SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

Chapter 285: The Last Vote (6)

Chapter 285: The Last Vote (6)

Buzzing chatter.


Buzzing chatter.


Murmur, murmur.

That person ah, its awkward without cameras. Why arent cameras allowed according to the rules They are probably recording themselves, right? Planning to distribute the original source later? They said the meeting could go on for days. But if various information gets scattered all over the net, it would create chaos, so until the end of the meeting Days? Is that possible? What about our sleep? Are we supposed to go home to sleep and then come back? I heard the 5-star hotels under Sunryeon are all vacant today Wow, really? Even the 7-star hotels are said to be empty. If you participate in the meeting, they offer a discount at 1/100 of the usual price, but Im not sure if thats true Someone go check during the break! Amazing Kim Gong-ja must be a treasured asset to the giant guilds.



.What are you doing, Kim Gong-ja?


You should be the first one on stage to greet and take your place. Why are you spacing out! There are no cameras to flash, are you losing your mind because tens of thousands are watching you all at once?



These people are those I must work with in the future.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by the realization.

Enough with the nonsense. Hurry up to the stage.


I should go.

I must go.




Buzzing chatter.











Ah. Ah.

Actually, we dont need a mic test.

What Im holding now isnt connected to any wires. It would feel awkward to stand before you empty-handed, so I prepared this prop just to hold something.

Right now, Im speaking to you all in my own voice. Using my aura. Its commonly known as voice transmission, similar in principle to the Lions Roar. I amplify my voice and spread my aura according to my voice, reaching out to you all.

The voice you are hearing is not filtered through any machine, just my pure, unaltered voice.

The face you are seeing has not been dressed up for any media, its just my face.


Right now, you are seeing me.

Good day, Pioneers.

Nice to meet you.

Rank 2 Hunter, Deputy Leader of the Demonic Cult, Moon of the Ivansia Family, Head of the Death King Family. Alias, Death King.

I am Kim Gong-ja.

Pleased to meet you.



Not much response.

Did I startle you with my sudden introduction?


Today, I arranged this place to comfortably talk with you all. Some of my colleagues asked if it was really necessary, but I thought it was crucial.

Despite your busy lives.

I appreciate that you took the time to gather here.

First, let me call my colleagues

Why didnt you allow cameras into the meeting!

Ah. Thanks for the quick question.

But first, let me introduce my colleagues

Im Jeon Seogu, a reporter from Hwanmoon Newspaper and an owner of a title. Not only our media teams cameras but also personal smartphones, cameras, recorders were all confiscated by general members of Chen Mu-mun. Many are curious and even worried about why such measures were taken even before the meeting started.


The tyranny of the giant guilds has been an issue for a long time, but this meeting in particular seems to be fraught with notable risks. They say its a communication with all the residents. The event only seems grand in its intention, but in reality, isnt it creating a blind meeting without leaving any record?


What do you think about this concern, Lord Death King?


Lord Death King! Please respond to the presss questions!


Lord Death King? Are you listening?


Please respond to the question

I was the one who did that.


The camera equipment. I asked for a complete ban on bringing them in. The Black Dragon Guild was against it, but I persuaded them, and after persuading the other guilds as well, a mass return like this took place.

So, does that mean the other guilds moved according to your will, Lord Death King?

You said you are from the Hwanmoon Newspaper, right?


And you have an alias too?

Yes, thats correct.

You dont need to reveal your name here. You can mention your affiliation, but just saying which area of Babylon, which street, which building you live in, what you do for a living, is enough.

You dont even have to mention anything at all.


I banned the camera and recording devices not for myself.

But for you all.


What do you mean by that?

There are so many of you gathered here, the likes of which we have never seen in the history of the Tower. As I mentioned, Im using voice transmission, and my aura consumption right now is enormous. Thats how many of you are here.

In such a moment.



Suppose filming or recording were freely allowed.

Those of you sitting in front or standing in the back, even those on the rooftops looking at me, everyone would be busy flashing their smartphones.

Even the reporter who just asked me a question would surely be holding a camera in one hand.


If you all do that,

Then, I will start caring about the outside world.

The outside world, you say?


The people outside the Tower who are watching us.

If filming is allowed, it will flow directly to the outside world in real-time.

Why would that be?

You, the reporter, should know.


All of you gathered here know.

When the outside world watches us, we first try to look good.

Those who left their family behind would want to show that they are doing well.

Those who were almost forced to transfer from their companys headquarters to here, to show that they are living as well as you.

Refugees, minorities, etc., those who had a rough time in the outside world, would intentionally dress well to show off.

Thats how we are.


I dont want to be like that.

I dont want to be like that to you all.

In a place where I came to talk to you, while listening to your voices, while looking at your faces, I dont want to be preoccupied with someone else. Someone whose face I dont know, whose name I dont know, someone I may never meet in my life.

I am confident that it is not polite to you.


Think about it, everyone.

When was the last time we had a time [just for us]?

Through newspapers, broadcasts, personal broadcasts, the internet, communities, we constantly talk and draw attention to the events in the Tower, argue and get heated up about them. Even though this place is supposedly eternally severed from the outside world, arent we actually sharing our stress with the people of the outside world more than ever?

We are living in the Tower.

And we will live in the Tower forever.

In this place, where once you enter, you can never leave.


So, lets turn off our concern for the outside world for at least a moment.

The voice you are hearing is my voice.

I am not speaking to someone else, but to you.

The face you are seeing is my face.

I didnt dress up my face for someone else but you.

Ladies and gentlemen.

At least for this moment, I am only looking at you.

Lets talk for us.



Over a hundred thousand smartphones were collected, wonder if well get them back properly

Just complain to Chen Mu-mun if not.

His hairstyle isnt weird, is it?

Lord Death King! Lord Death King!

Hey, quiet down

If you have something to say or ask me, please raise your hand. Oh, just a moment please. Its not your turn yet.

Dont worry.

Right now, I have enhanced not only my voice but also my vision with aura. My sense of time is flowing 6 to 12 times slower compared to a human who cannot use aura. This is evidenced by the fact that I havent stuttered or chewed on my words even once.


There are many things you can do when you become skilled with aura. Good.

Theres no chance of missing the first person who raised their hand, or being unfairly skipped in turn.

Since no filming is taking place, theres also no risk of your identity being exposed.

Feel at ease.

When its time for questions, leisurely raise your hand.


Now, let me introduce our colleagues.

In order, the Black Dragon Guilds Black Dragon Witch, the Heretic Questioner of the Ten Thousand Temple-.


Heres a question. A rookie secretly nurtured for a long time with the support of the five major guilds. There are widespread rumors that you are a manufactured star. Is this true?


If you see my old apartment, you would know thats not true

My life turned around while scratching lottery tickets.

Just that, when I used to think whether to buy an Americano or to buy a pack of stick mix coffee to make a meal with rice soup, now I can freely drink whatever bizarre concoction that can no longer be called coffee.

I was just lucky.

You all might also want to consider buying a lottery ticket once a week.

Is that an advertisement to increase the sales of lottery tickets issued by the Merchants Union?

I didnt mean it that way, but seeing the Count laughing next to me, maybe it does seem like that.

I apologize.

Since you rose to the third rank, there have been rumors of you using your power for personal gain, bringing in acquaintances from the outside world. There are also stories about you communicating with a member of parliament from your hometown. Are you in contact with power players from the outside world?

Ah, my official contacts are managed by the Black Dragon Witch.

It would be better to ask her Black Dragon Witch, what do you think?

We are currently utilizing it effectively.


I cant say more than that since it involves confidential information from various countries. However, one thing I can tell you is that we hardly inform the Death King of anything.


For your reference, the person the Death King brought into the Tower is the director of the orphanage. This person has taken care of the Death King since childhood, akin to a parent. Think of it as him bringing in a parent to settle them in the Tower. We would appreciate it if you viewed it that way.

Yes, the director is my


The person who gave me half of who I am.


The director also cut my hair today.

Although reluctant.

I had to push hard to make it happen.

I plan to keep pushing hard for many things in the future.

Thank you.

Lord Death King!


Is it true that you and the Black Dragon Witch are dating?

Im glad today is a public occasion.

I still dont have the power to commit a public murder without facing any consequences.

Please be grateful that I dont have such power and wont have it in the future.

Moreover, please consider it fortunate that my one and only love is not present here today.


Lord Death King!

Ah. Yes.

There have been rumors and reports online saying that the master of the Ten Thousand Temple refers to you as Master!


Are the two of you dating?

Is there a way to remove this person?


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