Strongest Counterattack

Chapter 396 - Make Some Comments

Chapter 396 Make Some Comments

The pattern-carved door of the main living room had been shut by Secretary He so that other people couldn’t see Qin Sheng and Song Ruyu, giving them some privacy to chat away and learn more about each other.

Old Master Song believed that they would not be embarrassed due to his granddaughter’s ability to get along well with others. More importantly, they used to be friends when they were young, and they could chat away about something interesting from their childhood. Qin Sheng didn’t look like a nerd anyway.

“Ran Ran, what do you think of Yu’er? You’re about to be her sister-in-law. I hope that you can take care of her, rather than abuse her.” Old Master Song’s joke flustered the other ones, thinking that their Old Master was determined to let Song Ruyu marry Qin Sheng regardless of other people’s and even Yu’er’s opinion.

Qin Ran became still, flustered by Old Master Song’s direct words. She hesitated to answer, thinking of Lin Su, Qin Sheng’s girlfriend. But honestly, she was content with Song Ruyu.

“Grandfather Song, I think that it depends on their own opinions. We shouldn’t force them,” Qin Ran expressed tactfully.

Old Master Song offered a smile and said, “This engagement was made by your grandfather and me for the better future of both our families. I had hoped that you could marry Hesheng, but you didn’t. Now it’s Qin Sheng and Ruyu. Though I haven’t met him in about 20 years, I’m quite satisfied with him. I have an eye to judge people with, which was taught to me by your grandfather. As for Yu’er, I’ll talk with her. Of course, they should both agree to the marriage. I’m not that stubborn.”

Qin Ran was anxious but still offered a smile. “You’re right, Grandfather Song. But Ruyu’s too good to be Qin Sheng’s wife.”

“You don’t have to worry. Yu’er is too picky, but she has to marry someone.” Old Master Song giggled. He was confident about his control over the Song Family, and nobody dared to disobey him. He knew his granddaughter well and was sure that he would persuade her.

Qin Ran didn’t continue for fear of annoying Old Master Song or other people of the Songs. Whilst the men from the Songs all sighed silently, thinking that Ruyu wouldn’t refuse if Old Master insisted. She had been obedient and fancied nobody.

Song Hesheng felt sick by this but couldn’t do anything about it. He had asked Ruyu about her opinion on marriage and her answer had shocked him. He was not sure whether or not it was a good thing for his cousin to be so excellent.

Outside the living room, in the yard, Qin Sheng and Song Ruyu had no idea of what was happening. Song Ruyu made some guess in her mind, while Qin Sheng knew nothing at all. So the chat was going on without any awkward feelings. If Qin Sheng knew something, he might have done something to annoy the Songs.

“So you’ve been in Xi’an? I’ve been there a couple of times. I like the Beilin Museum and recommend it to my friends a lot. Unfortunately, most people prefer popular tourist attractions, rather than this kind of place embodying traditional culture.” Song Ruyu asked something about Qin Sheng’s past and wondered why the Qin Family didn’t find him.

Since she mentioned the Beilin Museum, considering the Chinese classics collection there, Qin Sheng was surprised by this woman’s special taste and had good feelings about her. She had great accomplishments, and her elegant aura and unique name indicated this. She was different from those gorgeous barbie dolls.

Qin Sheng grinned. “I never expected that you’d like it. I like it there too. My grandfather used to take me there often on vacation to learn and practice traditional brush calligraphy.”

“Really?” Song Ruyu was surprised. “You must be good at brush calligraphy.”

Qin Sheng was humble. “Hahaha, I’m good, but not as good as my grandfather. My sister thought that I was bragging; she didn’t believe me.”

Song Ruyu gave a small smile. “I believe you. I can almost smell the pine-soot ink on you.”

But she sensed at once that she had said something weird. She felt a bit awkward, lowering her head, and said something else. “I like the Da Tang San Zang Sheng Jiao Xu stone tablet the best. It was made by Monk Huairen, referring to Wang Xizhi’s writing style.”

“Oh, I like Yan Zhenqin’s Yan Jia Miao stone tablet. It was a quite mature work compared with his early work, Duo Bao Ta stone tablet.” Qin Sheng was willing to talk about his interest. “Most people only know Wang Xizhi’s Lan Ting Ji Xu in semi-cursive script, which ranks first in the calligraphic history but know little about Yan Zhenqin’s Ji Zhi Wen Gao, which ranks second. Yan Zhenqi’s Zheng Zuo Wei Tie, Ji Zhi Wen Gao, and Ji Bo Wen Gao were brilliant semi-cursive script works, but most people only know his regular script work.”

Song Ruyu had been studying Chinese traditional culture, especially traditional brush calligraphy. But when Qin Sheng spoke, she just listened. She was admiring Qin Sheng more. It was so unique of him to know about traditional Chinese culture.

Song Ruyu thought for a while then said, “You like Yan Zhenqin.”

Qin Sheng didn’t deny it. “Hmm, I do like him. I learned semi-cursive script from his works.”

Song Ruyu hesitated a bit then said, “If you have time, can you imitate the Ji Zhi Wen Gao for me? I hope you don’t mind, I just like it.”

Qin Sheng giggled. “Hahaha, it’s fine. It’s totally OK. But I’m afraid I might fail to meet your high expectations.”

“I believe in you.” Song Ruyu offered a sweet smile.

At this moment, a young man’s voice broke in. “Who the hell is flirting with my auntie? You’d better stop. She won’t like you.”

Qin Sheng eyed the source of the voice, looking at the gate. A 20-year-old young man, accompanied by a middle-aged couple, came up to him. The young man had an arrogant expression on his face and in his tone and dressed in fashion garments.

“Song Shigui, behave yourself. Be polite.” Song Ruyu criticized him in an impatient tone and turned to the couple. “Dear brother, sister-in-law, how are you doing today?”

“Is Old Master in the living room?” The middle-aged couple stared at Qin Sheng, guessing who he was and why he was chatting and laughing with Song Ruyu.

Song Ruyu answered in a soft tone, “Exactly.”

The middle-aged man in the down jacket went over to Qin Sheng. “I’m sorry for my son’s offense. Please forgive him.”

Qin Sheng smiled and nodded, but didn’t say anything.

Song Ruyu didn’t continue to chat away with Qin Sheng, and led the couple and their son to the main living room.

Qin Sheng followed behind whilst Song Shigui, the young man, threatened in a gruff and low tone, “Stay away from my auntie. No matter what you’re thinking about, stop. If you don’t, I’ll teach you a lesson.”

Qin Sheng never gave in to a naughty child. He grunted. “You fancy her?”

The young man gave Qin Sheng a punch in a rage like someone had uncovered his secret. Qin Sheng held his fist forcefully and grabbed it harder. “You’re far from enough to beat me. I never bully little kids. If I’m seriously fighting, you might go to the hospital then.”

Qin Sheng’s force made the young man grimace and almost scream out, but he released him and stepped to the side the moment Song Ruyu opened the door. The young man was angry but didn’t dare to speak for fear of annoying his grandfather and taking a beating.

Song Ruyu opened the door and informed the people inside, “Grandpa, here come my brother and sister-in-law.”

Qin Ran, who was chatting away, stood up at once. “Grandfather Song, we’ve gotta go, hope to see you soon.”

Old Master Song didn’t urge them to stay, considering that they might have other plans. “Well, Ran Ran, see you. Xiao He will see you off.”

Qin Ran walked over to Qin Sheng and said goodbye to other people before leaving. Secretary He led them to the gate. When Qin Sheng turned to leave, Song Ruyu offered him a gentle smile, which was observed by Song Hesheng, making him sigh.

After they getting in the car, Qin Ran asked in a casual tone, “What do you think of Song Ruyu?”

Her words, however, were not understood by Qin Sheng; they only made him confused. “Emm, well, strange. She’s different. She’s really typical of her name, Ruyu, like the jade.”

Qin Ran giggled. “Hahaha, you don’t know her. Countless men in Beijing wanted to marry her, but were refused by Old Master Song, and they were all from big families. Song Ruyu herself is really picky, though. She’s never fancied anyone. I’ve never known a man who matches up with her. She’s like a book giving a reader endless aha moments.”

Qin Sheng didn’t continue the talk. He thought, “This is none of my business. She is not going to be my wife, and who knows when we’ll meet again.” If Qin Ran had told him they had an engagement, Qin Sheng would have been shocked.

After Qin Ran and Qin Sheng went back to Qin Family’s siheyuan, Qin Changan, however, didn’t ask anything about their visit to the Song Family, but waited for Qin Ran to report the details to him privately later on. He just informed Qin Ran and Qin Sheng of their next arrangements then.

At this very moment, in the Songs’ siheyuan, Old Master Song, his two sons, and grandson Song Hesheng were in the study while Song Ruyu and the guests were in the living room. But Song Ruyu’s mind was wandering around the study since she had already gotten an answer to what they were talking about.

In the study, Old Master Song sat in a palace chair, glancing at his sons and grandson and speaking in a plain tone. “Now you’ve met him. Make some comments.”

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