Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 98: Uninvited Guest

As Arsenault spoke, he quickly pulled Sonya to the commentary booth and had her sit down.

Sonya obediently closed her mouth.

As long as no one addressed her directly, she could control herself from speaking out.

She felt a mix of worry and relief at the moment—worry because she had managed to offend two professors in quick succession, and relief because one of them was the ‘Rhythm Sword Saint’ Nidhogg—Trozan was always at odds with Nidhogg, so she assumed Trozan would protect her, his little Apprentice.

As for ‘Weapon Master’ Olleron, it was even simpler. As long as Sonya didn’t go to Truth College, would Olleron really go out of his way to trouble her across different schools?

The only issue was that her path as a host, her dream of becoming a star, might well have come to an end here…

At this moment, the two competitors had already stepped onto the stage. Lorein was the upperclassman who had previously troubled Sonya, a relative of Sylvia.

Although his strength was not on par with Leoni’s, Lorein was still a member of the Swordflower College competition team, and his skills were definitely not lacking. He had been more than capable of handling Sonya and Felix on his own at the time.

“Lorein, I heard you’ve fallen so low as to bully a freshman,” Rigor quipped, drawing a longbow with a fierce appearance. “If you haven’t made any progress, then take it out on your juniors. Swordflower College really has a fine school spirit.”

“Rigor, don’t forget who it was that cut your bowstring last time,” Lorein retorted, gripping his sword with one hand.

“I also haven’t forgotten who got an arrow in the backside from me.”

Arsenault looked down at his notes and said, “The two competitors here also faced off in last year’s league. A year has passed, and surely they’ve made even more progress. Miss Therave, what’s your take?”

Here, Arsenault wasn’t stubbornly repeating past mistakes, but the script required Sonya to introduce the Sorcerers’ spirit details and past records of Lorein and Rigor, so he decided to trust Sonya once more.

But he forgot that the script said ‘Please introduce the two young Sorcerers’ situation,’ not ‘what’s your take.’

Faced with Sonya’s helpless gaze, Arsenault knew he had made a mistake again.

“I think they’re both wasting everyone’s time with their trash talk. They might as well start fighting and give us all a show,” she said.

Lorein’s mouth twitched, and he decisively took the initiative, his steps propelling him forward in a direct thrust.

Rigor, calm and collected, sidestepped with a swift motion, conjuring a Silver Spell Arrow in his hand and notching it on his bowstring. In an instant, the roles of attacker and defender switched!

“A Swordsmanship Miracle, the Meteor Thrust, beautiful! But Carroll’s movements are just as swift. As everyone knows, archery is traditionally a group combat technique, and the fact that Carroll dares to engage in a solo match with it shows he’s quite skilled in close combat. Zed will need to be extra cautious.”

“Wow, the Flash Steel Arrow, Carroll’s most proficient Miracle, shooting out a powerful and forceful steel arrow in the midst of dodging, Zed’s defensive spirit has been pushed back!”

“A beautiful preemptive strike! Such a pity, Carroll’s single arrow has broken through the attack, once again widening the distance!”

Arsenault continued commentating for a while and couldn’t help feeling a bit thirsty. Before taking a drink, he instinctively asked, “How do you see the current situation?”

It was clear that Arsenault’s professional reaction kicked in while he was taking a drink—he needed someone to fill in the gap.

“Lorein tends to lose more than he wins, and he’s a speed-type player, yet he’s up against an Archery Sorcerer who excels in endurance and keeping distance,” Sonya analyzed with a professional eye. “However, Rigor lacks the Miracles of instant burst, so if Lorein dares to use his arm to block an attack, he might create an opportunity to turn defeat into victory.”

“But Lorein seems quite confident in his backup plan; he must have a powerful Miracle up his sleeve. However, given his Swordsmanship Realm, the Miracle he can perform is unlikely to be faster than Rigor’s reflexes.”

No sooner had she spoken than many, including Nidhogg, Olleron, and the competitors Rigor and Lorein on stage, turned towards Sonya with looks of surprise.

Lorein’s gaze flickered, and he suddenly lunged forward, drawing a cross in the air with his longsword!

Arcane energy coalesced, and a massive Sword Qi cross almost took over the entire stage, sweeping towards Rigor like a guillotine!

“Is this your trump card? That’s it?”

With a sneer, Rigor deftly stepped and turned, evading the Sword Qi cross completely unscathed!

He then pulled the bow to draw an arrow, firing it straight at the onrushing Lorein!

However, this time Lorein didn’t dodge or block but instead extended his hand to stop the Silver Spell Arrow, trading a minor injury for closeness!

Rigor was slightly panicked, retreating quickly while releasing three arrows in rapid succession. The arrows exploded through the air like falling meteors, their sonic boom revealing their deadly potential to cleave a person in two!

But Lorein was determined, forgoing evasion and desperately driving his defensive spirit, using his left hand to block all three arrows!


When both competitors stopped, the audience saw Lorein’s left hand covered in bleeding holes, the entire hand twisted and deformed as if a gust of wind could snap it in two.

Yet, Lorein’s sword edge was pressed tightly against Rigor’s neck!

In mere seconds, Rigor had gone from an advantage to defeat!

Arsenault loudly declared, “In the first Friendly Match, the winner is Lorein Zed!”

The Medics quickly took the victorious Lorein backstage for treatment, while the defeated Rigor, unharmed, didn’t need any. The latter seemed to have a hard time accepting his loss, standing on the stage tasting this unspeakable shame.

“The next competitor to take the stage is…”

“Hey, you!”

Suddenly, Rigor interrupted Arsenault, pointing at Sonya and scolding, “You just sit there spouting nonsense and don’t even participate in the competition. I hate people like you the most—”

“Rigor!” Olleron’s face darkened as he loudly interrupted the embarrassing student.

“If it weren’t for her distracting me with her nonsense, I would never have lost!”

Rigor protested defiantly: “I hate it most when others comment during my battle. If you’re so great, come up here and fight me! After all, isn’t it just—”


“See, I knew she was just that kind of person… Huh?”

Rigor paused, slightly taken aback.

“Let’s have a match, I won’t lose anyway,” Sonya said as she stood up from the commentator’s seat. “People like you who blame the sky, the earth, the air after losing—I really feel the urge to punch you.”

“Not going to lose? Just with you?” Rigor scoffed. “I didn’t see you last year. You must be a freshman, right? Does the arcane energy you’ve gathered amount to more than a feather?”

While speaking, Rigor flicked his wrist, and a mostly-formed pair of Silver Wings appeared on his back!

Although not fully spread out, it was only a few feathers shy. One should know that Rigor is a second-year student, with two years left until graduation. He could very well achieve the Promotion to Two Wings and step onto the Time Continent before finishing school!

Arsenault hurriedly grabbed Sonya: “Miss Therave, there’s no need—”

The next second, even more complete Silver Wings unfolded before his eyes.

That dazzling silver light, more brilliant than the stars against the night sky, captivated everyone’s attention!

Fully spread Silver Wings!

Sonya, a freshman who had just become a Sorcerer not long ago, was already a formal One Wing Sorcerer!?

“Do you want to compete in arcane energy? I’ve been looking for an opportunity to show off to everyone.”

Sonya gently touched her Silver Wings and proudly stated: “Being the stepping stone for my ascent, you should feel honored.”

“Next, your defeat will pave the way for my glory!”

At this point, Sonya no longer knew if the words were forced out by the Summoning Ritual or if they were her own true words.

All she knew was that this unrestrained feeling was really exhilarating!

Watching Sonya walk towards the stage, Rigor, for some reason, instinctively took a step back.

In this tense and odd moment, suddenly everyone felt a tug at their heart and looked up.

Above the unfolded dome, under the night sky, a point of Starlight hanging in mid-air suddenly erupted with arcane energy fluctuations, and then a person fell from the stars, landing right inside the Starfall Auditorium, in front of Sonya.

The person jumped up the moment he landed, and noticing the crowd around him, he made a split-second decision to rush toward the nearest woman, attempting to take her hostage and escape—


Sensing the intense killing intent from the other party, Sonya directly executed an ‘Evil Light Slash’ with her hand as a blade, forcing the uninvited guest to retreat. The intruder was shocked—how could a random girl he picked out be a Sorcerer?

He immediately abandoned the plan to take a hostage and tried to use his speed to break through the crowd. He was an Earth-Wind Dual System Sorcerer, once a notorious thief who mastered the Miracle ‘Earth Float’, capable of escaping from thousands of people with ease!

However, at that moment, two hands suddenly appeared on his shoulders, pressing him firmly in place.

“Your neck, hands, and feet are all shackled with Starlight,” Olleron said.

The uninvited guest looked down to find that his neck and limbs had been enveloped in dark blue rings, resembling heavy shackles, yet he could feel no weight.

“This means you’re an Invader from another domain, and the Stars Kingdom has marked you as an invasive species, using ‘Starlight Shackles’ to prevent you from jumping through space,” Nidhogg lifted his head, looking up at the dome above which appeared to be a Virtual Realm Passage that resembled starlight.

“Interesting, there’s a passage to another domain right above Swordflower College? Tell me, which kingdom do you come from? Do you understand our language?”

It was only then that the Invader realized he was surrounded by Sorcerers.

Moreover, he had already secretly activated a Miracle, but to no effect whatsoever, and his entire body was restrained, unable to move. This indicated that the two Sorcerers holding him from behind were at least Tri-wings Sanctuary Sorcerers, directly suppressing his spirit with the power of the Sanctuary!

Feeling the danger, a Holographic Screen popped up in front of the Invader, flashing a series of red warnings: “Life-threatening situation detected, initiating self-destruct mode!”

“Hmm? I can’t just let you die like that.”

The red information suddenly turned into indecipherable gibberish, and finally, the Holographic Screen snapped out of existence—the Chip in his body had been forcibly suppressed!

The Invader managed a bitter smile, knowing that to prevent the disclosure of the Virtual Realm Passage location and kingdom secrets, his blood, bones, flesh, Soul, and even memories were inscribed with more than one Miracle. Disabling the Chip only meant he would live a few seconds longer.

“Hmm? A curse that even the Sanctuary can’t Purify? Nidhogg, do you have a way to stop him from committing suicide?”

“Yes, by killing him first.”

The Invader felt his body dissolving, his blood boiling, his skull singing, and his eyeballs attempting to flee. The intense pain overwhelmed his senses, and just before he lost consciousness completely, he felt a deep despair over his misfortune, but a malicious smile appeared on his lips.

Because he knew that his misfortune would shatter the happiness of others.

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