Sorcerer’s Handbook

Chapter 103: Protecting My Dreams

Sonya clucked her tongue as she saw the Observer’s sudden downturn in spirits. She had thought this was her chance to strike while the iron was hot, to completely change the dynamic and make the Observer her own mount.

But putting herself in the Observer’s shoes, Sonya could understand his feelings.

He had awoken in an unfamiliar body, losing all memories related to being a Sorcerer, yet he did not inherit the memories of the new body either. He was like a baby abandoned on the streets right after birth, how could he not feel lost?

The difference between the Observer and a baby was that he did not cry, and he was not as adorable as a baby.

After painstakingly devising a brilliant Escape Plan, just as he was about to put it into action, a series of unexpected events interrupted him. And with an unsolvable crisis looming, it was only natural for the Observer to feel disheartened.

Sometimes, when Sonya was too late to finish her homework, she would give up and leave it to fate as well.

But her giving up would at worst result in a scolding from the Professor.

For the Observer, giving up could mean actual death.

She couldn’t let that happen.

“Do you desire power? As a Sorcerer of the Sanctuary, as a Legend with Quadruple Wings, you could look down upon all beings, wielding the power to turn the world upside down.”

“I do, but only a little. Power is indeed a wonderful thing, good to have, but I won’t be consumed by Greediness if I don’t have it. The Silver Wings have already satisfied me.”

“Do you want to uncover the secrets of Exploring the Virtual Realm? The Sea of Knowledge is just the first layer of the Virtual Realm, the Time Continent is the second, Distant Skies the third, Ruby Mountain the fourth… Countless Sorcerers are immersed in the Virtual Realm, not just because it grants them power, but also because the journey through the Virtual Realm is the most thrilling adventure of all.”

“I do want that, but not desperately. Honestly, I’m the kind of person who needs a few months to cool off after a trip. To tell you the truth, if it weren’t for the need to keep increasing my strength, I’d consider discussing with you the possibility of temporarily halting our Exploration in Virtual Realm. After all, we have already forged the Silver Wings—”

“Absolutely not! How can a Sorcerer even think of pausing Exploration in Virtual Realm! Even the laziest donkey wouldn’t dare utter such words!” Sonya shook her head vehemently, as if she had heard some blasphemous statement: “You’re so strange. Isn’t power and the Virtual Realm the ultimate desire of a Sorcerer? Or are your tastes more pedestrian, longing for power or women?”

“Would it sound better if I said career and love?” Ashe replied: “Actually, if I could settle down after escaping from prison, and then meet a pure, cute girl with a nice figure, and live a sweet and peaceful life, I’d be completely content.”

“…The original owner of that body must have been framed,” Sonya said earnestly: “Such thoughts can’t be your own; your body must be influencing you. How could a body that generates such thoughts belong to a Cult Leader!”

Although Ashe didn’t agree with the Swordswoman’s dismissal of his ‘pedestrian’ tastes, he did agree with the latter part of her statement—Ashe Heath could not possibly be a Cult Leader; he must have been the scapegoat pushed forward by Professor Sylin!

“Tsk, you’re so troublesome, but I don’t know the ‘Beacon of Hope,’” Sonya muttered. “I’ve heard that a good thrashing can also be quite therapeutic…”

Ashe scurried to a corner of the Boat: “Hey, hey, hey, there’s no need for violence! It’s just a trivial matter, really. Let’s just forget about this insignificant part and proceed with the joyful Exploration in Virtual Realm!”

“No way! We have to resolve your issues first!”


Ashe was genuinely puzzled. “Haven’t you always resented me controlling your actions? Didn’t you say you could live well even without me? And it’s not like I want to end my life; I just feel a bit tired, not as driven, but it won’t hinder our Exploration in Virtual Realm. Why are you so worried about my psychological state?”

“Because I need you!”

Ashe was taken aback for a moment.

“Yes, I need you.” Sonya, as if she had an epiphany, squatted in front of Ashe and said, “You’re important to me.”

“I want to become a Sorcerer of Legend with Quadruple Wings, to wield miracles that turn the world on its head, to make the world obey my commands, to make fate itself bow before me.”

“I want to delve into the secrets of the Virtual Realm, to witness the ‘Time Ascending Rain’ of the Time Continent, to gaze upon the boundless Distant Skies, to see the Ruby Mountains made of rubies… I want to encounter more miracles, to subjugate more spirits, to reach higher echelons within the Magical Factions, and maybe even uncover the true nature of the Virtual Realm!”

“I want to be a personage in Gales, to receive the Empress’s appointment in Degong Palace and become a new Noble.”

“I also want to be a Songstress, a performer, to create classic Shadow Dramas that people never tire of watching, to leave behind a Song Collection that will be sung for years, to become the object of others’ aspirations!”

“I want even more, much more.” Sonya grasped Ashe’s hands tightly. “But by myself, I can’t achieve my dreams.”

“That’s why I need you, Observer; you are my shortcut to my dreams.”

“Although I hate the surprises you’ve brought into my life, I must admit, you’ve also brought many benefits. If it weren’t for you, I might not even be a Sorcerer, let alone have forged the Silver Wings. I need you, both in reality and the Virtual Realm.”

“Observer, even though you have no dreams of your own,” Sonya spoke deliberately, “you can protect my dreams.”

“You’re called the Observer, right? Then watch me closely. You need to stay alive until I’ve realized my dreams.”

Ashe blinked, a chuckle escaping him involuntarily, tears almost springing to his eyes.

Wiping the laughter tears from the corners of his eyes, he quipped, “All I hear from that speech of yours is ‘use me’—horizontal or vertical.”

Sonya clicked her tongue. “Isn’t that just perfect? Our relationship has always been blatantly transactional. Isn’t it better to clarify our needs upfront for a smoother collaboration?”

“But I was actually hoping for a conversation with a bit more warmth…”

“That’s possible too. Don’t move.”

Sonya reached around Ashe’s waist and gently hugged him, resting her chin on his shoulder. Ashe could feel her stiffness, uncertain whether she had never embraced someone of the opposite sex before or if she had simply seldom hugged anyone at all.

“You’ve become very important in my life; I don’t want to lose you.”

Ashe was stunned for a moment, feeling like he’d had a strawberry ice cream in the height of summer. Just as he thought to hug her back, the Swordswoman quickly disengaged and stepped away, a faint smile on her face.

“How about that, did it make your heart flutter?”

Ashe’s expression darkened: “That’s right, you’re no longer under the Restriction of the Ritual, you can lie now!”

“What else? Did you really think, after just a few days of knowing each other, I’d be that casual?” Sonya stuck out her tongue playfully. “I’ve already said we’re in this for mutual benefits, and you still believed what I said… So, did your heart flutter or not?”

Ashe deftly changed the subject: “You just said you want to be a Songstress. Since we’re not doing anything, how about singing a song to lighten the mood?”

“If I sing just because you asked, wouldn’t that be a blow to my pride?”

At this point, Sonya’s face turned nearly as red as her ears—she had spoken too quickly without thinking and inadvertently revealed her dream of becoming a performer and Songstress.

She had kept this idea hidden deep in her heart since childhood and dared not reveal it even after entering university. For one, she hadn’t chosen the Sound Magic faction, theoretically not meeting the threshold to become a Songstress. Secondly, she dreaded this exact situation: others would insist she sing a few lines upon hearing her dream, which was incredibly annoying!

After the usual back-and-forth banter, they suddenly stopped. Sonya sat down and asked, “How are you feeling now?”

“Terrible, almost angry enough to die just to spite you.”


“Just kidding.” Ashe shrugged. “But seeing how infuriating you are, I suddenly remember I have an enemy enjoying freedom outside the Prison. He’s scheming to put me in danger and making my retirement days in prison terrifying. Plus, he’s the main culprit who framed me and got me imprisoned… The more I think about it, the angrier I get. The more I hold back, the more I feel at a loss. Even if I were too lazy to live, I’d have to escape from prison first to settle the score with that guy!”

“Good, that’s the spirit! I can’t die before I get my revenge!”

Revenge, huh? Although it sounds a bit extreme, as a short-term goal, it’s not bad.

Sonya nodded, “Exactly, revenge should be served from dawn till dusk, return the favor tenfold for how they wronged you!”

“Also,” Ashe looked at Sonya, “didn’t I just say I feel as light as a balloon, with only one string holding me to the ground?”

“You are that string.”

Sonya blinked.

“Even if it’s for you, to protect your dreams, to observe your future, I’ll make sure to stay alive.”

Sonya didn’t know how to react for a moment and averted her gaze instinctively, “I—”

At that moment, Ashe suddenly leaned back with a sly grin, “So, did I make your heart flutter?”

Sonya’s lips twitched, her shoulders shaking with irritation.

She snorted, “Your words lack any emotion, not even a little girl would believe them! Maybe you should learn from me how to convincingly tell a lie filled with fake sentiment. I’m quite the expert, you know.”

“I want to learn singing from you, why don’t you sing a couple of lines to liven up the mood?”

“Tch, end of small talk, let’s start Exploring the Virtual Realm. If we keep chatting, it’ll be daylight on my side soon.”

“You’re right.”

Ashe nodded, activating the Holographic Screen and pulling up the Map of the Virtual Realm: “We really have been here too… long… now.”

Noticing a quiver in the Observer’s voice, Sonya curiously asked, “What’s wrong?”

“On the first day we entered the Virtual Realm, didn’t you tell me about the Taboo we must always remember during Exploration in Virtual Realm?”

“Yeah, that’s to never stay in one place for too long—”

Sonya’s voice cut off abruptly as she tilted her head slightly, spotting a pair of pale yellow vertical pupils emerging from the dense white mist.

Those were the eyes of a fox dragon.

Slaying Fish-Dragon, fox dragon, storm dragon, Mud Fish Dragon, Umbrella Bird-Dragon… Unbeknownst to them, they had been surrounded by a group of Knowledge Creatures.

“Swordswoman, was your voice a bit too loud just now—”

“Shut up.”

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