Chapter 151 A Night Ride in Manila

Chapter 151 A Night Ride in Manila

"D-Damn Fatso! How can you turn the AI into a little catgirl?" Gan shouted as he pointed his finger at Oscar.

"B-But she is powerful," said Oscar.

Edgar shakes his head and chuckles. He saw how hard Oscar worked on the AI. It no longer matters to him how the AI looks. Keeping the figure of the current Polaris is a little reward for Oscar's hard work.

Edgar approached Oscar, who looks a little guilty about what he had done. He pats Oscar's shoulder.

"You did a good job. Keep Polaris as it is," said Edgar with a smile.

Oscar had teary eyes when he heard Edgar. His boss appreciates his hard work.

"Thank you, boss!" said Oscar.

Oscar stays in the dragon's eyes while everyone else leaves.

Oswal approaches Edgar. He has a look of hesitation.

"What is it?" asked Edgar as he looks at Oswal. The kid does not often communicate. He is probably affected by the kind of environment in which he grew up.

"Boss, I'd like to go to Baguio City. I owe my life to someone else. He saved me at the expense of his life, and he entrusted his parents to me. I found out that his mother's birthday is coming soon, so I want to visit her," said Oswal.

"Go and be careful," said Edgar as he patted the shoulder of the young man.

"Thank you, boss," said Oswal.

Gan approaches and puts his arm on Edgar's shoulder,"Hahahaha, Ed, come to our house for dinner! The decoration of our new home is finished."

Edgar smiled when he heard Gan, then he says,"Fine, let me meet your treasures."

Edgar teleported to their house. Today, he will train his uncle Tony in illusion space. His uncle has reached the first level of aura.

Tony is holding a staff while his whole body is covered in aura. His face sweats as he looks at the firewolf. His grip on the staff became stronger.

Fei has a helpless look on her face as she watches her father.

"Dad, the fire wolf has the size of a dog," said Fei with a sigh.

Sasha is blocking her mouth while giggling.

"What do you know?! You could say that because you are capable of magic!" said Tony, then he pointed the staff at the fire wolf.

"Ahhh!" shouts Tony as he gathers his strength, then stabs the staff.

The fire wolf dodged, then jumped toward Tony.

"Ahhh!" shouts Tony as he runs away.

Edgar chuckles at his uncle's cowardice. He looks at the giggling Sasha.

"Start your practice," said Edgar.

Sasha nodded her head, then raised her hands. A magic circle has formed above her hands, and then threads of water elements gather and form a blob of water.

Edgar looks at Fei. She nods her head.

A small fire dragon rises from a magic circle, then fires fireballs at Fei.

A water pillar lifts Fei to the air, and then she casts water bombs at the fire dragon. She controls the water pillar to move.

The fire dragon dodges the water bombs, then fly to the air.

The dragon releases a fire breath. It destroyed a water bomb and moves to Fei. Fei jumped, then she rides a blob of water that she cast. She directed it to fly while casting water bombs.

In the evening, Edgar rides his motorbike toward Gan's house. He is using life detection to see the current situation in Manila after Dragon Hall destroyed groups of criminals, gangs, and thugs. The range of life detection can be adjusted to a smaller range. It will be easier to look at details within a smaller range.

More people are coming out to enjoy their nightlife.

Within a park with gorgeous water and light displays, the audience cheers as they watch a magician.

The magician is wearing a long hat. He spreads his arms, and then magic circles appear on his hands. Threads of fire came out of the circle and rotated around his arms. They move to his palms, then they rotate in a circle and form a ring of fire.

The audience claps their hands and cheers.

A young man is sitting on the fountain. He took out a deck of cards. The cards flew up and move around them. They move like threads in the air and keep making maneuvers. The children and young girls look at it with gasps.

A young girl holds the arms of the man with a blush and said,"Y-You are so powerful. I haven't seen other hyperbeing that can do what you are doing with ease."

"Fufufufu, it's called talent," said the young man.

The magician controlling the fire shakes his head as he sees the young man. The young man has the unique power to control papers, so he can control the cards with ease. He has no other skill.

Edgar can't help but smile as he sees the park.

After a few minutes of driving, he reached a road with some pedestrians and few running vehicles.

"Hmm? Foolish kid," Edgar murmured as he detected something, then he increased the speed of his motorbike.

On the road, a small SUV is being driven by a man who seems to be overworked and lacks sleep. His eyelids are getting heavy, he can't focus on his driving, and he didn't notice a young boy who is crossing the street.

A young boy's eyes are glued to his phone while walking on pedestrian lane across the road. He saw the car earlier, it was still far. He thought the driver will slow down while he is crossing the road, but tonight is different.

The car has not slowed down, and the pedestrians on the roadside were too late to notice the problem and warn the boy.

"Kyaaa!" women screamed as they saw the car's left bumper that is going to crash into the boy.

VROOM! The motorbike has reached the back of the boy. Edgar's left hand holds the back of the boy's shirt, then he lifts the boy and his motorbike's front wheel.

The motorbike is standing on one wheel, and?rotating to the right.

Edgar dropped the boy as the motorbike rotates.

Bang! The front wheel landed on the cement road.

VROOM! Edgar continues driving.

The pedestrians are shocked. It happened so quickly. They look at the man with astonished faces.

"Kid! Be careful next time!" Shouted a pedestrian.

The boy nodded absentmindedly.

The driver of the SUV sincerely apologized.

Edgar arrived in a subdivision, then parked his motorbike in front of Gan's house.

"Hahahaha, I thought you were going to be late because someone needs your help to be saved!" said Gan as he approached Edgar.

Edgar smiled when he heard what Gan had said, and then they went inside the house.

"Meet my two treasures, my wife, Erin and-" Gan took the baby from his wife's hand and showed the baby closer to Edgar.

"My daughter, Sofie," Gan said with a smile.

Edgar is surprised. Gan had not mentioned his daughter's name. He was probably waiting for this moment.

Edgar holds the baby with a gentle smile.

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