Luna’s footsteps left small traces of ice on the floor, and the air around her was so cold that people could see the icy mist wafting off her skin as she entered the building. This prevented anyone from getting too close to her unless they wanted to have their skin frozen off their bodies.

“Am I the only one left to give my report?”

Luna suddenly spoke up as she entered the building, and the woman following behind Luna quickened her pace so that she would be able to speak while walking right behind Luna.

“No, ma’am, the rest of the SOVEREIGNS are also in the building, and some of them are scheduled to give their reports sometime after you give yours.”

Luna had no reaction when the woman said that the rest of the undefined superhumans were also in the building. Even though everyone else in America thought that the SOVEREIGNS were a tight group that knew each other and kept tabs on the other SOVEREIGNS, that was not the case at all.

Luna did not know when people started calling her one of the SOVEREIGNS, and she was not interested in knowing what sort of responsibility they were placing on her for being a part of that group. Luna wouldn’t deny that she wanted to have stronger people in her guild.

Her Moonlight guild already had a lot of S ranks in it, but they were still only an S rank group since she was the only undefined superhuman in the entire guild.

It would definitely be a great boost to their ranking if they had at least two more undefined superhumans who were willing to join and boost their guild ranking to Undefined. But Luna never even bothered to ask any of the SOVEREIGNS to join her guild. The reason for this was simple.

“Luna, baby! Look at you! You’ve grown even more beautiful since the last time I saw you! If I didn’t know any better, I would think that you were doing plastic surgery just to maintain that beautiful fa?ade of yours or something! Hahahahaha! Come give Daddy a hug!”

Luna hated most of those bastards.

The person who just spoke was a large man who was almost twice as tall as Luna. He had large hairy arms and a very heavy build that made him seem more like a giant than an ordinary man. His blond hair was cut like a lion’s mane, and he left it to flow freely down his back, giving him an extremely wild and dangerous look.

But even with all this intense muscle and the intimidating height difference between him and everyone else around him, there was an air of calmness and happiness surrounding him and making him seem like a very accepting person. The man was wearing a pair of shorts and a Hawaiian-style top that he left unbuttoned at the top, showing off his hairy chest.

He took off his sunglasses, and some of the women around the area they were standing in felt their ovaries shake as they saw the intense look in his golden eyes! Even though he was smiling, there was nothing that could hide the fire burning in his gaze! It was obvious that he was already prepared for a fight no matter the situation.

The man was named Gunter Jake, and he was one of the five Undefined Superhumans living in the Federation of America, and the only superhuman who refused to ever start a guild or join a guild. Gunter was an anomaly to almost everyone in America. He was an extremely powerful man blessed by the God of War, Ares, and he could decimate Calamity and Eldritch class anima like they were nothing to him!

But he refused to be a part of any guild because he believed that he could fight better if he was fighting on his own.

But that did not stop the American Federation from putting sanctions on him. Gunter was too powerful to leave on his own, so the American Federation declared that Gunter himself was a guild all on his own, and they demanded that he come into the Federation once a month to give an account of his recent activities because of how dangerous it was to leave someone like him to his devices.

Gunter did not agree to this at first. There was hardly anyone who would have been happy to come to the American Federation to tell strangers about what they’d been doing for the past month, but the American Federation struck a secret deal with Gunter, and that was the only reason why Gunter began to do as he was told.

No one knew what the deal was or what sort of reward they were giving him for staying in line, but everyone knew that it was not something insignificant at all if it was able to keep someone as uncontrollable as Gunter in check.

Luna looked up at the much taller man with a cold gaze, and Gunter stepped even closer to her as he entered the range of her ice wave. Gunter’s skin immediately began to fight against the ice as fire came out from some of his pores and danced around his body like snakes while beating back the ice from Luna’s ice aura. Luna glared harder, and Gunter smiled as she spoke.

“I remember telling you never to call me baby again, didn’t I? The next time this happens, you and I will have more than just words.”

Gunter waved the threat away like it was nothing. Everyone in the area could feel a deep chill entering their bodies as Luna’s aura became more intense, but Gunter was able to withstand it easily as the snakes of fire on his skin battled them off and prevented him from feeling anything.

“Oh, come on, Luna, try to loosen up a little. This is exactly why you’re still single. That stick up your ass will probably drive any man away from being with someone like you. But you know, I wouldn’t mind taking you off the market if you want. It’s going to be a hassle to take you, but who’s to say I wouldn’t enjoy the challenge? That is the most fun about women like you.

You might be ice cold, but you have a fire that is unmatched by anyone else. I just love it.”

Luna’s eyes narrowed even more, and she finally looked away from Gunter before she started to walk away while completely ignoring him. Gunter watched Luna go with a small smile on his face, and he whistled wistfully as he watched the skin that was exposed on Luna’s back and the curve of her back leading down to her ass swaying as she walked away.

Gunter wouldn’t call Luna the most endowed woman in the world because she wasn’t. She did not have the largest breasts or the biggest ass that he had ever seen, but there was just something different about her body. Her aura, her gaze, her power, her beauty. Her fucking beauty. There was nothing that could rival that beauty.

It was almost celestial in nature, and Gunter decided that he wanted that beauty all for himself.

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