“Stop with the rubbish and answer me! I need an extraction! I can make it to the roof, but I need you to send a copter for me!”

[I don’t think you understand what I was trying to say here. You see, your face is on the news now. You’re quite popular. And that means that you have been compromised. I don’t know what you think this partnership was, but I have no use for someone whose identity is compromised. There was only one thing that you were good for, after all.

And now that you can no longer carry out that one task, you are useless to me.]


The call cut off as the man finished talking, and the killer cursed as he turned around and aimed right for Mark’s eye! But Mark suddenly disappeared from where he had been standing and appeared right beside the killer with his arm drawn back!

The space in front of Mark’s arm seemed to distort and a massive wave of matter seemed to gather at a single point in front of his fist before exploding as he released the punch!

[Divergent Fist]!!



Surprisingly, the killer was still able to activate his exoskeleton in the perfect place to protect his body from Mark’s punch, but no matter how strong his exoskeleton was, there was nothing that it would do against a punch that had been multiplied exponentially like the Divergent Fist! The killer felt something break inside his body before he was launched like a rag doll into the air!


He slammed into the ceiling of the office before he fell to the ground and skipped across the concrete like a stone on water!





He finally stopped moving as his back slammed into the wall on the other side of the office, and Mark brought his fist down and relaxed himself slightly. Outside the window at the side, the sun was already setting, and Mark could see many police lights shining through the dark sky as they surrounded the building.

“You’re done, killer. Just give it up.”

The killer grunted as he heard what Mark said, and Mark watched apathetically as the killer struggled to get himself to his feet.

“Hnngh~ Fuck.”

The killer’s left leg shook as he put weight on it, but he tightened the muscles there and it finally became strong enough to support him. He spat out a wad of blood and stumbled to the side for a moment, but he managed to stop himself from falling as he stood up fully. The killer was still holding onto his gun, and Mark was impressed that he never let go of it in the middle of all that movement.

I guess it’s his training that made him hold it that tightly.

The killer looked to be on his last leg. He was bleeding from his head again, and there was blood leaking from his mouth. One of his eyes was swollen shut, and he couldn’t feel anything on the right side of his abdomen. It was almost as if that side was paralyzed from the intense pain after that punch.

‘Are you happy?’

‘You don’t look happy?’

The killer chuckled. Why the fuck is that coming to him now? He took in a deep breath as he stood tall and faced Mark.

“You know, I don’t think you’re human. I’ve always completed my assignments. All I needed was a bit of research, and I could do it easily. But you, you’re an enigma. I can’t get a read on your abilities at all.”

Mark grunted when he heard this, and he spoke with a spiteful tone in his voice.

“Then you shouldn’t have accepted this mission at all.”

The killer chuckled.

“No, maybe I shouldn’t have. But what can I do? This is all I’m good for, after all.”

In the park close to the Red Lotus Hotel, Talia was sitting on the bench with her teddy bear in her hand. She glanced up at the sun, and she frowned as she saw that it was already setting. Was that old mister not going to come today? How terrible. He told her to come, and then he just forgot about her the next day. And she was even gracious enough to bring him some seeds for the birds!

Talia huffed as she hopped off the bench to leave. Big Brother would be back from school by now, so she would get in trouble if she stays out too late. She opened her bag of seeds and left it on the bench before turning to leave.


Once she was gone, a flock of ravens descended on the seeds.

I’m so tired.

“Sigh~ I suppose you wouldn’t give me the option of simply going to jail.”

The killer looked into Mark’s eyes, and he saw cold determination in them. Mark was going to kill him, and there was no alternative as far as Mark was concerned.

“If I spare your life, would you stop?”

The killer grunted as he turned away from Mark They both knew the answer to that question. The killer knew that he would not be going to jail.

“Well, I guess that’s for the best. I’m not really cut out for jail anyway. It’s no different from the army. All you do is sleep, shit, and suffer. Hey, kid, since I’m going to die, I guess I should give you a heads-up. The person that sent me to you is one of your classmate’s father.”

“Which one?”

“Can’t say. Confidential.”

“You’ll be dead.”

“Even in death, a man must keep to his honor. Even a killer has honor.”

Mark clicked his tongue in irritation, and the killer just smiled.

“You young ones are always so impatient. But I guess I was also like that once.”

‘Are you happy? You don’t look happy.’

The killer shook his head.

“There is a group in Japan, they are called the Syndicate. I don’t know what they all have against you, but you’re a primary target for them. Now that I’m gone, they’ll be sending others, so be prepared. As a clue, they are somehow related to Salazar. Oh, it seems you know him. That’s good.

This should fuck him up really good. Give him hell for me, alright kid.”

Mark’s eyes widened once the killer mentioned Salazar, but Mark controlled his expression again after the killer noticed and spoke up once the killer was done.

“What do you know about Salazar?”

The killer coughed up some blood and spat it to the side before he spoke again.

“Cough! Cough! Not enough to be any help to you, kid. He’s a snake, that’s all I can say. Watch out for that one.”

Mark could see real hatred for Salazar when the killer spoke about him, so Mark knew that he could trust this information. Mark decided that he would look into this Syndicate.

The killer suddenly spoke up again.

“Justin Grant.”


“My name. My name is Justin Grant. Please remember it.”

Mark still looked as apathetic as ever as he shot down the offer.

“I will not.”

Justin smiled sadly as he looked down.

“Yeah, maybe it’s for the best that no one remembers.”

‘You don’t look happy.’

I am a killer. I am not meant to be happy.

A beautiful girl with blond hair and bright blue eyes smiled up at Justin. There was blood leaking from the side of the girl’s mouth, but that did not stop her from giving a beautiful kind smile as she caressed Justin’s cheek.

She suddenly grunted as Justin pressed the bloody knife in his hand deeper into her chest. After the pain passed, she spoke up again.

‘Everyone deserves to be happy. Especially someone as young as you.’

…I do not know how to be happy.

‘…Then you are no better than a dead man. Perhaps it will do you some good to leave this life behind and run far away. Maybe in that other life, in some distant future, you will find happiness. Maybe you will learn how to be happy.’

Maybe in another life.

Justin sighed as Mark charged for him! Mark shot his hand forward, and Justin didn’t bother bringing up his defenses as he felt Mark’s hand tear into his chest and come out from the other side!



Blood dropped to the ground like a river of red!

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