Chapter182,Part2: 2 - Escort ③

Chapter 182 Escort ③?

Part 2

At Term’s observations, Kruz lifted her pretty eyebrows and said.

“There isn’t such a thing as Ice Magic that can one-sidedly kill a Dragon that is boasted for its high durability…… Is what I would like to say, but there are traces of a large-scale Magic in the air, desu. It is probably not a Monster but a human that did it, desu.” (Kruz)

“Keke…… Kekekeke…………” (Kechakchakka)

Awesome…… So this is what Hunters do. The heck are traces of large-scale Magic in the air? What does Kruz see?

All I know is that it is the carcass of a dead Dragon.

Franz-san glared at me as I folded my arms and *unun* nodded my head in admiration.

“So, what is your opinion?” (Franz)

“Uuuuun…… Well, how do I say…… You don’t have to worry about this.” (Cry)

“What!?” (Franz)

I am not much of an observer, but once again, like last time, I have information they don’t have.

This is…… Lucia’s Magic. My “Imouto (Sister)”, Lucia Roger, specializes in offensive magic that targets a wide area.

《Strange Grief (Nageki no Borei)》 has often been surrounded by a large number of Monsters and Phantoms. There have been times when we were under fire from a very long distance, and on the other hand, there have been times when the enemy had been a great Magi.

《Strange Grief (Nageki no Borei)》 has also split the role of each member to plays. In cases like this one, Lucia is the one in charge of intercepting them.

As Lucia grew, her attack range continued to expand, and as can be seen from the fact that she has turned an entire city into frogs, she now boasts a huge attack range.

I am sure I am not wrong, as the favorite Magic Lucia likes to use is Ice Magic. (It seems that Lucia’s latest strategy is to slow down her opponent with her icy wave and let Luke and the other Members with high attack power finish them off.)

Since Sytry was here, it wouldn’t be surprising that Lucia, a good friend of hers, was here. Apparently, Sytry and the others are ahead of us, rather than following us.

Apparently, she is so, sooo worried about me, her big brother.

…… By the way, is it acceptable for my friends to come despite me reaching the number of people they specified in the escort?

Franz-san pressed on me when I was hesitating between being honest or lying to them.

“Don’t tell me, this is, your doing……!?” (Franz)

There’s no way that’s true. What on earth does Franz-san think I am? How can I, who has been with him almost all the time, kill a Dragon that was so far away?

Kechakchakka looked at me as if I was saying some bullshit.

However, that’s when a revelation came to me.

What if this is…… An excuse for us for when we went away?

I would be lying, but since I am the Leader of 《Strange Grief (Nageki no Borei)》, it isn’t an exaggeration to say that their power is my power, I think.

Uuuun, but that wasn’t the real reason why I went away though.

“………… W-Well, I would say that you are not too far off from the truth……” (Cry)

“Be more specific!” (Franz)

After all, Franz-san yelled at me when I made a comment that he can’t quite put his finger on.

“Yowaningen… Has been with me the whole time and hasn’t done anything, desu.” (Kruz)

Contrary to me who left it ambiguous, a very serious Kruz, made a reverse follow-up of what I said.

Well, she was certainly right, but…… Kruz really is an honest woman. I gave a pitiful smile and raised my shoulders.

“At any rate, this carcass isn’t such a big deal, so don’t worry about it. It is already dead anyway, so we better hurry up and get to the next town.” (Cry)

However, everywhere we go, we find dead Dragons.

It has now become a Dragon’s Fair. The situation was so abnormal that I could only smile bitterly.

A bunch of Monsters and a Land Dragon cut in half (Probably Luke’s doing).

A dead Red Dragon with hardly any scar on it (Probably Sytry’s doing).

A “Wyvern (Hiryu)” whose neck was forcefully twisted (Probably Liz and Anthem’s doing).

Even though I have lived through many battlefields and seen a lot of Dragons in my life, I have never seen so many different kinds of Dragons in a day.

At this horrific scene, even the proud Members of the Imperial Guard were turning pale, including Franz-san. Term still had some leeway, but he clearly wanted to say something. Maybe he had sensed that it was my friends who were doing this.

It’s alright, don’t worry…… Because it was my childhood friends who did this.

But to think so many Dragons appeared, maybe I should seriously think about keeping my distance from Zebrudia.

§ § §

Despite finding Dragon’s carcasses everywhere, we reached the city safely.

It was the most abnormal escort mission I have ever experienced. We were able to eradicate the group of Monsters that had attacked us once without much trouble, but the mental fatigue that the knights were under was beyond description.

The anxiety of not knowing what will happen. The heavy responsibility of guarding the Emperor. Some members of the group have been complaining about their physical condition because of countless Dragons attacking them, and the Chilldra nightmare that had attacked them yesterday. It seemed like a lie that it had only been two days since we left the Imperial Capital.

When Franz arrived at the inn and was summoned by His Majesty Radrick, Franz’s expression tensed involuntarily at what he heard.

“Put the Hunters…… Next to you, you said?” (Franz)

“Umu. Do you have any objections?” (Radrick)

His Majesty Radrick’s expression was still the same as he normally was, fearless and showing no signs of fatigue.

However, this was only because he didn’t show it to the public, so I am sure that His Majesty Radrick, who bears the Empire on his shoulders, has a lot more heartache than Franz Argman could ever feel.

It was humiliating. It had always been the job of the Imperial Guard to protect the Emperor. We have never handed over that role to anyone else.

However, I can also understand why the Emperor would order me to do so.

The knight in the Imperial Guard are all elite, but the power of 《Still Water (Shisui)――the power of a Level 7 Hunter was too different. Most likely Kruz or Kechakchakka, who is Level 6, are a superior Magi than the one in the Imperial Guard.

The swarm of Chilldra was a disaster that couldn’t be overcome by the Zero Knight Order, a division of the Imperial Guard, alone.

“Your Majesty has a point. 《Still Water (Shisui)》 is strong. We have seen him in action. …… However, the behavior of that man, of 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 is clearly suspicious. I think it is too early to put those people next to us.” (Franz)

A Level 8. It wasn’t too hard to imagine that his fighting ability was unparalleled, but his actions are too incomprehensible.

I know about the rumor of him being an unparalleled strategist, but everything about him just doesn’t make sense. So far, Franz has seen a variety of arrogant Hunters, but there was something different about these Hunters.

If I was being honest, they were members I would have never normally allowed to come with me.

Moreover, there are rumors about that man that said that he is happily putting his Clan Members through trials.


“Indeed, yes. However, that man’s innocence is guaranteed by the 『Tears of the Truth』.” (Radrick)

If we assume that this attack was all of the 『Fox’s (Kitsune)』 doing, then that means that our entire itinerary has been predicted. There is a high probability that there is a traitor among us.

And when it is like this, in the eyes of His Majesty, the only people whose innocence was guaranteed were――Franz, who secretly used the 『Tear of the Truth』 to prove his innocence in front of His Majesty and 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 who proved it in front of everyone. Strangely, that man was also the person Franz can trust the most.

When we found the Dragon carcasses, 《Infinite Variety’s (Senpen Banka)》 attitude was clearly calm. Even 《Still Water (Shisui)》 frowned at the situation, but he strangely showed a convinced look on his face.

I don’t know how he did it, and he hasn’t stated it, but if 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 took care of those Dragon before it could attack us, it would be too risky to remove that elusive man out of anger now.

Hunters are strong. Prioritizing his pride first and putting the Emperor in danger was an unbecoming decision for the “Commander (Dancho)” of the Zero Knight Order, which has protected the Emperor for a long time.

By keeping him nearby, Franz could keep an eye on his movements. If we use that excuse as a front, my subordinates who have a lot of pride would also be satisfied with it.

Radrick Atrum Zebrudia’s eyes were clear as if he could see right through Franz’s mind.

The highest priority was, of course, the Emperor. Franz couldn’t control the tension in his face, but he managed to stifle his voice and answered.

“Kuh………… As His Majesty wishes.” (Franz)

§ § §

Inside a room at the inn. After carefully examining and summarizing the situation so far, Term Apokris concluded with a bitter look on his face.

So far he has been only skeptical, but the situation has proven it.

Nine out of ten, 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 is a Member of the 『Nine-Tail Shadow Fox (Kyuubi no Kage Kitsune)』. Moreover, he was probably a very high-ranking member.

I don’t know how he got through the 『Tears of the Truth』, but…………? I will have to verify this.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Hahaha Term how did you end up with that conclusion!

How can our boy, Cry, be a member of a secret organization!? Noooo way, man!

Let the misunderstandings spread!

Tchao à plus!


Hiryu:? Literally translated to flying dragon.

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