Chapter 161: From This Moment Forward, Your Name is NPC Kent.

“Oh, yeah, I heard he had another fight against a calamity class the other day!”

One of the boys from Kevin’s friend group suddenly spoke up loudly as he came closer to Arit and Mark’s table, and Arit forced her smile to stay in place as the boy continued talking without caring that he was not even invited.

“He ended that fight even faster than the previous ones! Just how strong are you, Mark!? I’m sure you’re stronger than Taylor and Frostknight from the Artemis guild, right!?”

Frostknight was another A-rank from the Artemis guild. His power centered mainly around his ability to create and utilize ice swords in battle, so the internet started calling him Frostknight as a moniker.

Mark was still eating silently as he completely ignored the boy who came up to them, but Arit was not as cold as Mark. She felt like it would be rude if she didn’t at least give him some attention or answer some of their questions, so Arit took it upon herself to start answering some of the questions that they were asking Mark.

“I-I’m not sure how much stronger he is than –”

Another person cut her off before she could get her words out.

“I’m sure he’s stronger than them. He’s GHOST, after all. Even his fighting style is better than theirs, he uses nothing but his fists but those others all use other weapons or elements in their fights.”

This time it was a girl who spoke up as she walked close to the group, and Arit started to feel very uncomfortable as the rest of Kevin’s friend group started to congregate around their table and continued asking more questions. Arit didn’t mind answering their questions, but she was worried that Mark would be irritated since he was not the sort of person that liked being in a group like this.

Arit started to answer questions with short, clipped answers to try and get this over with as quickly as possible.

“No, I don’t know who his patron god is, you should ask him yourself.” your m,vle mpyr source

“What do you mean how big is he? Don’t ask something so stupid.”

“He doesn’t use any weapons. He only uses his fists.”

“Who is Taylor? Is he also a superhuman? But, no, I don’t know if he is stronger than Taylor.”

“His three sizes? …Why would you even want that?”

Arit was answering the questions as Mark just kept eating without a care in the world. The group just kept increasing as they started getting more and more daring to become close to Mark, but the entire atmosphere suddenly changed as one of the girls that came close to them dared to sit down on Mark’s table.

Arit had been smiling kindly while answering most of their question. She was the class representative, so she was already used to dealing with most of them and she also knew how to make sure they did not go out of line and start bothering Mark. But once that girl sat down on Mark’s table, it felt like ice-cold water was poured on Arit and her expression immediately hardened.

Everyone there could sense the change, and the girl who sat at Mark’s table looked at Arit with a sly smile as she leaned down to talk directly in Mark’s ear.

The girl was a gyaru who had a lot of makeup on. Her nails were painted bright pink, and she had a very bountiful chest that bounced as she moved. One of her uniform buttons was opened to reveal just enough cleavage to excite any man, but not enough for it to be considered unacceptable by the school! She was an expert at walking the fine line between moral and immoral!

“Hey, Mark. I’ve been dying to talk to you about something really important, but there are a lot of people here and I’m not really comfortable around crowds. How about we find a more private place to talk?”


The sound of something breaking echoed through the class and everyone turned to see that it was Arit’s spoon that had snapped in half from the amount of force she was using to hold it. She was now openly glaring at the girl on Mark’s table and she spoke in a tone that left no room for argument.

“We are within the school premises and such acts are not permitted among students. Get off. Now.”

Mark was sure that there was a ‘bitch’ somewhere in Arit’s throat that would have come out at any moment, but he was glad that she managed to hold herself back. Arit had a reputation to uphold as the class president and Mark didn’t want her to tarnish it over something this stupid. This bitch wasn’t worth it.

The girl swallowed as she saw the expression that Arit had, and she slowly inched back until she slid off the table. Mark finally finished his food and he gently closed the plate and handed it back to Arit with a smile.

“Thanks, babe. It was great as always.”

Arit seemed to completely forget about what just happened as she collected the plate from Mark with an excited smile on her face. She told him that he was welcome and asked if it wasn’t too spicy. Mark told her that it was just the right amount of spicy.

Mark stood up and put his hands in his pocket before letting his eyes roam over everyone there.


The students all seemed to automatically shut up and gaze up at Mark reverently as he towered over everyone in the room. Those who were standing in front of his desk took steps back as his height overshadowed them and made them feel very small.

Mark scratched the back of his head with a dull sigh.

“I’m not interested in going anywhere with anyone, Kent, so stop asking. And I hate crowds, so don’t let something like this repeat itself again. Keep your distance.”

Kevin’s brow furrowed as he noticed Mark was staring at him while talking.

“Kent? My name isn’t – ”

Mark raised a brow as he dared Kevin to complete that sentence and Kevin swallowed in fear. Mark didn’t even release any pressure at all, but just that small movement from him was enough to make Kevin rethink his words. Kevin just decided that it didn’t matter what Mark called him after all.

“Y-Yeah, sure. I understand.”

“Good. I’ll be back soon, Arit, gotta go to the toilet. Move, NPC Kent.”

Mark started to walk and everyone there just parted like water for him. Once Mark was gone, Arit smiled shyly as she put his flask back in her bag. She was glad that he liked the food. This was the first time that she was trying out one of her mother’s recipes for spicy food and she thought that it would be too spicy for Mark, but she was glad that he didn’t even complain once.

She would make another spicy meal for him tomorrow.

A shadow suddenly fell over Arit and she looked up from her food at the person standing in front of her desk. Esmeralda had a blank look on her face as she looked down at Arit with an arrogant expression on her face. Her hand was on her waist and she huffed as she slammed the other hand on Arit’s table while leaning down.

Arit blinked in shock as Esmeralda came down until their noses were almost touching. Esmeralda wasn’t even from this class, so Arit was wondering what she wanted! Does she also want to know more about Mark? Arit’s brow furrowed as this thought crossed her mind!

Arit was a woman and she can sense when other women are interested in her man. Arit knows that Esmeralda had some sort of crush on Mark, but Arit also knows that Esmeralda looked down on Mark because she thought that he was too poor and low class for someone like her, so Esmeralda never acted on her feelings.

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