Stealing Spree

Chapter 1909 Fitting Punishment

“Alright. All I hear are excuses, senpai. Why can’t any of you admit that you’re all here to pick an easy target? What if they’re not the ones resting here? Will those poor girls even get a chance to refuse you? Hmm? Do you all think it isn’t a crime to coerce someone?”

Standing in front of the four kneeling seniors, I menacingly looked down on them, highlighting the what-if scenario.

What if it’s any other girls who will be powerless against their coercion? Without anyone around to help them out, their only option is to run away or follow them even if they’re uncomfortable. Will they chase after them if they run away? Most likely not. But then again, that possibly didn’t pass by their heads. They’re like horny idiots who’d get excited at every opportunity to talk to a girl.

I don't know their names but they're surely someone I've probably crossed paths with once or twice already.

At the moment, all of them were partly pleading for their innocence and partly explaining their side. I don’t know if most boys in our school are this much of an idiot but I guess it’s possibly 50/50. I can’t take a few bad apples and generalize the entire student body, right?

Anyway, since Shizu also noticed how they became more afraid upon recognizing me, she gladly handed the situation to me as the four girls stepped aside.

My girl could clearly settle this situation on her own but she wanted to give me the honors. Of course, the other three had varying reactions to it.

Juri was looking proud of me as always.

Izumi clicked her tongue, calling me a showoff but only through whispers.

And Arisa found this situation fun, holding back her urge to tell the others the result of our exploration.

“W-we… We’re not trying to excuse our behavior. Look, Onoda… We’re kneeling. Asking for forgiveness... It’s a bad decision on our part. We won’t do it again. We promise.” The one at the forefront said and the other three nodded desperately.

For sure they already wanted to leave but they couldn’t because we’ve all seen their faces. If they just run away here, they’ll be living in fear when the teachers or professors will get to them for trying this out. That’s why they wanted to hear us letting them off.

But well… when it comes to pettiness, I’m quite up there. I won’t just give them an easy pass after trying to pick up my girls. And it’s not just one but three!

Granted, they failed spectacularly. However, it’s always in my favor if more boys become terrified of my presence. That way, only a few would bother crossing me in the future and those friendly ones would have to think twice before approaching me.

I should embody being a villain in the eyes of the boys. On the contrary, I would be this overly considerate guy for the girls.

That’s the most ideal position for me, no?

“Bad decision, huh? Alright, then I’ll take that as your admission of guilt, senpai.”

“That… Okay. You’re right…” The guy shrank further and so were the other three.

They couldn’t argue with it anymore, after all.

“Anyway, senpai. Word of advice. It’s not forbidden for any of you to approach a girl. It’s just… don’t do this kind of shit, alright? It’s tasteless. Do you know what the girls detest the most? Those who are so full of themselves.”

Well, it’s not like they don’t know that but desperate idiots will always act this desperate.

Uh. Let’s forget that I didn’t see what exactly or to what extent they pissed Shizu. It’s enough that they tried, right?

“I understand… C-can we go now?”

The four of them nodded in sync again but that question. Do I look that merciful to them because I gave them advice?

As if they’ll take my words to heart. I mean, among the boys I’ve advised before, I could only point at Uchiyama as the only success. He changed. He listened to my advice and is now living it.

Sakuma might be the most obedient but his execution was so poor that Setsuna-nee ended up getting drawn to me instead.

“No. You can’t. Besides, I shouldn’t be the one to decide that.”

At the first word alone their faces looked like I’d just cut the last rope that would save them from falling into the cliff. And when I shifted my head to look at the four girls, indicating that they were the ones to decide their fates, they started sweating bullets.

Shizu helplessly shook her head. She probably wanted me to see this through but as always, I wouldn’t just put them on the sidelines since they’re the ones they offended.

She then looked around her before her eyes landed on the supposed haunted location. Following that, she brought the other three girls to the side, discussing what they were going to do.

I watched that in interest while the four guys kneeling in front of me started trembling.

A flash of inspiration popped up in my head and I shifted my eyes back to them.

With an audible gulp, their pupils dilated as they waited for what I was about to say.

Perhaps thinking that I was going to prepare them for what

the girls were cooking up, they actually looked hopeful.

But as soon as I opened my mouth, they started shaking

further as though we were in the middle of winter.

“Senpai, do you know? This place is said to be haunted. We’re

actually here to prevent students from accidentally wandering

inside and getting into an accident. Haven’t you seen us

coming out of that abandoned building? Hmm… We explored

it to check if there’s really a paranormal event occurring here.

Guess what…”

As I trailed my voice there, I narrowed my eyes and squatted

in front of them before saying in a hushed, emotionless voice

to heighten the terrorizing effect.

“We’ve seen it. Two women in bright red dresses and a

mischievous kid who loved to bounce her toy ball. Look, my

skin hair is still standing. That’s how terrifying it was.”

The four guys stared at me blankly with their mouths agape.

Whatever was going on in their head, they were now starting

to think that I was giving them a hint of what the girls would

ask for them to be let off.

A minute later, Shizu strutted back to my side and crossed her

arms. Then, along with an awe-inspiring speech that was

directed at their crooked ways, she then magnanimously

announced their decision.

“I’m not that cruel but you four needed to be disciplined. Am I


“Y-yes!” The four answered in sync. Even though they were

already aware of what was coming, that was all they could


“Great. See that place? I want you four to explore it. You don’t

have to do anything. You just have to give us a report about

what you’ve seen.”

“But that’s a haunted place…”

“I know. Isn’t that the reason I’m asking you to give us a

report? Don’t worry. You four can go at the same time. Here

take this…”

Shizu easily deflected their futile attempt to slink away from

the punishment being dished out to them. She then produced

a wristwatch and handed it to them.

I recognized it since it’s something Juri sometimes wears as

part of her fashion.

So, they’re still merciful by giving them a set time for

exploration, huh? Good. Shizu has yet to be influenced by my


Well, she had yet to see it in its entirety, after all.

If it was me… I’d lock them and let them find another exit.

“You have twenty minutes. We’ll wait for you here outside.

Now, stand up and go.” Shizu stepped back and clapped as she

shouted her order.

Not having any choice in this matter, they could only struggle

to their feet before moving.

Halfway to the exit, Arisa also handed her flashlight to them.

The four idiots thanked her and looked at her as though she

was an angel.

Little did they know, it was already within the plan. Given the

time we used to explore the place, the battery would

probably soon die out.

Juri and Izumi didn’t do anything else but they’re both hiding

their amused smiles seeing the four walking to their doom.

Of course, as the only other guy here, I presented myself in

sending them off.

As they opened the door, I added a few words of

encouragement as well as additional information.

“Senpai, remember, the sightings were mostly reported to be

seen upstairs as well as in the bathroom hall. If you feel

trapped, there’s another exit there. It’s beneath the bathroom

hall. You can find a hole there leading to the boiler room.

Good luck.”

Upon saying that without any hint of maliciousness, I pushed

on their backs, sending them inside the manor.

They tried complaining but one glance behind was enough to

cow them to silence. With one of them holding the flashlight

and the other the watch, the four idiots soon stepped inside

the manor.

I closed the door myself and after thirty seconds, I looked

around us and picked up a conveniently placed wood stick

that’s thicker than my arm.

I then placed it at the part of the door that was supposed to

slide when opening it, jamming it closed.

After checking it out to make sure that it wouldn’t budge

easily, I turned around and saw the four girls looking at me

like some kind of monster.

“You’re a devil, Ruki.” That’s their collective comment.

Not long after that, a scream rang out from inside along with

the sound of their hurried footsteps.

What a bunch of cowards.

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