Chapter 196 Fatal Weakness

Chapter 196 Fatal Weakness

In the news, Africa, India, and China reached a deal with the government. The cooperation terminated by foreign companies will be continued by them.

Policies that ease foreign investment in the country are passed one after another. They were stalled in the Senate for a long time and almost forgotten, but surprisingly passed, signed by the president, and made into laws in one day.

Flameworth Collection and Flameworth Formula will inject billions of dollars into the economy. A council of experts in investment, business, and the economy is formed. Any small micro business enterprise that faces budget problems can apply for support. The council will not just give support but also advice and money.

FC and FF put a money pool for the council. There is a budget for free interest small loans and a large budget for investment. Businesses with potential will receive investment. The council will directly or indirectly connect them with big companies. The dividends from the investment will be injected into the pool and invested in other businesses later. The cycle will keep repeating.

FC and FF deposited their money in many banks. Enterprises borrow money from banks. If small businesses want to expand, they can no longer borrow money from the council but from the banks.

The country's economy, which is supposed to collapse, is thriving. The crashing stock market rises like a rocket.

The small investors are laughing and dancing. Citizens have wide smiles, but foreign investors look ugly.

"Fuck!" cursed a foreign man, but he couldn't help but buy stocks.

Inside the command center of the Holtien family, Mason is listening to the information given by Poison Lord to Gerrit.

Mason ended the call, then he looks sharply at the news on the floating screens.

"Third party? They tried to hide it, but they are already showing their tail," thought Mason with a sneer, then he looks at the news about FC and FF.

"Teach that company a lesson and stop the importation of foods," ordered Mason.

In foreign countries, reports of increased cases of memory loss and confusion suddenly appear. Many media outlets put emphasis on the news. After the investigation, the cause is the potion made by Flameworth Formula, according to experts. There are even extreme cases of brain tumors. The side effects will not appear in the short term, but they will appear in the long term, and the media reported that the company is probably aware of the side effects. The public is angry, and they demand the punishment of the company. There is also a loud call for boycotts of FC's merchandise.

There was a rumor that FC and FF stole the technology, then top companies on Runesmith and Potionering made a press conference. They showed proof that their technology was stolen. Two researchers with masks and sunglasses revealed in an interview that they leaked the technology in exchange for money. They showed proof of a money transfer with a previous date. Authorities step up. The sale of the potion and magic camera is stopped.

In the monitoring room, Edgar and Oscar are watching the news.

"Boss, aren't we going to refute it?" asked Oscar.

"Let Stella handle it, but it will be useless in the countries influenced by those families. I already expected it, so I told her to make new merchandise with our friends," said Edgar with a smile.

A few days later, Mason is looking at the news of rising food prices. He smiles and thought,"The best time to move the hidden chess piece is when dometic turmoil appears."

The appearance of aura and mana in the world made agricultural products easier for farmers to plant even without fertilizers, but the families found various ways to suppress the prices, causing bankruptcy to farmers. Their land was bought by local families. The land for staple foods is turned into subdivisions, non-staple foods and plants like tobacco. The country was not able to become self-sufficient with food. Food is a fatal weapon, and the world's top families are aware of it.

President Agusto tried to remedy the situation when he sat in office. He vigorously develops water networks with earth magicians and circumvents the suppression on the prices of agricultural products. Food production has increased a lot during his term, but the country's self-sufficiency for food is not achieved.

In the evening, a protest is being prepared.

The organizer, named Ronald, is giving a speech.

"We must let the government hear our voice! There are definitely hoarders and manipulators causing the prices of foods to rise! We must put pressure on the government and put those evil people to jail! We will be the voice of all the ordinary citizens of the country! Are you with me?!!"

"YEEEAH!" shouted the people.

Ronald smiles as he looks at the people raising their hands.

"You idiots are instruments of my rise," thought Ronald.

In the morning, President Agusto appears on TV. He was inspecting the warehouses around the country and showed sufficient food supplies that started entering the market, causing food prices to fall.

"What the fuck!" shouted Ronald as he watches the TV.

Even Mason curses as he looks at the news.

"How can they have sufficient food?! It is not the harvest season of other countries yet! Are you sure there was no increase in food imports in that country?!" shouted Mason to a staff.

"Sir, that was what our informant told us," said the staff.

More news appeared on TV that made Mason's face turn more ugly.

Joint companies are formed. A company that will produce a magic camera with a video is established. Another company will sell potions that treat bird flu and swine flu that persistently appear, causing many bankruptcy to farmers around the world. The potion is cheap and it only needs to mix with the drinking water of livestock.

Inside the hotel in Manila Bay where foreign guests are staying, a man is thinking as he looks at the sea. His name is Jabari, a diplomat of South Africa.

"Sir, the cooperation with the Philippines will only bring a small benefit to the country," said a man named Zola.

Jabari smiles and says,"You only see the surface, but you don't see its significant effect on our people if this country succeeds. Those world-top families are too much. We can no longer let them do as they wish. There is a country with balls and clashes with those families, so we must give a little help, but I'm wondering what country is helping the Philippines. This country will be in tatters if there is no strong force backing it."

Diplomats from other countries have the same thought.

As Mason keeps targeting the weaknesses of the country, the dirts tried to hide by the families started to spread to the world.

Edgar smiles as he looks at the information on floating screens.

"It's time for a major counterattack."

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