Chapter 688 - 390: Might as Well Call it Gu Hang Star Zone

Chapter 688: Chapter 390: Might as Well Call it Gu Hang Star Zone

After the ground portion of the Starport was overrun, this became another critical juncture in the war.

In space, the resistance of the Fortress Starport henceforth became meaningless.

Unlike starships, a Space Starport is not a facility that can operate completely independently; it relies heavily on the ground for supplies, even a portion of its energy comes directly from the ground.

After the ground was taken, not only was the supply line cut off, but Cai Minjin’s forces could use the space elevator to quickly and massively transport land forces to the Starport’s interior via the orbiting spacecraft captured on the ground, attacking directly from within.

With no defense, no reinforcements, and no supplies, what was there left to defend in this Starport?

Not to mention, about less than thirty hours ago, the marshal who had been inside the Fortress Starport boosting everyone’s morale, promising countless rewards, was killed on the surface before he had the chance to fulfill any of his promises…

This battle couldn’t be fought!

Following the collapse of the surface, a series of small-scale rebellions and internal purges quickly erupted within the Starport. Ultimately, the surrender faction unquestionably gained the upper hand.

After they gained preliminary control of the Starport’s command, they ceased fire and sent a communication request to the bombarding Imperial flagship. The temporary commander humbly surrendered unconditionally to Commander Gu and, under Gu Hang’s orders, switched off the Void Shield.

The command to deactivate the shield sent tremors of unease through the personnel of the Starport defense. Gu Hang offered them no guarantees; at this moment, if Commander Gu wished, a volley of concentrated fire from the Tianma Fleet could turn the Fortress Starport, which had remained impregnable during the recent space battle, into a pile of space rubble.

Surrendering was like giving up one’s life; why else would it be called unconditional surrender?

Thankfully, Gu Hang did not do so.

In Gu Hang’s view, all this would soon be his property, so why destroy it?

An Alliance military unit boarded landing craft and entered the Fortress Starport, assuming control of all critical facilities and disarming all personnel, incidentally suppressing any unrest.

Following the surrender of the Starport, the remaining armed Space Stations no longer had any reason to resist. Within the following minutes, they either surrendered or were destroyed.

As of this point, all of Fatches No.1’s external Orbital Defense facilities had been completely neutralized.

Even though there were still a significant number of Anti-Orbit Fortress Cannons on the ground, a considerable part of them never fired from the start; and now, even fewer were willing to continue firing, unable to withstand the Space Fleet.

Moreover, the Tianma Fleet didn’t even need to continue exchanging fire with these ground-based fortresses.

It was enough to ensure no resistance around the landing zones established in the capital region.

The Dragonhawk Legion and the Alliance Land Forces kept pouring onto the surface, with a total of over six million personnel already deployed.

They divided into several clusters, sweeping through the entire continental region.

In most areas, control was established with just a declaration; only in a few did some conflicts erupt, but they were quickly suppressed by the far superior forces of the Star Realm Army and the Alliance Land Forces.

One week after the start of the war, the entire planet had completely changed hands.

Some members of the Alliance Army were left as the occupying force, and a portion of the Alliance administrators also moved to the planet, overseeing the United Government. Their main task was to restore social order and production.

Generally speaking, the war, which lasted only a week, did not cause particularly great damage to the society of Fatches No.1.

Not at all, that would be impossible; this was a war.

But the short duration, mild intensity, majority local populace among the combatants, and a deliberate avoidance of civilians and key economic areas during the fighting… all these factors minimized the damage inflicted by the war.

It was not difficult to restore social order or to resume production.

Additionally, the Alliance forces went to the United Government’s major warehouses, specifically targeting the Imperial Taxation Department’s storage, and found a large quantity of ready-to-use supplies.

It was difficult to account for these items in detail, even temporarily, but a rough estimate would indicate their value at about four billion Tax Currency, with a wide variety of categories.

Food, textiles, and various essential commodities were the most prevalent; followed by heavy industrial goods like steel, alloys, general machinery components, and some vehicles; electronics, paper products, chemical materials and products were also stocked in the supplemental category.

In the military industry, there were armaments, mainly various types of ammunition, shells, missiles, light weapons, armored transport vehicles, and the like.

Moreover, they seized some ‘Tax Currency’—the physical manifestation of which was a series of documents bearing the Imperial Taxation Department’s stamp, with special anti-counterfeiting features, two matching sets required for excess tax payment vouchers. Their sole practical use was to be submitted as tax payment when Imperial tax officers arrived, but due to their intrinsic demand as hard currency, these vouchers were also used for transactions by planets and major interstellar organizations alike.

The total value of this Tax Currency was also about ten billion.

Undoubtedly, the United Government stockpiled these industrial goods and amassed much Tax Currency not for their use, but to prepare for paying Imperial Tax.

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