The Goblin continued, “I’ll spare you the long-winded speech. The Virtual Realm Passage we’ve located this time is Level 2, capable of accommodating the highest level of arcane energy with Two Wings fully extended. Thus, this operation is not a Kingdom war, but rather a low-intensity Hunting Festival.”

“The operation requires groups of five, which can be formed freely or randomly—don’t interrupt, let me finish—the reason for the five-person groups is that the Moonshadow Priest will bestow the Blood Moon blessing upon you.”

“The blessing is for groups of five, including enhancements such as Strength Surge, Specter Form, Ultra Effectiveness, Self-Healing, Hardening, Mental Resistance, Featherlight Hover, among over a dozen other buffs. Most crucially, it will establish a ‘Life Link’ lasting 48 hours among your squad members. If anyone does not require the Blood Moon blessing, raise your hand.”

At this, the previously opinionated Adventurers fell silent, even Ashe felt tempted. Setting aside the multiple enhancements mentioned earlier, the ‘Life Link’ was too alluring. During the ‘422 Incident,’ Medics had used this Miracle to save hundreds of lives, which made it easy for Ashe to find information about this Miracle from behind the Curtain.

As the name suggests, this Miracle creates a Life Link among a group of people, for instance, linking 50 healthy individuals with 50 wounded ones. Once established, the life force from the healthy continuously flows into the wounded, granting them rapid self-healing.

Moreover, as long as the link exists, the wounded cannot die from their injuries, effectively locking in their last drop of blood!

In times when there is a shortage of Medics, this Miracle can save many lives in critical condition, buying precious time for emergency treatment.

When applied to an Adventurer squad, it serves as the ultimate lifesaver, since it’s a Passive Effect; even if other members are reluctant, they must still contribute their life force. Even the most selfish Adventurer would not refuse to add such an insurance for themselves.

Seeing no hands raised, the Goblin continued, “Once I finish speaking, free teaming will commence. For those who prefer not to form their own groups, we will also provide Random Teams, but let me clarify one thing beforehand—Random Teams will enter the passage in the initial batches, while Free Teams will enter after the Random Teams have done so.”

Ashe’s eyes flickered with understanding—the Random Teams were to bear the brunt as cannon fodder.

Although it was confirmed that the Virtual Realm Passage was intact, more than a day had passed since the ‘rabbit’ returned, and it was hard to say what might have changed on the other side. Compared to the Free Teams, which had the capability for team combat, the Random Teams—more a heap of dung when together and a sky full of dung when scattered—were naturally more suited to act as scouts to initiate the engagement.

No wonder the Goblins were insistent on bestowing the Life Link—it was hoped that this would allow them to hold out longer, buying time for the Adventurers who would follow.

“Of course, the first teams to enter will receive extra Merit,” the Goblin said calmly. “Currently, it is planned for Random Teams to enter in the first three waves, with five teams per wave and a three-minute interval between each wave. The first wave will receive 300 Merit points, the second wave 200 points, and the third wave 100 points; within each wave, the first team will get an additional 80% of the vanguard Merit, the second team 50%, the third team 30%, the fourth team 10%, and the fifth team 0%.”

This meant that the first team in the first wave could directly earn 540 Merit points (300*1.8), which was an incentive for the vanguard troops—the premise being they could survive to spend it.

Ashe was not well-acquainted with the prices in the Warzone, but the gasps from the surrounding Adventurers, enough to chill the air of the camp, indicated that 540 Merit points had significant purchasing power.

An Adventurer raised a hand to ask, “What if an Adventure Group mixes in with the Random Teams?”

“We don’t mind,” the Goblin said indifferently, gesturing towards the tents on the side of the stage. “As you can see, to my left are three rows of tents. Facing the stage, the first row corresponds to the first wave, with the first tent on the left being the first team.”

“The blessing will begin at 11:15 AM. I expect each tent to be filled with five people before then,” the Goblin pushed up his glasses. “Now, the team formation begins, and remember, no dead people allowed.”

Facing a group of fierce Adventurers, the Goblin’s expression remained as calm as if he were dealing with a flock of sheep. After speaking, he stepped down from the stage. Before he left, the Adventurers did not move, and those gathered below the stage even made way for him.

Power was undeniably breathtaking, but authority was equally formidable.

Once the Goblins entered the largest tent, a Sorcerer suddenly smashed the long table, pulled a gun from a box, and officially kicked off a chaotic battle!

Gunfire roared like thunder, as several Adventure Groups immediately drew their guns and engaged in a shootout!

The battle hadn’t even begun, and Adventurers were already fighting amongst themselves to secure their positions!

Their target was clear—the coveted first team of the first wave, worth 540 Merit points!

Essentially, the danger level of the first three waves was similar. If the danger level of the fifth team in the third wave was 10, then that of the first team in the first wave was only about 20.

If there were ambushes on the other side of the passage, all of the first three waves would have to fight desperately; but if not, then the first team of the first wave would reap the greatest benefits.

Almost every Adventurer was a gambler at heart, unable to bear the thought of regular work, licking blood for a living. Faced with such a large profit, how could they not dare to take the plunge?

Thus, they were even willing to fight over the ‘gamble of their lives.’

Compared to the first team of the first wave, the rewards for other positions were significantly less. The second and third waves carried the same risks as the first, but the chances of survival were much higher—after all, there were cannon fodders to divert attention.

While the Adventure Groups were engaged in their fiery skirmish, the true lone wolves began to enter the tents to form teams. After a brief contemplation, Ashe decisively headed towards the fifth tent of the first row.

He was different from the other Adventurers; he had no intention of returning to the Blood Moon Kingdom. The sooner he left Blood Moon, the better, making the first wave his best choice.

The fifth team of the first wave was undoubtedly the position with the highest risk and the lowest cost-effectiveness—the danger level for the fifth team was almost the same as that for the first team. If there was indeed an ambush on the other side of the passage, the difference would merely be who died first. Yet, the reward for the fifth team was significantly less, a choice that only those who slipped through the cracks of basic education would make.

But for Ashe, the fifth team was the ideal position; it was the fastest way out of Blood Moon, and with the first four teams drawing attention, there might be a chance to slip through unnoticed.

However, when Ashe lifted the flap of the tent, he discovered that it was already occupied by four people.

Inside the tent, there were three benches. Seated on the right bench were two masked individuals—one tall and currently filing nails with a grinding tool, the other slim with hands in pockets, the sound of steel marbles colliding coming from within.

On the middle bench sat another masked person, barely discernible curly hair and dark complexion visible as they ripped open a Snow White candy wrapper, taking out Moon Sugar and stuffing it into the mask.

The left bench held a lazily posed figure, their eyes a seductive slant. As Ashe barged in, the corners of those eyes lifted slightly, revealing a mocking smile.

Ashe promptly backed towards the entrance: “Sorry, seems I’ve taken a wrong turn, didn’t mean to intrude—”

A hand grasped his wrist, and when Ashe thought to resist, that familiar voice instantly stiffened his body.

“Don’t forget, you owe me a wish, my dear Cult Leader.”

Igor pulled Ashe into the tent, swiftly lifting his mask, barely containing the joy in his eyes.

“Lucky me, just when I needed bait, you come waltzing in. This is really…”

“Such misfortune,” Ashe sighed.

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