Chapter 7: Chapter 7. Liam Talent

"Why not, it is time for awakening the talent for my children's so I would definitely come." Lucius smiled and said

"Then let's go and see what kind of talent would you awaken." After saying this he stand up and goes into a room that looks normal like other ones in their house.

Their house is pretty big even Liam didn't know how many kilometres had their house took, because he hadn't gone and seeing all his house.

That room didn't have any furniture or any other decorative items, there in middle of that room was a orb.

That orb looks colourless yet mysterious and it was placed on an plate that was placed on a pillar that they may have created.

"Now anyone from you can go and place your hand above that Talent Awakening Orb and close your eyes" Inside the room were only four persons, they are Liam, Lilith, Leah and Lucius.

It was Lucius who had just talked.

"Me! Me! I would go first." At this time Leah spoke excitedly.

After getting a nod from his brother and mother, she goes towards that colourless orb and place her small hand above it and closed her eyes.

Liam was also seeing an talent awakening for first time, he was also interested that what she would awaken.

Liam saw that very soon, when Leah placed her hands above the orb, that coulourless orb became colorful, it looked very amazing.

Then that colourful orb became completely blue colour at one time and above it showed a list on that was written.

[ Awakened Talent : Water

Rank : SS ]

It was a futuristic list like in sci-fi movies.

He didn't know how could they have made it like this but he took a note and remember about it.

After showing the list on above that orb it goes back or hide again.

After this Leah opened her eyes and saw her mother and father shocked face.

She looked at them nervously and asked in panic "What happened, did I do something wrong or is it that I don't have any talent so I didn't awaken any anything."

Leah at this time was panicked and nervous.

But suddenly her brother come towards her and smiled said "Congratulations Leah, you had awaken your talent element water and it's rank is SS."

Only after hearing it, did Lilith and Lucius come back to their senses and Lucius began to laugh crazily.

"Hahahahahahha My daughter talent is SS rank, Hahahaha" Lucius was feeling that surprise really like to come suddenly.

SS rank talent in human race not many people can awaken till now there are only 15 or so person's had awakened SS level talent and are that is registered.

Lilith also goes towards her daughter and said "Congratulations Dear, On awakening your talent."

She even though was very surprised and feeling happy but she didn't laugh like Lucius.

Lucius also stopped laughing and congratulated her.

Leah looked at them and make a face that looks cute and asked "How, am I awesome or what? hehehe"

After congratulating her it was time for Liam to awaken his talent.

So he nod his towards his mother and goes towards that orb.

After arriving in front of it, he placed his hands above that orb that has became colourless now.

Even though Liam was happy for his sister but his mood was weird and funny as he thought 'Would I awaken a trash talent, Like those protagonist's, so that Lucius, my 'father' wouldn't give me good looks and can even expel me from house, like those protagonist's in novel's.'

Thinking of this he shook his head and didn't think much about it.

After he placed his hands above it and closed his eyes.

He find himself in darkness but that darkness didn't remained for much time as the next moment whole place, where he was standing and feeling became purple and lighting could be seen everywhere, after everywhere and every inch of that place had became purple and lighting, he was gently expelled from that place where he was and could see the process.

Outside as Liam closed his eyes and placed his hands above the orb.

Like before it becomes extremely colourful.

Leah said "wow"

She was amazed that orb could look like this, it was so fasnicating for her.

After next moment, the colourful orb become only one colour that was purple.

A list was also above there on that was written.

[ Awakened Talent : Lightning

Rank : S ]

Talent ranking is dependent upon the destructiveness of the element that the person could make in starting and later.

So, when Leah awakened her talent Water it was SS rank because she it is destructive if she use full power of it.

That's why even though many persons talent could be same but because of rank and how would they later release the attack will make them different.

So even though many persons has same talent, Even then it was called Unique Talent.

After Liam was expelled from that place, he immediately looked at his talent on the list because Leah spends much time in opening her eyes she couldn't see it but Just after he was expelled from there, he looked at his talent and after seeing the talent and it's rank he was satisfied.

Even though it's rank is low but the talent is really powerful.

At this time Lilith and Leah come to his side and congratulated him.

"Congratulations Brother, on awakening of your talent."

"Congratulations Dear, on awakening of your talent."

Even though Lilith was surprised that his talent rank was low then her daughter but it was pretty good because only in human race only some thousand people would awaken their talent.

Yes, Even though S rank talent is rare but not as much as SS, SSS.

Seeing that Liam didn't answer them, She felt that he was sad so she patted his head with her hands and said "You don't have to feel sad. S rank talent is already very powerful, See me I also had S level talent."

She wanted him not to feel depressed so she even told him that her talent was also S rank.

At this time Liam was already thinking of spells and whether he could create some.

So when he heard his mother, he come to his senses but he didn't say that he was not feeling sad but just said "It's okay mother, I know that S rank talent are pretty amazing too."

He said this in some low voice that looked like that he was feeling somehow sad.

At this time, Lucius even though was a little disappointed that his son had awakened only S level talent, but he also comforted him and congratulated him.

The talent rank's are generally closely related to their parents and their genes.

So because Lucius was an SS Level talent only then did Leah awakened her SS talent.

While Liam awakened his talent on S rank because of his mother.

Leah also wanted to say something like, that she awakened more rank in talent than her brother but she seemed to feel the atmosphere and her brother low mood so she didn't say something like this and also comforted him in her cute voice.

"It's okay brother, even if your talent rank's is lower than mine but your awakened talent is better and don't worry I would also protect you in the future." While she said this she swings her pink little fists.

But she doesn't know that her brother, Liam, at this time was already planning for spending a night with his hottie mother.

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