Chapter 192 Pressure

Poison Lord tries to call Philip Maywire and?the heads of the families, but he can't connect his call. His face is turning fiercer.

"They block my number," said Poison Lord with sharp eyes, then he looks at Vistal.

"Tell Gerrit what happened. I'd like to see how those idiots can bear the anger of the world's top families. The wealth they are trying hard to protect might shrink a lot before they cry and kneel," said Poison Lord. His face turns hideous as he grins.

It is evening in a broken world.

Gerrit is sitting comfortably on a reclining chair as he drinks wine. He is on a huge thirty-meter leaf of a long, tall vine. The vines are twisted like a rope, and their top has a huge orange flower that looks like a water lily.

The plant is more than one hundred meters tall.

Below the tall plant is a very wide lake and smaller, similar plants with yellow flowers.

Gerrit shakes the glass and chuckles.

"The plan of the families should start soon, and the action of Origin will resume. As expected of the families," said Gerrit with a smile.

"Hmm?" Gerrit noticed a Poison Guild member flying toward him.

He rushed out of the broken world, then calls Jan as he flies.

"How are our men?" asked Gerrit.

"I-I can no longer connect to them," said Jan while feeling flustered.

"Why did you not tell them to retreat first?!" Shouted Gerrit.

"Before I went to Poison Guild to look for you, I could still connect to two of our four men. I told them to stand by and retreat if the authorities arrived," said Jan.

"Fuck! It's fine if they are dead, but it will be a problem if they are alive and open their mouths, especially that Bram," said Gerrit. His face is turning ugly as he thinks of the situation.

"Shit! Dumb Maywire! He is the leader of the group. How could he let it happen?! Fuck! They made my performance ugly, then I will let them experience a very painful lesson!"

The world's top families are preparing to put pressure on the country's government. Crippling the economy of a weak country is easy for them and they want the country's families to crawl and beg on their knees.

In the morning, more shocking news appeared on the country's social network and TV. A confession of a foreigner name Bram is shown. He admitted that he committed crimes and put the blame on hyperbeings, which is a routine of hyperbeings that are secret members of Origin. It is a secret organization hiding within the organization.

The world top families can't sit still.

In the castle in the Netherlands, a man in his sixties is talking to someone on the phone. He is Willem Holtien, head of the Holtien family.

"It's a country under the region of your control. Fix it!" said a man on the other line, then the call ended.

"How can those families have the guts to do this? Are they being forced?" thought Willem with a frown.

The door of the study room opened, then a woman in her thirties came in. Her name is Amanda.

"Father, I heard the situation. Did something wrong happen to Don? I know him. The situation will not happen under his leadership," said Amanda.

Willem frowns as he looks at Amanda.

"You should forget that ambitious man. Can't you see his intention? He wants to climb the ladder through you," said Willem.

Amanda smiled when she heard Willem.

"Father, you don't understand because you never felt it. All you see is interest. I understand that you are capable of making him disappear, so I agreed to arrange marriage, but you can't tell me to forget him," said Amanda.

Willem's eyes turned sharp when he heard Amanda.

"Is that why your waste husband got killed in the broken world?" asked Willem as he looks at Amanda.

Amanda gasp.

"Father! How could you accuse your daughter like that?! Do I look that cruel to you?!" shouted Amanda.

Willem stares at Amanda.

"Our relationship with his family has cracks because of that incident. I, myself, am suspicious of you. There are wastes in top families, but there are many smart people," said Willem.

"Father, you are so cruel. I swear that I did not do it," said Amanda with tears in her eyes as she turned and walks out of the room.

Willem looks at Amanda's back and sighs, then he dials a number on his phone.

"Put that country on the right track," ordered Willem.

Several foreign diplomats went to the department of foreign affairs and talk with the minister or secretary of foreign affairs.

The diplomats argued that the confession of the foreigner should be removed from social media and TV. They insist that he could have been forced and that the due process was not done properly.

In the Malaca?ang Palace, a man in his sixties wearing eyeglasses is looking at the river with his hands behind his back. He looks like an amiable old man. His name is Agusto, the current president of the country.

"Sir, the foreign diplomats enumerated many reasons to remove the video of the confession. They also said that the censorship on TV and social networks is too strict, violating many rights like free speech. They threaten that cooperation with their countries will be terminated once we don't cooperate on their demands," said Secretary Riv.

President Agusto smiles.

"Is our country ready?" asked President Agusto.

Secretary Riv also smiles.

"We are ready, sir. That Flame Swordsman is a big help," said Secretary Riv.

In a business district in Manila, there is a building with a logo trend. It is a social network for microblogging. The company hired content creators that mainly target the citizens of the country, but now the inconspicuous local social network catches the attention of the world.

In the monitoring room, Morey, the youngest son of Montey, is looking at the rapidly rising numbers of users and views.

Morey is playing with his curly hair with his index finger.

"Fufufu, I already told father that the company could reach every corner of the world if free speech is done right," said Morey.

"Sir, the others are protesting that their accounts are blocked," said a staff.

"Ignore them. How can I allow the propaganda of the Origin to spread on my site?" said Morey.

"Spread the good deeds of hyperbeings. Put them on top trends along with the confession. Now is a rare oppurtunity to catch the attention of the world. We need to clean up the hatred spread by Origin and let the name Trends be known to the whole world hahahaha!" said Morey as he spread his arms.

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