“Why are you studying and doing homework again tonight?”

“Isn’t that what college students do? With all the tuition fees I’ve paid and the Student Loan I’ve taken on, how can I not study hard to make it worth it?”

“Wow, that’s impressive. Keep it up, then.”

“Hold on, I remember the wanted poster mentioning that you’ve been to college too! Come on, help me with my homework, will you?”

“Didn’t you just express an eager desire to learn, determined not to take shortcuts and resolved to study diligently?”

“But some homework is so pointless, it’s just busywork for the sake of credits. Come on, help me out—please?”

“No, don’t lean in, it’s so hot, I’ll start sweating. Let me see, hmm, oh, I see.”

“So, will you help me do it?”

“Well, I’m willing to offer every kind of support except actual help.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means I can’t do it either.”

“But you’ve graduated, haven’t you? You must have done this kind of homework before!”

“How can someone remember the flavor of every bread they’ve eaten in the past? How can I remember how I completed such assignments?”

“Ugh, grey mediocre college students are so useless.”

“If you aspire to be a golden Legend of a college student, then dutifully do your own homework. For your own good, I’m willing to endure the shame of being a bad example to motivate you.”

“(⊙~⊙) You’re shameless.”

“Ashe—the shampoo’s run out—grab a new one from the bottom shelf of the cabinet for me.”

“Weird, you actually know better than to just walk out and get it.”

“I haven’t finished showering, and I’m too lazy to dry off. Coming out all wet would make the floor all slippery. I do have that much common sense.”

“You’re so considerate, it really moves me. I just hope you can have more common sense… like not having to expose half your body when fetching something from the bathroom!”

“(* ̄ー ̄) You’re so annoying.”

“Ha, mhm, mhm, sigh~~~ Ah, Ashe, have you finished showering? You took even longer than I did, you know water isn’t cheap…”

“Do you think that’s whose fault?”

“Why does it sound like you’re suggesting I forced you to take such a long shower… Oh, I get it! Geez, I’m not even embarrassed, why are you?”


“If you wanted to take care of it yourself, you didn’t have to hide in the bathroom. As long as you don’t make a mess everywhere, I wouldn’t mind if you did it on my bed. And while I don’t keep many videos suitable for men, I know which Curtain to go to for downloads, so you can take your time finding Casting Materials. Plus, I have lubricant, which works much better than water…”

“Stop, I really was just showering, nothing else!”

“Or did you take care of it during the day when you were alone in the apartment? Let me check the browsing history…”

“No! I haven’t done that kind of thing at your place.”

“No way, you’ve been staying at my place for three days now… Are you a masochist or something?”

“I can’t be bothered with you, move aside, I need to use the Knowledge Screen.”

“╮(╯▽╰)╭ You’re quite strange.”

“Are you asleep?”


“Isn’t it uncomfortable sleeping on the floor? Come up to the bed, I’ll make some room for you.”

“No thanks, I’m scared of you.”

“Ah—your words are kind of hurtful. Honestly, while there are plenty of people who fear my Bewitcher constitution, there are many more who are attracted to my looks. After all, aside from the real deal, there are lots of little games that can be quite enjoyable… Want to give them a try?”

“Speaking of which, I’ve always wondered about something, Freya. With your assets, you’d probably get a lot of fearless people hitting on you at the Tavern, but why do you prefer to spend money at the Mud Café?”

“Hey, Ashe, have you never been to the Tavern for fun? You really have no common sense.”

“Wow, to be lectured on common sense by someone who sleeps naked without a blanket.”

“Let me tell you, the most significant difference between the Tavern, Mud Café, and Tea Cafe is that everyone is equal in the Tavern.”

“Isn’t equality a good thing?”

“But equality means mutual service; you make me comfortable, and I have to do the same for you. You get out what you put in. And I just happen to dislike serving others, so I’d rather spend some money at the Mud Café.”

“When you put it like that, sounds like you’re quite the lone wolf…”

“Plus, the Mud Café offers a buffet, bathhouses, saunas, hydrotherapy, among other entertainment options. ‘Mud Worker services’ are just one of them. Every woman can temporarily shed the troubles of reality at the Mud Café, finding the entertainment that suits her, making a visit there a thoroughly relaxing and enjoyable experience. Statistics show that each adult woman goes to the Mud Café on average once a month. Some high-ranking women even have long-term private rooms in the exclusive Mud Cafés and live there, enjoying top-tier services every night.”

“Oh, I get it, you’re like a Queen, radiating confidence!”

“Also, if you pay, you can make requests that ordinary men couldn’t fulfill.”

“I see… What?”

“Ashe, come here (pats bed), I wouldn’t mind serving you if it’s you.”

“After you’ve served, would you then make a demand for a return favor?”


“And would that request be for ‘special services’ that ‘ordinary men couldn’t fulfill’?”

“But you’re not an ordinary man! Have some courage, Demon Saint!”

“I’ve found that the floor is quite comfortable, goodnight, goodnight.”

“Hmph, (# ̄~ ̄#) you’re quite the scaredy-cat.”

“I’ve been meaning to ask, why do you always wear arm and leg warmers?”

“Arm and leg warmers?”

“Isn’t that fluffy white fur on your hands and feet something you put on?”

“That’s too much! This is my natural Charm Fur, which all Bewitchers have. It’s the biggest difference between Bewitchers and Humans.”

“I know a male Bewitcher who doesn’t have that kind of fur.”

“There are no male Bewitchers in the world, only males ‘with a certain degree of Bewitcher Bloodline.’ Bewitcher specifically refers to females. Plus, if a Bewitcher gives birth, the girls will definitely be pure Bewitchers, while boys will mainly inherit the Race bloodline of the father.”

“Learned some new trivia that I can’t use again.”

“Hey, do you think my Charm Fur looks nice? Although I like it, it seems that many people dislike Charm Fur, thinking it’s a beastly feature. Some Bewitchers even undergo hair removal surgery to look no different from Humans…”

“It’s beautiful! Can I touch it?”

“But don’t you think it looks too much like a beast?”

“Isn’t that even better?”

“Huh? Do you mean you like the kind of the Moonshadow Race?”

“What I mean is, the Charm Fur only makes you look better. It gives you a wild charm, and you in turn make the Charm Fur even more adorable and beautiful. Or to put it another way, it’s not the Charm Fur that’s beautiful, it’s you. You’d look good even with a shaved head.”

“Really!? I was actually thinking about changing my hairstyle…”

“—But I think your current hairstyle looks great, no need to change.”

“Hehe, I think so too, o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o You’ve got quite an eye.”

“What’s for dinner tonight?”

“Fruit salad, and…”

“No Redflame Lala Fatty roe on rice?”

“That’s actually quite a hassle to prepare…”

“Oh, then I’m off to class.”

“Though I do want to eat it today, let’s switch the grilled steak out for Redflame Lala Fatty roe on rice.”

“(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ It’s you who wants it, not me begging for it, you know.”

“Have you come across any good fortune these past few days?”

During class, Adra suddenly asked this, leaving Freya puzzled: “No, not really.”

“Then why have you been so happy lately?”

“Have I been that happy?”

“Your smile has been constant, it hasn’t come down once. It’s exhausting just looking at you!” Adra propped her chin and tilted her face towards Freya: “I think even if I got into the Red Mist Research Institute, I wouldn’t be as thrilled as you.”

Freya subconsciously covered her mouth, but then quickly let go: “That’s not true. I’m always the cheerful little Bewitcher.”

“Come on, what happened? Can’t you tell me?”

Freya gave Adra a somewhat surprised look, “Adra, that seems a bit… impolite, don’t you think?”

Although the two were close friends, that was the extent of their relationship.

They could share hobbies; Adra taking Freya to the casino, Freya bringing Adra to the Mud Café, that was all fine.

But when it came to personal matters, there were boundaries that neither should cross – ‘Taboos.’ While it’s hard to define what exactly constitutes a ‘Taboo’ regarding privacy, it’s very easy to determine if a topic is a ‘Taboo’ – if one party tries to avoid and refuses to answer, then that’s a ‘Taboo’ you shouldn’t pursue further.

Someone unable to grasp this is considered to lack social skills, unable to read the room, and can easily become the ‘barbarian’ who inadvertently hurts others with their words.

Naturally, Adra wasn’t a ‘barbarian.’ In fact, she was quite popular, had several friends besides Freya, and aspired to be part of the Mind Faction, which meant that reading the room should be almost instinctual for her.

Sensing Freya’s surprise, Adra countered, “You’re planning to see a psychotherapist soon, aren’t you?”

“How did you know?” Freya asked instinctively.

Hit the nail on the head.

Freya had been feeling increasingly strange emotions recently, strong enough to affect her reasoning.

Although it was her first time experiencing this, she didn’t panic or try to solve it alone, but instead planned to seek therapy from a psychotherapist.

For the citizens of the Blood Moon Kingdom, it’s almost as basic as survival skills known even to ogres: if something’s wrong physically, you go see a medic; if it’s mental, you visit a psychotherapist.

Moreover, modern people are highly likely to experience mental health issues. Some even need to maintain monthly appointments with a psychotherapist from childhood, which means the demand for psychological therapy is growing, surpassing that of ordinary medical treatment. After all, people might not fall ill or get injured in a year, but there’s hardly anyone who doesn’t face psychological issues in that same timeframe.

At the same time, becoming a psychotherapist is a very common occupation. If Freya doesn’t become a sorcerer in the future, she’s likely to pursue a career as a regular psychotherapist.

With a broad market, numerous practitioners, and the added benefit of medical subsidies for college students, therapy is more affordable for Freya than a meal, so naturally, she wouldn’t struggle on her own.

Adra spoke softly, “Because you’re very scared right now.”

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