While Sol and the others were facing a rather uncomfortable situation, Isis and Sheherazade were having the time of their lives as they walked through the populated streets of the capital of Lustburg.

"Ohhh. This is so tasty! Are those cakes really made by mortals?"

Sheherazade seemed to be in complete awe of everything as she looked ready to jump into the cake she was eating and just bathe in it if it was necessary for her to savor more of the cake's flavor.

Next to her, Isis chuckled as she also savored the vanilla cake she had received from the shop clerk.

It wasn't as if she had never eaten sweets in the Underworld or the Phoenix Realm before. But she had to admit that food was better when it was made by people who actually needed to eat to survive rather than the ones who just baked it to have a taste and then discard the thought of eating that item for a few centuries.

The cake seemed to just melt in her mouth, giving her a feeling of supreme bliss and joy down to each and every cell of her body.

"You two look like little kids."

Even though Isis' position had yet to be officially announced, all the people in the tower already knew that she was Sol's contract partner and in a way was his second in command.

The only one who would dare to speak to her in such a way was someone who actually had no care for her social position and power.

"Oh... Kali?"

Kali the Witch of Destruction, one of the most feared witches in existence and technically the most destructive witch just after Ambrosia, the central direction herself, was walking toward them while holding some kind of list and wearing maid clothes.

No matter how many times she saw her being like this, Isis could only chuckle in disbelief at the absurdity of the situation. After all, the witches had quite the presence even in the Astral Realm and since Kali was the one who generally hunted down stray witches or the enemies of Salem, many people knew about her and respected her strength.

That feared existence was acting like a maid for her lover and she did not seem to particularly mind it a single bit.

"What brought you here?"

Kali waved the list at her hands, "I was sent to buy some supplies for the food and make a surprise inspection as well."

All and every supply sent to the castle had to be thoroughly examined in order to make sure that they were fresh, worthy of being eaten by the royal family, and more importantly, free of any and all poison that may be infused into the food to harm the royalty.

"Well, this is honestly a waste of time. I think only that pesky Dragon King can create a poison that would bring those three monsters down and even that seems doubtful at most."

Isis could only give a strained laugh at the words Kali muttered. What could she do, she had no words to refute that claim of hers. Lilith's current constitution was so foreign that she doubted any known poison even in the Astral Realm could actually hurt her. Sol could literally invert any such effects that may be inflicted on him so there was no way any kind of debuffs may work on her.

The only one actually in danger of being poisoned was Lilin. But even that would not be the case once she became a king rank.

The discussion between the two died off a little. Not really knowing what to say anymore.

They were not really friends. They were barely even acquaintances.

Kali had no particular interest in most of Sol's harem members outside of her own sisters and Isis was not the type to be very proactive when dealing with people.

More than this, there was another small difference between the two of them. Isis knew that Kali was supposed to gone down the path of becoming the Witch of Death but she had failed to reach that goal.

As the very embodiment of what she failed to attain, Isis feared that her presence would make the crimson witch feel bad and worsen the situation between them so she couldn't help but remain silent right now.

Looking at the black-haired girl fidgeting in her seat and not knowing what to do, Kali chuckled under her breath and looked at her with amusement in her eyes.

She was not a mind reader but she had enough understanding of people to know why this black phoenix of death and decay was feeling so uncomfortable in front of her.

"Hey. What do you say, I'mma ditch the task for today and we go and have fun?"

"Ah?"ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

"Don't look so surprised."

Kali shrugged her shoulders and slightly ruffled her hair, "Look. I made some mistakes not long ago. I was so blinded by my goals that I truly fucked up and put Sol in danger."

She became a little uncomfortable even as she uttered those words, as she disliked putting herself in a position of inferiority. But this time it was something that had been entirely her fault and no matter what excuse she used, the reality was what it was. Joining the Wing of Freedom and participating in the manipulation of Gerald had not been the proudest moment of her life.

If Medea and Freya had not intervened, she would have brought even more chaos to the city and while she had been careful to avoid lulling anyone, participating in a terrorist attack made all death her fault as well even if she did not bring the killing blow.

"Sol had honestly every right to hate the hell out of me. But he gave me a second chance, a small way to redeem myself and I am very grateful to him for that."

More than anything... Sol had realized the dearest wish of all the witches in existence.

"He is both a friend and a benefactor for me as well as the entire witch faction. Is it really that weird for me to wish to help his wife integrate a little more with the human kingdom?"


"Also don't look at me like you owe something. Being unable to become the Witch of Death was quite a blow to me but now I don't mind it the least bit."

She grinned as a small light bloomed between her finger. "I may not have become a necromancer but a DPS type mage is just as good, don't you think so?"

"DPS? What is that?"

"...Sigh. Forget it."

Isis nodded, not trying to dig deeper into her words. She knew that Kali, like her father and Sol were people who were reincarnated individuals coming from a different world from who knows where. In the same way as all the reincarnators, her scarlet fiery soul was truly beautiful to observe.

But she also knew that most of these reincarnators were individuals who did not like talking about their past life. She didn't really understand why they had to act and hide this kind of secret from the others but she chose to respect their sense of privacy.

She could understand that it wasn't something easy to accept for the ones who didn't have an intricate understanding of life and death like her.

'Speaking of that... If I have a child with Sol...'

She blushed slightly at the thought of siring children with the love of her life but then suddenly paled at the thought of raising someone who already had all their memories from another life.

'Would that child even consider me as his or her mother?'

Now that she thought about it, neither Sol nor her father seemed particularly attached to their respective parents.

ƥαṇdαηθνε| The thought of her own children not even caring about her was quite disheartening.

"Then Kali... May I ask you a question?"

"Hmm. Go on."

"What are reincarnators in your opinion?"

Isis had to admit that the face Kali made at her sudden question was truly entertaining.

(AN: A small chapter to take my head out of the family drama and refocus. Also introducing a new relationship between Kali and Isis. May they become good friends.

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