Chapter 157: Fortress Siege 2

TL: Etude

Scott turned around and said to the other mages, Its time. Let us enchant the soldiers.

His companions nodded and followed him to a formation of infantry.

The soldiers in this formation were clearly elites. Most of them were tall and burly, giving the impression that each could take on ten men single-handedly. A smaller number were not as tall, but were compact and agile.

These were the assault troops meticulously selected by Samar.

They wore carefully crafted, high-quality leather armor, which covered even the usually exposed limbs with leather protective gear.

This troop would serve as the spearhead of the rebellion, breaching the defenses of the Thorn Fortress and carving a path for the following forces.

Upon the arrival of the four mages, an officer in the formation stepped forward to greet them.

Holy Ones, we are ready, he said.

Scott nodded at him, Good, we will begin our prayers now.

As a mage, Scott felt disgusted having to pretend to be part of the rival church in front of these low-ranking soldiers, but he knew he must endure this for a while longer.

Standing at each side of the formation, Scott and his three companions extended their arms towards the soldiers, chanting under their breath.

As they chanted, a faint glow began to emanate from the soldiers, or more specifically, from their equipment.

This was the first time the soldiers had witnessed such a phenomenon. They observed the equipment on themselves and their comrades with wide eyes. Any attempts to talk were quickly silenced by the officer.

Is this the result of praying to the gods? The blessing of the Lord of Light? Despite prior information, it still seemed unbelievable to them.

Days before, they had been selected from their units, informed they would lead the assault on Thorn Fortresss walls, clearing a path for the troops behind. They were promised substantial rewards for themselves or their families, enough to live without worries.

Some were thrilled at the prospect of a comfortable life post-battle, while others despaired at the dangerous task of being the vanguard in a siege, especially against Thorn Fortress, renowned as the strongest in the south. What use were rewards to the dead?

Then, suddenly, priests accompanying the army declared that four holy men from the holy city had arrived with a divine message: the soldiers chosen to lead the battle were under the special care of the Lord of Light, tasked with overthrowing the corrupt royal family. These holy men would pray for them before the battle, bestowing their armor with the power to repel blades and arrows.

Hearing that they were the chosen of the Lord of Light, the soldiers spirits soared. This was confirmed by the priests themselves, reviving even the most disheartened among them.

With the blessing of the Lord of Light rendering them impervious to weapons, they felt assured of surviving to enjoy their rewards. The morale of the five hundred men soared.

After about 20 minutes, the holy men ceased their chanting. They crossed their arms, catching their breath as if they had just engaged in strenuous exercise, drenched in sweat.

The glow faded from the soldiers and their equipment returned to normal. Seeing the holy men with closed eyes and regulating their breath, everyone remained silent, not wanting to disturb them.

Nearly two minutes later, Scott opened his eyes and said to the officer, It is done. You are now blessed by the Lord of Light. When the command to attack is given, fight bravely and do not disappoint the expectations of the Father.

He spoke these words while still gasping for air.

The officer was immensely excited, Yes! Holy One, we shall follow the divine command!

He had quietly taken out a dagger and tested it on his leather armor, to his utter astonishment. Could this still be called leather armor? The sensation from the dagger felt like striking a steel plate, yet when touched by hand, it felt no different from before.

Good heavens! Could it be that I truly am one of the chosen ones? he thought. No wonder we were selected from various units.

Scott added, Do not forget to take the holy medicine distributed to you. It will grant you immense strength, making your enemies seem as powerless as infants before you.

The officer immediately responded, Yes, yes, my lord, we are immensely grateful. Praise be to the Father, all glory to the Almighty Lord.

Hearing this, Scott felt uneasy inside, but he simply hummed in response and led his three companions to Samar, the commander of the army.

Lord, everything is in readiness.

Good, you have worked hard, the general, mounted on his horse, nodded. He glanced at his subordinates on either side, then slowly drew his sword, pointing it forward.


With the command, the bugler beside Samar blew the horn with all his might. The sound of the horn rapidly spread in all directions, resonating with the battle flags fluttering in the wind.

Hearing the horn, the enchanted five hundred each took out a small pill, no bigger than a pomegranate seed, and swallowed it.

Soon, they felt a warmth coursing through their bodies and a surge of strength, making the weight of their armor feel as light as if they were bare-chested.

Before they could marvel at the miraculous effect of the holy medicine, the five hundred split into two groups, each pushing a siege tower towards the fortress, followed closely by a large contingent of infantry.

The other four siege towers also began moving, each followed by many infantry, though not as many as the first two.

Leading the charge were hordes of archers, jogging towards the fortress. Reaching a certain distance, they began to shoot arrows at the command of their officers, aiming to suppress the fortresss defenses and cover the infantrys approach to the walls.

The moment the rebels horns sounded, the hearts of the fortresss defenders leaped to their throats.

Enemy arrows incoming! Take cover!

The defenders quickly ducked behind the battlements, as arrows rained down like torrential rain. Many who failed to find cover were struck.

Quick, take the wounded away. Counterattack! Counterattack!

The archers stood and returned fire towards the rebels.

Many on the rebel side also fell, lacking any cover. Despite the casualties, they soon launched a second wave of attacks.

A fierce exchange of arrows ensued between both sides.

As the rebel infantry drew closer, some of the defenders archers began targeting the enemy near the walls. However, due to the cover provided by the siege engines, their efforts were largely ineffective.

Finally, the first siege engine reached the wall. Almost simultaneously as the ladders were extended, rebel soldiers began climbing up.


The first rebel to jump onto the wall, with eyes red with fury, astonishingly parried three or four swords aimed at him with incredible strength.

He swung his military saber, knocking back the four surrounding defenders.

However, a sharp knights sword, bypassing the defenders who had yet to stabilize, stabbed fiercely into the chest of the rebel soldier.

Bowmans eyes widened in disbelief.

His full-strength sword strike was blocked by what appeared to be a thin layer of leather armor?

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