Chapter 128: Landing on the Island

TL: Etude

Aim at the warehouse on the dock; hopefully, theres something flammable inside.

This was the order given by the captain of the Hope, Quik, to his gunnery officer.

After the cooling of the gun barrels, a new batch of solid cannonballs, glowing red-hot, was quickly loaded and fired.

Soon, a large fire engulfed the pirates dock.

The pirate leaders, who had been in a meeting just moments ago, arrived near the dock and witnessed the entire process of the warehouse catching fire.

An old pirate angrily demanded, Why hasnt the white flag been raised yet?

A lackey, with a sorrowful face, reported, The brother who went to fetch a white canvas from the warehouse couldnt make it out. That strange ship targeted the warehouse, and it looks like he wont be coming back.

You! Immediately find anything white and wave it vigorously to get their attention, the old pirate commanded.

The officers aboard the Hope soon noticed the pirates actions on the dock through their telescopes.

A large group of pirates started waving their white garments, tied to sticks, and some even waved their white underpants.

They seem to want to surrender, someone observed.

What should we do, Captain? Should we cease fire? another asked.

Quik, stroking his thick beard, considered carefully. The pirates surrendering on their own was not bad. Although it was less thrilling since the battle hadnt truly begun, forcing the enemy to surrender with just one ship was definitely a significant achievement.

Heh, the others still repairing at the base, I wont be modest, he chuckled.

He slapped his palm decisively and ordered, Cease fire!

Then he added, Approach the dock! But maintain a safe distance; who knows if theyre feigning surrender.

Aye, Captain!

Seeing the attack cease, the pirates on shore heaved a sigh of relief.

As the Hope began to approach the dock, the pirates shouted towards the sea, We surrender! We surrender!

However, the ship stopped a short distance from the dock, causing the pirates hearts to rise to their throats.

Then, they saw a small boat being lowered from the strange ship with two people aboard, slowly rowing towards the dock. The enemy was indeed cautious.

These two men landed but stood motionless on the jetty.

As the pirates were about to swarm them, old Donaldson quickly intervened, If we all rush them, what if they think were trying to take them hostage?

He sighed, You all stay here, Ill go talk to them.

Donaldson approached the jetty, and the two Aldan men immediately pointed something resembling fire sticks at him. He knew these were deadly weapons, capable of firing bullets that could easily take his life. Pirates of the Northwest Bay dreaded these weapons.

Are you looking to surrender? one of them asked arrogantly.

Although the tone was unpleasant, this was not the time to regain face. Donaldson carefully considered his words and replied cautiously, Yes, esteemed lords from Alda, you have won, and we have lost. You may now dispose of us as you see fit.

Talking about surrender conditions in this situation seemed laughable, so Donaldson decided to be frank.

The two Aldan men left the jetty and stepped onto land, followed by Donaldson.

Very well, I relay our captains orders now: immediately gather all your men here and throw all your weapons on the ground, instructed the naval soldier, pointing to the ground at his feet.

This is pretty much all of us here, oh, we didnt bring the slaves. Ill have them come over and surrender their weapons.

The naval soldier then pointed to a nearby open area, And then squat down with your hands on your heads.

Squat with hands on our heads? Donaldsons face flashed a hint of anger. Such a humiliating posture, wasnt this too demeaning?

Noticing his change in expression, the two naval soldiers shook their firearms in warning.

Faced with the menacing barrels, Donaldson had no choice but to agree, Alright, we will comply with your orders.

A group of pirates squatted on the ground, and the two naval soldiers counted them; there were 87 in total.

Then they signaled to the ship that everything was under control, and the Hope slowly docked at the pier.

Quik and several officers, leading a group of more than 30 men, landed on the shore. The sailors, armed with firearms, kept a watchful eye on their surroundings while surrounding the pirates.

Isnt that Chief Quik? Hey, Chief Quik, do you remember me? One of the pirates, recognizing the former pirate leader Quik, stood up to approach him.

A sailor next to him kicked the standing pirate, shouting, Behave yourself, this is our Captain!

The pirates turned their attention to the naval captain, who was circling around them. Whispers and surprised murmurs arose, especially among the leaders who had dealings with Quiks gang in the past.

Due to the high standards of the Aldan military for the appearance and demeanor of its soldiers, along with rigorous training in formation and military bearing, Quiks demeanor had changed significantly from his pirate days. His beard was no longer unkempt but neatly trimmed. If not for the carefree look in his eyes, one might mistake him for a gentleman from a noble family.

Thus, those who knew him did not recognize him at first.

I never thought the rumors were true!

Quik surrendered to the nobility? Didnt he hate those parasites the most?

The voices of the captives grew louder until a gunshot silenced them.

Quik, lowering his still-smoking firearm, declared loudly, The pirate leader you knew is dead. Standing before you now is the Captain of the Aldan Navys Hope. As for you, Aldan military is known for its leniency towards prisoners, as long as they havent committed severe crimes Hm? Whats happening over there?

Just as Quik was about to relay the new directives from the staff department regarding prisoner management, he noticed someone sneaking a peek from a distant grove. He immediately ordered a check.

Several sailors responded and soon returned, bringing with them a few teenagers.

Let us go! We are not bad people, the kids shouted.

Reporting to Quik with a salute, a sailor said, Captain, weve caught a few young pirates.

Youre the pirates, your whole family are pirates! the kids retorted, looking wronged.

Let them go! If youre not pirate brats, then who are you?

Rubbing their sore wrists, the boys quickly identified themselves, We were captured by the pirates and brought to the island to be used as slaves. Please, save us.

Calm down, at least let me know your names and where youre from.

The boy with brown hair said, Are you from the Aldan military? My name is Allen, hes Tom, hes Pine. Were all from Little Horn Village in Skarno. The pirates raided our village and took us as slaves. There are many more slaves on the island, from various places in the Northwest. Can you take us back to the mainland?

Skarno? Quik knew it was a coastal countdom to the south of Alda.

Kid, lead us to where the slaves are kept. Tell them that the army under Count Grayman has come to rescue them.

Quik gestured grandly with his hand.

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