Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 124: The Disgrace of the Sacred Bloodline

At Shattered Lake Prison, within the Activity Hall of the prison’s Medical Team.

All 25 members of the prison’s Medical Team had gathered around a large table, taking their seats.

Each of them wore a Crow Mask and Black Robe, making it impossible to see each other’s expressions. However, the heavy air, thick enough to nearly solidify, was a clear indicator of their unrest.

“Team Leader.” Medical Practitioner [201] broke the silence: “Is there really nothing you can do?”

Although it was unclear who the Team Leader was, it was generally understood that each Blood Moon prison Medical Team’s leader was a Golden Two Wings Sorcerer who had reached the pinnacle of their potential. In contrast, those who came to the prison to perform the Blood Embrace Ritual were typically Silver One Wing Sorcerers, making the Team Leader the most powerful individual present.

“There’s nothing I can do,” the Team Leader said bitterly. “The ‘Black Coffin’ contains a Tri-wings Saint, whose bloodline strength and power far exceed my own. The ‘Blood Lock’ he has initiated is beyond my ability to counter.”

A Medical Practitioner couldn’t help but let out a bitter laugh: “Who would have thought that the Blood Lock, once used by our sacred bloodline to bind the Lower Race, would one day be turned against us?”

The Binding Miracle of the Blood Lock was originally a technique used exclusively within the sacred bloodline.

Back then, the sacred bloodline was not organized under the current Institute System, but rather under the highly inefficient and rudimentary Family System. The expansion of the clan relied on High Blood Saints finding suitable individuals and then performing the First Embrace with a vague success rate, in order to convert them into lower-ranking kin.

The flaws of the Family System were significant. Not only did the concentration of the bloodline diminish with each generation, but the First Embrace ceremony also required the consumption of a High Blood Saint’s True Blood. More critically, the recipients of the First Embrace had to be in love with the High Blood Saint.

To become part of the sacred bloodline, you had to genuinely fall in love with a member.

As one can imagine, the sacred bloodline of that era was extremely scarce and, indeed, very… united.

Even with their incredibly long lifespans, the numbers of the sacred bloodline would only dwindle over time, and their strength would diminish. Not to mention, the ‘Family Bond’, based on love, often drove the sacred bloodline to madness over the injury or death of a Family Member—they would be willing to rise en masse for a single member, fighting relentlessly against any enemy.

Unlike the love for Family Members, the sacred bloodline was utterly indifferent to other Races. Consequently, the sacred bloodline’s way of interacting with the world was either to annihilate all enemies, turning entire regions into a paradise for themselves and a hell for other Races, or to be annihilated by the enemies, eradicating this monster Race bound by love.

It wasn’t until the Blood Moon Sovereign unified the Moonshadow and the sacred bloodline, revolutionizing their way of survival and ordering both to adopt the Institute System and Church System, that they grew powerful in just a millennium.

Under the Institute System, the sacred bloodline no longer needed to find suitable Descendants themselves, as the top talents from all Races eagerly sought to join the Research Institutes to gain immortality.

The Blood Transfusion Ritual, which replaced the First Embrace, merely transformed these fortunate individuals into Preparatory Bloodline. To become a true member of the sacred bloodline, they still needed to undergo the Blood Embrace Ritual at the Prison, drawing sustenance from death itself, thus the sacred bloodline bore no cost for reproduction—because the dead had already paid it.

The original Blood Lock was possible because the lower bloodline contained the True Blood of a High Blood Saint. Hence, by initiating a Blood Lock, a High Blood Saint could sense the location of their kin and even control their actions.

If a High Blood Saint died, they could even be reborn within the body of their kin!

Once freed from the shackles of love, the Family System crumbled naturally, and without the First Embrace, there was no need for the Blood Lock. Thus, the Blood Lock, extending from the First Embrace, should have been relegated to the dustbin of history to mold.

Following the enhancements by the Blood Moon Sovereign, the Blood Lock leaped to prominence as the most significant miracle of the sacred bloodline, not only because its binding range was no longer limited to the sacred bloodline but because it extended to all the inhabitants of the Blood Moon Kingdom!

Every infant residing in the Nursery is implanted with a Miracle Chip, which contains a drop of ‘True Blood.’ As the infant matures into adulthood, the True Blood merges with their blood, bone marrow, bodily fluids, and even germ cells, spreading throughout the body!

It’s fair to say, any child who grows up in the Nursery of the Blood Moon Kingdom is a Preparatory Bloodline!

The modern Blood Lock is a Tri-wings miracle, meaning that as long as a Tri-wings Blood Saint activates the ‘Blood Lock’ miracle, they can control any citizen of the Blood Moon Kingdom whose strength is lower than theirs, regardless of whether they are Human, Elf, Orc, or a member of the Moonshadow sacred bloodline!

Although there’s no evidence, many within the sacred bloodline believe that if a Legend Blood Saint were to activate the Blood Lock, they could even control all the people in an entire city, even ordering them to their deaths!

However, in contrast to the terrifying power they wield, the sacred bloodline remains very discreet.

While the outside world is aware of the sacred bloodline’s existence, they only know that members of the sacred bloodline are immortal and that to become one, an individual must pass the Graduate Student examination to join a Research Institute, and so on. People from the sacred bloodline may become councilors, but they do not take on any official positions, and the general impression of the sacred bloodline is limited to two roles: doctors and scholars.

As for the misuse of the Blood Lock, such an event hasn’t occurred in hundreds of years.

The application of the Blood Lock is confined to Prisons and Warzones, with only Prisoners and Adventurers being subject to its Restriction.

Even Blood Mad Hunters like Gerard are not permitted to use the Blood Lock to control Prisoners while on a mission. In theory, the only individuals who can legally use the Blood Lock miracle are the ‘Saints’ lying in the ‘Black Coffin,’ and the living can only indirectly trigger the Blood Lock through the Black Coffin.

There are many reasons why the sacred bloodline must not expose their powers. To prevent arrogance within the sacred bloodline, to avoid stirring rebellious sentiments among the Lower Races, and to maintain social stability… But the most fundamental reason is that the Blood Moon Sovereign does not permit it.

The Socialized Rearing System, the Institute System, and the Church System… These rules, personally established by the Blood Moon Sovereign, cannot be violated, not even for testing the boundaries.

If the Blood Lock for a death row inmate is tangible, allowing them to know what they are not permitted to do through testing, then the Blood Lock for the sacred bloodline is intangible, preventing even the thought of testing it from arising!

That’s why the Medics are so outraged—after all, even they are unaware of the exact location of the Black Coffin, so how could outsiders control the Saints within?

“Necromancers!” someone said through clenched teeth. “Only they could… Those despicable lowlifes must be using Necromancy to manipulate the Saints… Can’t we use Necromancy to fight for control over the Saints?”

“We are forbidden from channeling arcane energy, forbidden from attacking, how could we initiate Necromancy?”

“Wait, I remember that entering the Black Coffin requires a Key, how could outsiders possibly know the Key? Could there be a traitor among us?”

“Yes, the people who know the Key include the Team Leader, the Warden, and the department head of the Sin Hunter’s Hall, could it be…”

Realizing everyone was looking at him, the Team Leader became anxious: “The Key is sealed by a Miracle, there’s no way I could have leaked it through any means!”

“But the Warden is always away from the Prison, and the department head is also far off in the city district, how else could a death row inmate obtain the Key?” the other Medics pressed on without courtesy.

“Speaking of which,” someone suddenly said, “I heard that a few years ago in Kaimon City, there was a killer known as the ‘Controller’ who committed multiple murder cases. Since the killings seemed to involve Blood Locks, my boss was summoned by the Sin Hunter’s Hall to conduct an internal investigation. Although it ended inconclusively, it was confirmed that the Key did not leak from any of the keepers of secrets.”

After the expulsion incident [176], everyone had a hunch that [201]’s boss might be the Mind Saint from the Mind Faction. Unlike Memory Masters, who could be deceived, the Mind Saint examines the soul itself. Even if a suspect turns themselves mad, the Mind Saint can shatter their soul and extract the desired information from the fragments, as easily as breaking and reassembling a Rubik’s cube.

Before a Mind Saint, forgetting is no way to keep a secret.

“If Senior Sister says there was no leak, then there truly was no leak.”

Everyone looked towards Medic Sivirin with the nameplate number [222], who calmly said, “So there’s only one possibility left—the death row inmates have found a way to discover the real Black Coffin Key. With such a big incident, the Key system is no longer secure, but that’s not our concern. By the way, I have one piece of bad news and one piece of good news. Which do you want to hear first?”

“What’s the bad news?”

“The bad news is that our disgrace is now a certainty. By tomorrow, all thirty-six Research Institutes will know that a bunch of us from the Bloodline have been captured by a few death row inmates in Prison.”

“And the good news?”

“The good news is that we were wearing masks, so no one knows who we are. Everyone can lose face without restraint, and no one will know that the sacred bloodline has been dishonored.”

The crowd fell silent, not expecting the young lady to still possess the leisure to joke around. However, as a member of the Bloodline from one of the four Grand Research Institutes, she had the privilege of arrogance. What might be an indelible stain or even a career-damaging incident for others was nothing more than a minor episode to her.

“Is there really no other way?” someone asked, unwilling to give up.

“Resonance of the bloodline,” the Team Leader said. “The Saint inside the Black Coffin should retain a sliver of consciousness. If we can connect with him through bloodline resonance, we might be able to release our Blood Locks.”

“How do we create bloodline resonance?”

“I don’t know—intense emotions? Burning desire? Prayers to the Blood Moon Sovereign? Although the success rate is extremely low, that’s all we can attempt right now.”

Exchanging looks, everyone felt this was a desperate measure among the few options they had. So there were those who drew circles cursing the death row inmates, some lay on the ground trying to make contact with the Black Coffin through the vibrations of the floor, and nearly bringing Sivirin to laughter, one even hung from a chandelier upside down like a bat—claiming to mimic the ancient meditation posture of the sacred bloodline to increase the chances of bloodline resonance.

Just then, the door to the Lounge burst open, and a Prison Guard poked his head in.

“Excuse me, [222], please come with me to the Treatment room.”

“Ashe Heath?” Sivirin said in surprise. “What do you need me for?”

“There’s something you must do.”

“Can’t it be done here?” [201] stood up, stepping in front of Sivirin. “And if it’s work that needs to be done, I can do it instead.”

Ashe shook his head firmly: “No, I need [222]. Besides, there isn’t even a bed here; it’s not suitable to do it in this place.”

The Medics: “Hmm?”

The sacred bloodline was about to be dishonored!

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