Chapter 188 Vicious

The men are shocked, then Edwin pulled out his dagger. The others hold the crossbow or their guns.

"Acck!" Edwin's face is hit by Edgar's fist, then lightnings rise from the floor.

"Ahhhh!" scream the men. They fell as their bodies convulse.

Edgar casts magic, then a water wave appeared that spread in all directions. The wave covers the men, then the water turns into whips that tie their arms and feet like a cross. The water whips raised the men and pulled them to Edgar.

The men look at Edgar with fear and hatred.

"How did you know about us?!" shouted Edwin.

Edgar chuckles and says,"How can I not know if you are hiding guns and equipment use by Origin?"

Edwin and the others are shocked. They made sure that no one else knew. They have been working together and know that no one among them will leak. Then they look at Ormon.

"Did you betray us?!" asked Edwin with fierce eyes.

Ormon looks more shocked. He wants to deny it, but he suddenly realizes something and feels ecstatic.

"I will die if I don't distance myself from them. Fuck you Origin! You can't even do your plan properly! Thank you idiots for giving me the chance to save my life," thought Ormon. He looks at Edwin with a grin.

He chuckles and shouts," Dumbass! How can I join a terrorist organization? You origins are pieces of shit that needed to be cleaned in this world!"

"Fuck you Ormon! I will kill you!" Shouted Edwin with bloodshot eyes as he tries to break away from the water whip. The other men are also shouting and cursing. Ormon is also shouting, trying hard to distance himself from the Origin.

Edgar chuckles as he watches them.

Lightning appears in his feet and moves to the water that ties the men.

"Ahhh!" screamed the men.

"W-Why are you including me?! I'm not one of them!" screamed Ormon.

Edgar smiles and says,"Stop acting, we found the guns and equipment ourselves."

"How is that possible?" thought Ormon and the others, then they screamed as Edgar casts more lightning.

He gave more lightning to Edwin, who is stronger than the others.

"I don't feel aura cultivation on this man, but his strength is close to the first level of aura master. Is it the result of an upgraded version of the strength potion?" thought Edgar. He touches his chin as he thinks and continues to electrocute the men.

"Origin has been targeting hyperbeings around the world. Everyone is affected, but most of the hyperbeings attacked by Origin are the new hyperbeings, especially those that did not join the world's top companies, families, and guilds that want to monopolize knowledge. Some of their members are also attacked, but there is no casualty.

Origin has money, advanced runesmith equipment, and trained armed forces. Origin quickly expanded because there are hyperbeings that deliberately commit crimes. Those crimes spread on the internet. Anyone related to or who could relate to the victims might have joined Origin. It is a vicious cycle. Only they could cultivate a force like Origin.

Those top families and companies really cannot be underestimated. Their confidence in facing demigods and the 8th circle is not because of ignorance but because of the nullifying device. They probably started to research the device a long time ago. The magic chain is probably one of the results of their research," thought Edgar, then he chuckles.

The skin of four men turned dark, and smoke rose from their bodies. Edwin passed out from severe pain.


Red dust covers Edwin. He suffered another round of torture in the illusion.

"This man does not know if Origin is just a chess piece. His rank is probably low in the organization. He doesn't know their headquarters in the country. If someone related to Origin reached out to the top families in the country, they should have already informed me. That person is probably testing the families first. If the families refused cooperation, then there is only one place where Origin can hide," thought Edgar as his eyes turned sharper.

The whip that tied Edwin's arms turned into hands and twisted his head.

The water lifts the men to the air, then lines of fire appear and revolve around the corpses. Fire tornadoes cover the corpses, turning them into dust. The water turns into vapor and disperses.

Edgar cleans the scene with magic, then he moves to the site where Rod and the other leader of the arm men are keep. He put the men in illusion. They have the same information as Edwin.

Thirty minutes later, a teenager is looking at the source of gunshots earlier through the glass window of a hotel. His hands are in his pockets. He doesn't seem flustered because of the gunshots. He raised his left hand and looks at his watch.

"They failed, huh?" thought Jemson, then he raised his right hand. A storage ring is on his index finger.

A magic circle appears on the floor, then a silver device with orange magic runes rises from the circle. It is a magic bomb that could obliterate the building and others around it where the relatives and friends of the Dragon Guards stay.

A button appears on Jemson's right hand.

He looks at the sky. He remembers the happy scenes with his parents and little sister. Tears flow from his eyes.

"Father, Mother, Tin, I am coming."

Jemson raises his right hand which holds the button.

Bang! An aura blade flew from the window and broke the glass.

"Ahhh!" screamed Jemson. His right arm is cut off. He grits his teeth as he holds his bleeding right arm.

Melody is floating in the air, and her eyes are very cold as she looks at Jemson.

"Acck!" Jemson is pushed to the wall by a transparent energy. He coughed out blood as the energy holds him on the wall.

Threads of pink aura rotate on the magic bomb. The bomb floats as an energy ball forms around it.

The one-meter energy ball floated to Melody's right hand. She rotates, then threw the energy ball into the sky.

There is a countdown inside the magic bomb. There are only five seconds remaining before the bomb explodes. The bomb will explode even if Jemson does not press the button.

The energy ball moved high in the sky.


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