Chapter 159 The Showdown

Dark clouds block the moonlight as Seanlu stands on the sea and looks at a huge cargo ship with many huge containers.

A magic circle flashed beneath his feet, and then he rides a water wave toward the ship.

There are two guards on the view deck. They are smoking, talking, and laughing while holding M-16.

Seanlu is already beneath the guards. A blob of water lifts him toward the view deck.

The other guard starts walking away.

Seanlu jumped and holds the railing. He pushed himself up with a somersault.

Seanlu is in mid-air. The guard is below his head. He stretched his arms down, then holds the head of the guard and twisted it.

His feet are moving down toward the guard, who hasn't walked too far away. His feet squeezed the guard's head and forced it to bend to the side.

Crakk! There was a sound of bone cracking.

Seanlu landed on the deck, then jumped to the containers. He observes the other containers. Some of them should be hiding the women who are about to be trafficked.

He jumped on the containers. There is a huge gap in the front, and a guard is patrolling.

Seanlu jumped behind the guard. While in midair, he holds the guard's head and twisted it. Then he walks toward the huge containers.

Seanlu suddenly heard a clap.

A man is chuckling while clapping his hands. He is standing on top of a container.

"You made a good show, but you are affecting my job, so consider this your last show," said Karlas with a grin.

Boom! The huge containers were blown away by two tornadoes.

Splash! The containers are blown away into the sea, but they did not sink. They are just Styrofoam. Hyperbeings came out of the real containers hidden behind the styrofoams. Others appear behind Seanlu. They used a device to hide their energy while hiding inside the container.

Oom! Four beams of purple light flew into the air. A dimensional lock appears and locks the hyperbeings inside, including Seanlu.

Karlas chuckles,"I was expecting more vigilantes to appear, but only you Simpman took the bait here. The top guilds and families smuggled women and magical materials for us. In exchange, we smuggled materials needed by them. It was a win-win business, but you vigilantes are destroying our business, so we have to make an effort to set up this trap. Sigh, because of you vigilantes, I wasted so much time helping to set up this trap. I also need to waste more time to find your family and kill them. Why do you have to meddle with our business?"

"Hahahaha, sir, you no longer need to waste your time on a dead man. Let me do it for you,"said Henry, the manager of Saber's guild.

Karlas chuckles. His subordinate, Oram, laughs.

"Go, make the last show of Simpman," said Karlas with a grin.

Henry looks at the three hyperbeings behind him.

"Go boys! Chop Simpman into pieces!"

The three hyperbeings grin, then draw their sabers and release their aura.

Seanlu gripped his fists hard as he released his aura. His face is very serious.

Not too far from the cargo ship, Busca is also trapped within a dimensional lock. They also set up a trap on another cargo ship.

Tivac is laughing as he watches Busca. His guild members start to encircle Busca.

The three men holding sabers move and try to encircle Seanlu.

Seanlu dashes to the right, raised his right hand, and then suddenly increased his speed.

The man slashed down his saber.

Seanlu rotates his body. Threads of wind move around his right arm. He struck his rotating fist against the man's body.

Boom! The man coughed out blood and flew to his back. The armor on his back broke into pieces.

The man on the left name Kit slashed his saber and attacked with a wind blade.

Seanlu jumped and moves to the man in the center.

The man made a horizontal slash at Seanlu.

Seanlu jumped and rotates his body in mid-air. He put more aura on his right foot and kicked it down to the man's head.

Boom! Seanlu's right heel hit the man's head and pushed it down to the floor.

Kit attacked with a wind blade.

Seanlu jumped up.

Kit slashed his sword several times.

Wind blades rapidly flew in the air.

Seanlu jumped a few times and landed on the right side of Kit.

Kit quickly turned his body as he tries to jump away.

SPLASH! Seanlu slides with water. Threads of water are rotating on his right arm. He rotates his palm as he moves it to Kit's body.


BOOM! "Ahhh!" Kit screams as he rapidly spins in the air with revolving threads of water.

Crakk! There was a sound of breaking bones. Kit stopped screaming.

"Hahahaha, Simpman is actually a water magician. His level of aura is even different from the report. I thought it would be a boring show," Karlas said with a playful look on his face.

Henry's face looks ugly. Simpman made him lose face. The boys he groomed are useless.

Karlas grins, then flicks his fingers. The hyperbeings smile and start encircling Seanlu.

Meanwhile, on another cargo ship, Busca is fighting against the Poison Guild members.

"Boy, stop resisting and offer your head. Your life is worthless, but your head will have value for public display," Tivac said as he keeps laughing.

The dimensional lock cut off the communication, prompting Oscar to call Edgar.

Edgar is walking near a sea port.

"Boss, the communication with Seanlu and Busca is cut off in the sea. The satellite shows a dimensional lock on the ship. They won't be able to teleport while they are inside," said Oscar.

Edgar is silent as he looks at the warehouse in the distance, then chuckles.

"They made an elaborate plan to trap us all. They analyzed how we attack and made their shipment in different ports of different provinces and far from the national capital region. They did various ways to cover their tracks, which made it difficult to detect even for me or Melody. The women and materials are only gathered together in one place before the shipment, then they will immediately be smuggled and trafficked.

This time, they deliberately left traces. Seanlu and Busca have enough strength to escape. It will be their choice to annihilate the enemy or hide their martial arts for a long time. Tonight will be our last showdown with Don Maywire and his group."

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