Silent Witch

Book 13: Chapter 6: Music Nerd, Math Nerd, Chess Nerd (and a Sensible Person) Talk About Love

Book 13: Chapter 6: Music Nerd, Math Nerd, Chess Nerd (and a Sensible Person) Talk About Love

Monica looked down at the expressionless chessboard, adorned with black and white squares, and moved her black knight with a flick.

Sitting across the board was Roberto Vinkel, a young man with a masculine face and black hair.

As Roberto moved his white queen, Monica quickly responded by moving her black bishop.


"I lost."

As Roberto lowered his head, Monica, who had been emotionless until then, furrowed her brows and returned to her usual helpless expression.

Chess was a way to temporarily forget worries and anxieties. Especially with Roberto, who was the only one in this classroom who could match Monica's skills, she could immerse herself even more in the game.

Engagements and such were troublesome topics, but even Monica didn't dislike playing chess with Roberto.

Roberto stared intently at the pieces on the board, reflecting on the recent match.

"I made a mistake in my calculations this time. I came up with a new move and tried it outbut I relied too heavily on forte, and it was far from cantabile."


"I should have made it more of a gentle crescendo."


Why did music terms suddenly come up?

Sensing Monica's confusion, Roberto proudly explained.

"I was told that my words lacked musical elegance, so Senior Moulding gave me some guidance. Hence, I tried to emulate Moulding's style."

Monica awkwardly moved her head and glanced at Elliot and Benjamin, who were observing the match.

Beside Elliot, who had a distant look in his eyes, Benjamin nodded with his arms crossed.

"When it comes to court women, Vinkel's way of speaking is too rigid. When courting a woman, it should be more musical and graceful. Do you understand?"

"U-um, sorry, I don't really understand"

Apologizing with a hint of embarrassment, Monica received a half-eyed response from Elliot, who rested his cheek on his hand.

"Don't worry, Miss Norton. I don't understand it either."

"What's important in love is grandeur and elegance! In other words, brillante! Grazioso! Sensibility is necessary to play a melody that resonates with a lady's heart!"

As Benjamin passionately waved his flaxen hair, Roberto took out a notebook from somewhere and wrote down Benjamin's words verbatim. He was so earnest.

To be honest, Monica couldn't understand a single thing Benjamin was saying, but the word "love" reminded her of Bridget.

Bridget said she loved Felix when they were young.

Justwanting to see him, with a pained expression.

The fact that Bridget, who was always dignified and noble, had shown such a face had a considerable impact on Monica.

She couldn't forget that sad profile of Bridget back then.

"Love doesn't seemfun, to me."

As Monica murmured to herself, Elliot and Benjamin simultaneously raised their heads and stared at her. It must have been quite rare for Monica to mention the word "love."

"Hoho, I see"

For some reason, Elliot smiled knowingly, and Benjamin pushed his hair back and spoke.

"Of course, love should be enjoyed in a grand and elegant, musical way. But sometimes, it can be heartbreaking, igniting jealousy towards others, and even tragic when fate separates you! Ah, even the conflicting desires one feels for a beloved person! Everything is both ugly and beautiful. Do you understand, Miss Norton!"

"Um, so, is love ugly or beautiful?"

"It can be both ugly and beautiful! These two can coexist!"

"W-wait, I don't really understandcould you explain it using equations?"

Between Benjamin, who always tried to relate everything to music, and Monica, who tried to comprehend things through equations, there was a deep divide. This gap would probably never be filled, not in this lifetime.

As Monica held her head, feeling dizzy, Elliot's drooping eyes narrowed even further, giving Monica a mischievous expression.

"So, Miss Norton, have you finally become aware of such things Well, I've thought so since the school festival."

"Huh? No, I'm not talking about myself"

"I think that love between people of different social classes is not a good thing. If you're a noble, you should marry a suitable wife."


Monica tilted her head, wondering what they meant by love between people of different social classes.

Elliot mentioned something about it happening during the school festival, but Monica couldn't recall any such event.

Perplexed, Monica looked at Elliot, who had a know-it-all expression on his face.

"People who recklessly cross the boundaries of social class usually end up in a bad situation. Most stories in the world are tragedies, aren't they?"

"Elliot! It's your stubborn mindset that creates the tragedy of love between people of different social classes! Oh, but it's also a fact that the tragedy is beautiful because of the barrier of social class! Tragedies create beautiful music even when the individuals involved don't desire it. How cruel is that?"

Benjamin forcefully argued, spitting as he spoke, and eventually looked up at the ceiling with a pained expression on his face.

Elliot shrugged his shoulders and gave Monica a cynical smile.

"Well, Miss Norton is technically the adopted daughter of the former Countess Kerbeck. If she acquires the appropriate education, it's not entirely impossible since she's also an adopted child."

Who is he talking about? Monica became even more confused, and Benjamin widened his eyes, staring intently at Elliot.

"I'm surprised. Elliot, your mind has become quite flexible. You used to be so fixated on social class."

"Not really. I just thought they, as former commoners, looked good together."

Monica thought to herself, wondering whose story they were talking about.

"I'm sorry I still don't really understand love"

As Monica muttered under her breath, Roberto, who had been silently writing down Benjamin's words in his notebook, looked up from his notepad.

"It's alright, Miss Monica. I'm also a beginner when it comes to romance. That's why I believe there is room for growth."


"I've learned that romance is like a high-level chess match. I'm skilled at the tactics of chess, so I believe I can learn the tactics of romance as well. Let's strive together as beginners in love."

It makes sense in a way, or maybe it doesn't Monica held her head in her hands.

Benjamin thinks in terms of music, Monica in terms of mathematics, and Roberto in terms of chess.

There is certainly a deep disconnect between these three, but Monica doesn't realize it.

In the end, what is love Maybe it's just one of the processes of reproductive activity, like a feeling Oh, but even without love, organisms can engage in reproductive activity Wait, does that mean love isn't necessary for the survival of the species?

As Monica pondered, a low voice echoed from above.

"During class, talking is strictly prohibited."

When she looked up, she saw Instructor Boyd, a teacher with a stern face like a seasoned mercenary, staring at them.

The four of them apologized in unison and quickly rearranged the chess pieces.

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