what Luna looked like, but from what she could see, she knew that she was close to killing Luna. If she allowed her minions to keep shooting for a while longer, she would eventually get Luna as well.

[Demonic Killer’s Aura] has been activated!

[The opponent has been inflicted with [Fear]]

[All the opponent’s skills will temporarily receive a 50% reduction in strength.]


A great surge of fear suddenly filled Joan’s entire body as she felt something creep over her. She immediately backpedaled in fear as she thought that she was under attack, but she saw that Mark had still not moved from his spot. What the hell was that feeling? It felt like something was squeezing her heart in a vice grip!

Joan immediately brought up her hand to attack Mark, but Mark vanished as he dashed to the side! He flashed over the ground before launching himself up to reach Joan faster than she could keep up with!

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