Stealing Spree

Chapter 1903 Spending Time With The 2nd Years (1)

All four girls wore identical shirts and comfortable track pants and I must say, they all looked good in them, especially my girls. I included Yuika-senpai so she wouldn’t feel left out. Couple their looks with the pleasant grin on their lips, I naturally found myself being pulled over by their charms.

Even with Juri still at my side, my arms reached out to Haruko and then to Himeko and Mina.

Apart from Himeko who immediately buried herself in my chest with her arms wrapped around my body, Haruko, Mina, and even Juri all shook their heads at my display.

Well, what can I do? My instinctual response upon seeing them was to feel them close again. Who knows when I can get another chance? I may not even get it tomorrow and that’s the last day for this trip.

“Forget it. We miss you too. But hubby, let’s move in here first. Someone can still pass by here.” Without even voicing her complaint, Haruko just pulled on my arm which consequently brought us all inside the small space they were staying in.

It’s close to the woods but unlike the mini-garden from earlier, this open space wasn’t intentionally made. It’s part of the natural landscape.

Furthermore, it’s actually a small shrine that’s possibly housing a small deity. I’m not that religious myself but I know not to desecrate something sacred. In the middle of the small space was a giant boulder that was probably twice my height. It’s a sacred relic considering it's wrapped with shimenawa ropes. Nonetheless, the shrine itself is only the size of a cupboard. It probably hasn't been worshiped for so long.

Naturally, we went around it and arrived behind the boulder where benches could be seen. There’s also a lamppost there that illuminates the place.

Mina, Haruko, and Juri soon took a seat along with Yuika-senpai who probably had no idea how to act in this situation.

As for Himeko... well, I don’t mind having her act like Edel this time. I should tell Maaya about this and tease that girl later.

Before long, I moved to another bench to sit down, putting Himeko on my lap. With a kiss to complete it, the girl melted further in my embrace.

“Look at him only doting on Himeko...” Mina commented with a pout but when she saw me staring at her, the girl immediately stood up and moved next to me.

She then tugged my sleeve, bashfully asking for a kiss.

Seeing that, Haruko and Juri laughed from where they were watching us. On the other hand, Yuika was looking more uncomfortable by the second.

In any case, I put that aside to focus on my girl. With my hand landing on her head, it eventually slid down to her nape. Little by little, I lifted her head which provided me an easier access to her lips.

Soon after giving her one, I playfully teased her, “Say, Mina. Am I still only doting on Himeko?”

“Shut up. One is not enough. Give me more.”

Yeah. Even if her words sounded like she was not pleased with my teasing, her desire, and affection for me couldn’t truly be masked by it. She cupped my cheeks, caressing it affectionately. For sure, she’s also seeing the same desire and affection from me.

“You don’t have to ask for it, you know? I also feel like it’s not enough. I miss my Mina.”

After another kiss, I replied while pulling her even closer. Perhaps if not for Himeko who’s also waiting for more doting affection from me, I’d possibly carry the girl up on my lap as well.

“I don’t miss you, shameless guy. Knowing you, I refuse to believe that you won’t find a way to meet us. See, I’m right. You’re here now...” Mina proudly smirked before giving Juri a grateful look.

Feeling left out, Himeko bit my neck to get my attention. Then with pursed lips, she said, “I miss you, Ruki.”

Their words might be contrasting each other but they still meant the same.

Although I was also setting aside Haruko and Juri here... I could just get to them later.

For now, I focused on doting on these two girls. Himeko to cure her longing for me and Mina to reinforce that belief.

Thanks to that, our first few minutes here were filled with nothing but the sound of our kisses. Of course, Haruko and Juri were watching all this from the side, and perhaps Yuika-senpai too.

She’d probably hate me more but I couldn’t really care less about it anymore. Knowing Haruko and how she promised not to meddle with how I deal with them, the orange-haired girl was probably the one who insisted on coming with them.

In any case, she probably had no choice, or else she’d feel alone there.

Anyway, I listened to Himeko and Mina talking about their experience in the camp in between our seemingly nonstop kisses; while one of them was busily exchanging kisses with me, the other was talking.lightsnovel

None of them are part of the same group. I mean, Haruko, Shizu, and Himeko are from Class 1. Their student numbers must be that far apart from each other.

Mina and Yuika-senpai should be from Class 2 and 4 respectively.

And lastly, Arisa and Izumi are from Class 5.

If anything, only that last pair had the possibility to be together in the same group.

Because of that, Himeko was once again having trouble getting along with the girls from her group. She’s trying her best though. She’s already grown past the point of being afraid of other people’s judgement. That’s why I decided to cheer for her and give her more encouragement while I’m here.

As for Mina... Although she admittedly said that she didn’t want to be too involved with her group, her apprehension of making new connections because of her past had already lessened to a certain degree. She’s also doing her best. That’s why like Himeko, I made sure to spoil her more.

Minutes later, Himeko naturally slid down to my side as the two of them urged me to move to the other bench where Haruko, Juri, and Yuika-senpai were seated.

Since my purpose for coming here was to spend time with them, they naturally didn’t want to hog me all by themselves.

Juri and Haruko opened up a space between them but as soon as I sat down, the two women seemingly got sparked by competition on who could reach my lips first.

Haruko won, prompting Juri to laugh heartily at how silly they were.

The same as with Mina and Himeko, Haruko also started sharing her experience with me. Without any surprise there, she said she became elected as their leader and she’s doing her best for her group.

Although her reputation isn’t as high as Shizu's nowadays, she’s still regarded as someone capable by most students. I won’t even be surprised if there’s secretly a fan club for her. But well, there’s probably none since she’s always disappearing to the Book Club and spending most of her time with the girls she gathered at the neighboring club.

“Hubby, we can’t keep you here for long, am I right?” After a while, Haruko brought up that question. She looked like she had something else planned and she’s probing us if we could do it.

“Well, we’re supposed to be on patrol. If not for Juri, I probably wouldn't be at this hill at all. What is it?”

“Hmm... Nothing much. I’m just thinking I can keep you here for the night. Our tent is spacious.”

How spacious? They’re surely provided with the same tents, right? Or does she mean she can kick out her group mates if she so wishes? This girl...

lightsnοvεl Sensing my confusion, Haruko laughed and explained, “No, whatever you’re imagining I’m not that mean. I’m being a little selfish to think that I can hide you inside my blanket.”

So that’s what she meant... And here I thought she came up with a grand plan or something.

“Oh. I can hide him in our cabin.” Maybe finding our conversation amusing, Juri interjected, flaunting the fact that she didn’t need to sleep in a tent like us.

As soon as she brought that up, everyone, even Yuika-senpai who had yet to speak a single sentence, turned their eyes on her. Most likely anticipating what kind of plan she can cook.

However, she dropped the ball right away with an awkward smile. “Setsu will kill me if I do though.”

Well, that’s not the only complication about it... It’ll be quite difficult to come there without being noticed after dinner.

Although disappointed, that at least drew out laughter from everyone.

Following that, Juri joined Haruko in trying to dote on me. And for the next few minutes, Himeko and Mina also approached us again.

We didn’t have any meaningful conversation after this. But then again, there’s nothing too important to talk about anymore.

Unfortunately for Yuika-senpai, she got thoroughly sidelined. I wouldn’t be surprised if she started hating me more.

To prevent that from happening, I later asked Haruko and the other girls to talk to her. The result? The girl seemingly shrunk further in her corner. Either not wanting to converse with me or she just didn’t know how to respond. Still, I heard one line from her when I asked her if she was enjoying the camping trip. She said, “No, I don’t.”

That’s something, isn’t it? At least, she’s honest.

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