Someday Will I Be The Greatest Alchemist?

Chapter 444: Harassment to the best of our capabilities

Chapter 444: Harassment to the best of our capabilities

Samandourian nobles were staying in Wedgefort. Earl Sechnal and Earl Vautarc paid a visit to the Governor of Wedgefort everyday and arrogantly made one-sided demands, and would then return to their hotel in a rage when the Governor rejected them. I want to open up my heart for a moment to see how they have the guts to demand involvement in the trade with Sanctuary with such composed faces.

The Governor of Wedgefort was Margrave Volton’s protégé, a viscount. A viscount was one rank lower than an Earl, but this was not a good attitude to have with a noble from another country. It would seem the Viscount was a man of substance, and he was dealing with it appropriately.

Hearing about that from Sylph, I thought my open mouth wouldn’t shut up about it.

「Did they forget that they sold large quantities of munitions to Triaria Kingdom and the Divine Empire of Sydnia in the war? Even a chicken can three steps.」

「Moreover, those companies, those companies were theirs. Shamelessness has its limits too.」

Akane and Maria

It’s not like I don’t understand how they feel. When we left Samandour Kingdom, the fighters of dark guilds and mercenaries attacked us, but we repelled them and should have caused huge losses for those nobles. Despite this, I couldn’t say that the fact that they wanted to have a trade that was Sanctuary-related was surprising at all. On top of that, the assassins from the dark guild that they brought had participated in the most recent attack……

「So, it’s about time for Earl Hordia, Earl Sechnal, and Earl Vautarc to learn about the failed attack, but as a result of Forbach not leaving a single bit of evidence behind, these three high ranking nobles from different countries can’t be judged openly even as a joke.」

「But we’re not gonna just leave it at this though, right?」

The captain of the knight order of the Volton Margravery who interrogated Forbach with me also said that without any evidence, they can’t charge anyone. Akane asked if I plan on taking some sort of revenge…… I do.

So, Kaede and I hid in the shadows and came to Wedgefort.

She and I used the usual Stealth Skill and presence inhibiting overcoat, and were equipped with an illusory magic tool that makes us disappear.

We definitely don’t want to be found out, so when it came to hiding our presence, Kaede, the number one, and I, the number two, were the only ones who were infiltrated.

Sophia wanted to come as my guard, but we had no plans on fighting, and this was some sort of harassment or prank, so to speak. It would definitely not be good to have Sophia come along.

(Master, I can smell that pig from this carriage.)

(Thanks Kaede.)

Kaede and I snuck into the carriage storehouse of a high-class hotel.

The owner of this carriage was this time’s main culprit, a noble of Yggurle Kingdom, Earl Hordia. I had asked Kaede beforehand to check for Earl Hordia’s scent and presence.

(Okay then, watch out for people please, Kaede.)

(I gotcha, Master.)

As to what I’m doing sneaking around to Earl Hordia’s carriage in the middle of the night was genuinely just to harass him.

(Okay, so the axle breaks at the perfect time, 『Transmute』!)

I transmuted the carbon on the iron axle using alchemy so it would break when it travels.

(It would be a huge success if it breaks at the halfway point between Wedgefort and the border of Yggurle Kingdom.)

When I let everyone know that this was how I was gonna harass them, Sophia, Lulu-chan, and everyone else smiled wryly. It couldn’t be helped. Even I thought it was the level of a children’s prank.

After that, I went to a separate carriage storehouse at the hotel that Earl Sechnal and Earl Vautarc of Samandour Kingdom were staying at and did the same thing.

Although the area between Wedgefort and Yggurle Kingdom is undeveloped, it wasn’t particularly dangerous because the monster subjugation in the vicinity of the highways were under way, but because the highway in the Savage Lands between Wedgefort and Samandour Kingdom couldn’t be maintained normally, it was dangerous. That’s why Earl Sechnal and Earl Vautarc chose the route from Lomaria Kingdom to Triaria Kingdom to go back.

If the carriage breaks between Lomaria Kingdom and Triaria Kingdom, it wouldn’t be much of a harassment, so I adjusted the use of 『Transmute』 so that it would break at the halfway point from Wedgefort to Lomaria Kingdom.

(Alrighty, Kaede, we’re retreating.)

(Roger, Master.)

Imagining them troubled and stranded in the middle of the Savage Lands made me feel refreshed as Kaede and I withdrew.


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