
Nangong Jin stopped, turned to look at her, "because you and I are not people of the same era, I was a person a thousand years ago."

If this word changed another person to say, Jingning absolutely thought the other party was making fun of her.

But at this time, looking at Nangong Jin's serious look, she can't help but believe a few points.

"A thousand years ago?"

Just reading these words, Jingning felt a palpitation, and her face became more and more ugly.

"What do you mean? You mean, you're the ancients? How could you be alive? What's more, I think you're only 30 years old at most. You... "

Nangong Jin smiles, but the smile is a bit bleak.

"Yes, my appearance seems to stay in the year of 30 forever, but I really have lived for thousands of years. People all say that I am gentle and gentle, and I am a modest gentleman. In fact, only I know that I am a monster who is not old or dead, an old antique that should not have lived in this world for a long time."

Speaking of the last sentence, his tone suddenly became a little gloomy.

Jingning was shocked to hear this, and said to herself calmly, "I still don't quite understand what you mean."

Nangong Jin took a look at her.

"It's normal that you don't understand. You're the third person to know about this. When the first two heard about it, they wouldn't believe it."

He laughed as if he were laughing at himself, and then said in a slow voice, "but it doesn't matter. Sooner or later you will believe it, because that's the truth."

He said, raising his glass again and taking a sip of tea with his ancient etiquette.

At this time, Jingning did not care whether he would poison himself.

Because of shock, the throat is like a fire, very dry.

She also took a sip of tea.

After drinking, he asked, "what do you mean by the words you said to me before? How can I save you? What's more, you just said that someone erased my memory. What's going on? "

Nangong Jin smiles faintly.

"Don't worry, since I have promised you, I will tell you all this slowly, and you should listen to me..."

Next, Nangong Jin will be ten years ago things, slowly told Jingning.

Jingning knew that Nangong Jin was really an old monster who had lived for a thousand years.

A thousand years ago, there was an ancient dynasty called Dalin Dynasty in the land of Lin City.

Dalin came to the throne with respect to the female emperor, and the two great national masters were in power.

The female emperor is equivalent to a totem in the imperial court, which is a symbol of divine power granted by the monarch. In fact, she does not have any power in her hands.

The two great masters of the right and left have always been recommended by all the ministers in the imperial court.

Later, with the gradual development of the times, the two great masters gradually became one.

However, the overall pattern has not changed. Almost every empress cooperated with the great national teacher to manage the whole country in an orderly way.

Until the last empress, she was fed up with the humiliation of the loss of imperial power, and did not want to continue such a pattern, so she planned a conspiracy to trap Nanjin, the great national master at that time, to a disadvantage.

In order to achieve this goal, she did not hesitate to sacrifice her own life, only to let the puppet royal family, who has been a puppet for hundreds of years, really stand up.

However, even this fight failed.

Because Nanjin, the great national master at that time, accidentally got a treasure.

That was before he took office. For the sake of military merit, he took his soldiers to fight everywhere. Once, he reached a desert.

In fact, there are no tribes there, only a few of which have long been driven away by them.

In fact, they didn't want to go deep into the desert. It was because there was a big sandstorm and the army got lost in the middle.

At that place, he saw a sacred stone.

A goddess came out of the stone.

The goddess had a delicate face and a slender figure, which attracted his attention.

The goddess saw him and walked towards him. For a moment, he couldn't bear to let the weak woman stay alone in the vast desert. Finally, she was engulfed by the wind and sand. So she tried her best to get rid of all opinions and took her on the road.

After going on the road, he found that although the girl looked like a normal person, in fact, she seemed to come out of an uncivilized primitive forest.

Not only do not know etiquette, even dress and eat do not know.

Not to mention talking.

But fortunately, she is very smart, no matter what things, as soon as they learn.

Most importantly, she seemed to be very familiar with the desert, and soon she took them out of the desert.

Nanjin likes this woman very much. After returning to Beijing, she was raised in the mansion.

He is still young and has not really ascended the position of great national master, so he has no plan to marry for the time being.Therefore, at that time, although the woman had no fame and share, she was in a low position with her mistress.

Later, he finally became a great national master by virtue of his military achievements. Although he was busy with the government every day, he could still take care of her staying in the mansion.

Both of them had a happy time.

In those days, two people spent their leisure watching the flowers bloom and fall together, and went fishing together in spring, not to mention how happy they had been.

But the good time is not long, the empress's plot spread into his ears, like a thunderbolt.

Nanjin quickly reacted and immediately sent someone to arrest the younger sister of the empress.

This matter is related to the secret of life and death. He is not at ease to be taken care of by others, so he gives the man to the woman he trusts most.

However, it was this decision that led to the opposite path.

One afternoon, he had just finished his meal. He wanted to turn around at will. He came to the door of the room where the empress's sister was detained. He quietly opened the door and took a look inside.

But unexpectedly, he saw the woman who he knew very well, and at this time his face was facing the face of another person.

Before long, just a turn around, she changed back to her own appearance.

This incident, at that time, was undoubtedly sensational.

At first, he thought he had met a monster, but later he realized that she was not a monster.

She overturned the theory that everyone believed that the earth itself was a circle, and then claimed that she was from a planet far away from outer space.

Everyone on that planet has an energy stone in their bodies.

As long as the energy stone is still there, the person will not die. It can keep the body forever young and full of vitality. Unless you want to die one day, you can take the energy stone from your body and you will die naturally.

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