Chapter 198 Result

The heads of the world's top families hold an emergency video conference.

A man looks at everyone on the screen. His name is Norland. He is the leader of the thirteen families.

"There are flies that are making moves. They are insects, but they can work with two forces that can threaten us. You should have heard the news, and David shown his stance. His help makes their plan possible," said Norland.

A man named Heinrich looks at Willem.

"It's someone's fault. The one in charge was too incompetent," said Heinrich with a smirk.

Willem's face turned ugly.

"Heinrich! You should watch your mouth! Mason has never been defeated by Johann. If my son is incompetent, then how about your son, who is a level below Mason?!"

Heinrich looks angry and shouts, "You-"

"That's enough!" shouted Norland.

"It's not Mason's fault. We did not expect a hidden, powerful force that secretly supports that country. They are prepared and we are not prepared, so we are hit hard," said Norland,then his face turned more serious as he looks at the screen.

"You all saw the power of an 8th circle. If several demigods and 8th circle fight against us, you can imagine the result. Our greatest mistake is underestimating the power of 8th circle and demigods. Our decade of research is useless against them.

An all-out war with demigods and 8th circle is not worth the risk. Whatever the force that is pushing the plan, it also doesn't want an all-out war with us. That hidden force and the 8th circle or demigods want the same thing, stop killing the people at the bottom of the pyramid: the commoners. We will follow their demand, but we will remember this shame!"

Norland's face turned fierce.

"Project Origin failed, but we will carry out another project. If we cannot cultivate 8th circle or demigods among our families, then we will choose geniuses from outsiders! The rise of commoners cannot be stopped, and we will not stop it. We will choose the best among the best, program, brainwash, and turn them into our fatal weapons. Once we cultivated them, I want David to be the first 8th circle slain by them. It will be called Project Slayer!"

"It will take time to cultivate them. How are we going to face the 8th circle or demigods? We were supposed to ambush them once the nullifying device is successfully researched, but the plan failed," said Willem.

"I am aware of that, so I made another plan. We cannot control them, but we can control the people around them. The fiance of David has an aunt. That aunt took care of that woman when they lost their parents. The woman is a genius. She owns a big company in the tech industry, so the aunt received a lot from her.

The aunt has two sons. The eldest son is decent, but we can control the youngest son. Wealth, fame, women—whatever the means to control him. If we have to marry him with our relative, then so be it. We will force David to make a move for our own benefit through the aunt of his beloved fiancee. Make the same tactics on other 8th circle or demigods, but we will not use the card unless we don't have other options. Let's call it Operation Black Sheep. Once they are useless, we can just let them die that will look natural."

Everyone agreed to Norland's plan.

"One last thing, the hidden force that has been hitting us in the previous days has caused heavy losses to us. We will keep experiencing losses because the group of flies will not stop unless we give them concessions on power or whatever they want, so I want to send that hidden force a message. Let them know that we know it's them!" said Norland with sharp eyes.

Mason is in the command center. He is preparing for an attack, but his phone suddenly rings.

He answered the phone and said,"Father, don't worry, I am prepared to bring down that small company."

"Terminate the operation. Project Origin failed. Don't waste anymore resources on chess pieces. Even if you bring it down, another unknown company will just rise. You will owe those big companies for nothing. Tell Gerrit to come back. We need an extra hand in Europe for lobbying,"said Willem on the other line, then the call ended.

Mason grips his fists as he looks at the floating screens.

"Terminate? How could it be that easy?" thought Mason,then he let go of his fists and sneers.

"Where are the suicide bombers?" asked Mason to a staff member.

"Sir, they are ready to fly from the airport," said the staff.

"Let them go back. The operation is terminated," said Mason.

Every staff member in the command room is surprised.

Mason leans on his seat.

"I hope that country will love my farewell gift," thought Mason with a smirk.

In the evening, President Agusto is meeting with his cabinet members when Secretary Riv suddenly came in with a flustered face.

"Sir,there is an emergency. Hyperbeings and armed men suddenly assaulted a city," said Secretary Riv, then he showed a video circulating online.

Ronald,the man who was planning to lead a rally, is looking at the camera. In front of him, there is a kneeling young man whose mouth is blocked with a cloth and whose hands are tied with a magic chain. Behind him, there are hyperbeings and arm men with masks.

Ronald casts magic, then an earth pillar lifts him and the young man up to two meters into the air.

"People of the country. My name is Ronald, and the man in front of me is the son of a politician. Do you know what is his habit? He likes taking the women of others through any means. Do you know what money he was using? It's the people's money! Our money! This trash was using our hard-earned money for his evil deeds! Not just this trash, but other officials as well!" shouted Ronald, then he showed the articles of corrupt officials.

"People, do you think the peace and prosperity you are experiencing will be kept? No! It's a play staged by the top families, politicians, and Agusto! Why?! Because of the presidential election! There is already a law that allows a second term of president! Agusto will run for his second term! People, once he won, the rampant crimes and corruption will happen again! I am tired of seeing the suffering of my fellow countrymen while the officials and families enjoy their luxurious lives,so I took matters into my own hands. Join me! Let us create a utopia that truly belongs to us!" Said Ronald as he raised his right fist. The hyperbeings and arm men behind him raised their hands and cheer.

Ronald looks at the young man, then an earth spear forms on his right hand.

"As for this trash"

He kicked the man, then threw the spear.

CRUNCH! The spear penetrated the body of the man and hangs him in the air.

Ronald looks fiercely at the camera.

"There will be no trash in our utopia."

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