Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 146: Who Seriously Dates Anyway?

Freya was roused by the aroma of food.

Today was April 29th, her third day of sheltering an escapee from prison, as well as a day with no morning classes, allowing her the luxury of sleeping in.

A mature Bewitcher’s normal sleep duration is 12 hours, but this schedule is hardly in sync with the fast-paced urban life. Therefore, on class days, Freya would sleep for only six hours and then take a stimulant. If necessary, she could cut down to four hours of sleep with two stimulants.

However, stimulants build up a tolerance, and once the dosage is increased, it’s hard to reduce. Hence, Freya is very cautious, sticking to a rhythm of one pill a day. She would rather yawn than take a second.

It’s not that she fears addiction; rather, stimulants are expensive—more so than Moon Sugar.

In fact, it could also be said that Moon Sugar is just too cheap.

That’s how it is with the Blood Moon; entertainment is always affordable, while anything that can be used for work and earning money is certainly costly.

For instance, an Ogre could use Moon Sugar to aid in painting, which is considered exploiting a racial Talent loophole—something to be envied, not imitated.

After greeting the Demon Saint with a nod, Freya, yawning, headed to the restroom. She put on a non-slip headband, took a shower, washed her face, brushed her teeth, and groomed herself. As a naturally beautiful Bewitcher, and since she did not need to entertain with her looks at the moment, she was actually the one providing the money, so a simple skincare routine sufficed, taking less than half an hour in total.

Before leaving, she thought it over and decided to give Ashe the courtesy of getting dressed first. After all, she was about to attend class, not go to sleep; there was no reason to be naked.

Ashe had already prepared the meal and was watching a video while eating. Freya glanced at the screen and then lost interest—“Analysis of the Strengths and Weaknesses of Various Magic Factions (Part One).”

“I’d advise you to watch comedy videos instead, even though this one is pretty amusing,” she commented.

Ashe seemed surprised, “Why? I just wanted to get a basic understanding of the other factions…”

“Just skimming through like this will only lead to biased preconceptions,” Freya explained. “Can you summarize your own decades-long existence in a single sentence? Do you think a few minutes’ introduction can encapsulate a Magical Faction that has existed for hundreds or even thousands of years?”

“Videos like this will make you think that Earth Magic is just about moving dirt, Thunder Magic goes bzzt bzzt, Swordsmanship requires close combat, Illusion is non-lethal, the Prophecy Faction is full of frail Scholars, and you can counter the Mind Department just by plugging your ears—you’d be better off knowing nothing at all, at least you’d be more cautious.”

“To truly understand a Magical Faction, you should at least read some introductory books, or better yet, attend lectures by professional Professors. These videos are aimed not at Sorcerers, but at non-Sorcerers—the audience who just wants to feel ‘so Magical Factions aren’t that mysterious or even useful.’”

“You’d be better off watching the videos in the new folder; at least they’re harmless and might even boost your appetite.”

Ashe paused, “Really? Can they actually increase appetite?”

“To question a Bewitcher’s taste—I’ll pick one out for you that will definitely make you hungry—”

“No need, no need, I’ll change the video,” Ashe quickly declined the Bewitcher’s suggestion and hurriedly picked a different video on the screen, “Hmm, let’s watch this ‘Why Is This So Expensive’ shop exploration video, it fits since we’re eating… wait, a Tea Cafe exploration video!?”

“Hold on, let’s watch this one.”

“Do you have such varied tastes?”

“Strictly speaking, I shouldn’t be omnivorous,” Freya shrugged her shoulders. “But it’s also possible I just haven’t met a woman that truly excites me… Tsk, you don’t like Tea Cafes, so how about a Mud Café exploration video?”

“Let’s just watch that then,” Ashe conceded.

Actually, the food did seem to taste better.

While watching, Ashe looked around the single room and asked, “After you went to college and left the Nursery, have you always lived alone?”

Freya, who was enjoying her Seafood Lala Fatty, looked at Ashe with a puzzled expression, “I’m not alone. What else could I be, a cat?”

She smiled at Little String and reached out to scratch the fold-ear cat’s chin, which prompted Little String to look utterly content, almost drooling.

“Have you never thought about sharing a place with someone?” Ashe inquired. “Isn’t it more cost-effective to live with another person? Expenses would be lower, and quality of life could improve…”

“Not really,” Freya shook her head repeatedly. “I get a rental subsidy when I rent alone, plus a university student subsidy, which covers about 80% of my rent. With rent so cheap, why would I need to share?”

“Wouldn’t it be even cheaper to share with someone?”

“I’m not struggling on my own, so why do I need to live with someone else?” Freya tilted her head. “I used to have my own room at the Nursery, so why should I squeeze in with others now that I’m out?”

“But if someone else was there, you could help each other out with things like if you had an accident and got hurt…”

“I could use a Chip to call an ambulance from the hospital.”

“Two people could avoid eating out by cooking at home…”

“Actually, I spend less eating at the school cafeteria than you do buying groceries,” Freya muttered. “And when you cook, you have to wash dishes… my apartment doesn’t have a dishwasher…”

Ashe couldn’t help but say, “But if you have that kind of need, wouldn’t it be more convenient to live with a partner?”

Last night, Ashe nearly scrubbed himself raw waiting for the low hum to pause, thinking that enduring one night would be enough. But when he asked about it later, he learned that Freya had to resolve her issues every night, usually three times, with the duration ranging from 15 to 45 minutes depending on the casting materials, her mood that day, and the amount of homework she had.

Freya tilted her head and looked at Ashe, her large eyes filled with questions.

“Let’s not start with the fact that I’m a Bewitcher, but solving needs is just that, solving needs. What does that have to do with being in love? Have you ever been in love?”

Ashe wanted to put up a front, but in the presence of Freya, a seasoned veteran driver


 with profound skills, he felt it was better to be honest, considering he only had a heavy vehicle license without any actual driving experience.


Freya’s response took Ashe by surprise: “Neither have I. Who in their right mind is in love these days?”

Ashe asked with confusion, “Why not? With your looks, shouldn’t it be easy to attract the opposite sex? Or is it because your Bewitcher physique scares people off?”

Freya shook her head: “No, I’m actually curious why you would think I should be in a relationship. Do you Four Pillars Cult followers still harbor such unrealistic fantasies?”

“How is being in love unrealistic?” Ashe felt bewildered. “You were using the Knowledge Screen last night to watch ‘Sorcerer 100%’, that romantic comedy. You seemed to enjoy it and laughed a lot, didn’t you?”

Freya became slightly annoyed: “Then you tell me, what is love like in ‘Sorcerer 100%’?”

“Well… to truly and deeply love someone, to think wholeheartedly about the other person, to protect them at all costs in times of danger, and to be willing to compromise in everyday life…”


“What exactly?”

“Love like you described, beyond films and TV shows, how could it possibly exist in reality?” Freya spread her hands open: “Nowadays, who is willing to compromise for others, to consider someone else’s needs, or even to be ready to protect them at all costs? I certainly wouldn’t.”

She paused: “I can feel love, like, even obsession. For instance, I think you’re pretty decent, and I’d be willing to have an encounter or two with you, or even make it a regular thing. But if you want something more, like moving in together, being part of my daily life or even future plans, that’s something I can’t accept.”

“Things like romantic relationships, most college students have realized that there’s no such pure relationship in reality. It’s often those with less education who believe in the narratives of films and TV shows, wishfully thinking that true love exists in this world—lots of these fools are found in Curtain games. The end result is usually getting scammed out of their money, and the particularly foolish ones even end up in debt. But on the other side of the Curtain, instead of beauties or handsome men, there are Orc uncles and fat Goblin ladies.”

Ashe couldn’t understand: “But isn’t a romantic relationship quite normal? In reality, you can always find someone you trust, right? Can’t you start off as friends and gradually develop into lovers?”

Freya burst into laughter, unable to resist patting the Demon Saint on the head with a giggle: “Silly child, people change. Someone you trust now might become foolish tomorrow after getting hooked on Moon Sugar, and the day after might disdain me after finding an Adventure in the Virtual Realm.”

“Didn’t the Nursery teach you not to trust strangers, not to hold expectations towards them?”


  1. Veteran driver(老司机):

    Due to China’s internet censorship, it is not permitted to discuss 18+ content. Therefore, slang is used to refer to someone who is proficient in 18+ matters.

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