Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 681: Origin Essence

When everyone was done reading the content of the documents, Linda, who was recording down minutes, was the first to break the silence. "So, according to this information, we've been doing it wrong all along? And that's why our death rate has been so high?" fr𝑜m freewebnø

Before Charles could say a word, Feuerbach suddenly jumped in from the side. With his voice dripping with schadenfreude, he commented, "Hohohoho~ It's not just wrong; it's monumentally wrong. To put it in perspective, the previous method you used was akin to trying to eat through your nostrils instead of your mouth.

"The experimental records that Captain found were the initial versions. If we were to compare it to the fully matured methods we have at our disposal, it would be like comparing heaven and earth.

"According to the latest documents, not only are the old methods less effective, but over time, they also pose a risk of backlash."

"You knew about this… and why… didn't you say anything?" First Mate Bandages glared at the figure of Feuerbach hovering in mid-air.

"I wanted to, but the problem is I'm a spy! If I had told you, it would have been very unprofessional of me, no?" Feuerbach feigned a look of innocence.

"Enough. Let's stop with the useless chatter," Charles interrupted. "Feuerbach, answer me, is all the information recorded here accurate? Regarding the so-called Origin Essence attributes. As long as the relic and human subject are a match, the human would then be able to absorb the relic to enhance their powers continuously?

With a sweeping gesture, various pieces of information quickly appeared around Feuerbach as he explained, "Yes. You're right. There are a total of 73 pairs of Origin Essence attributes at the moment. You can use the radiation from 002 to produce relics and thereby cyclically increase your power."

It seemed that after years of analysis, the Foundation had fully mastered the use of relics' power.

"Please don't only mention the advantages and ignore the disadvantages. I remember this record mentions the side effects of merging Origin Essences.

"If a human continues to absorb Origin Essence, they will find it increasingly difficult to control the power within their bodies.

"Eventually, when they fail to control the power within them, their bodies will gradually disintegrate. Their skin, bones, hair, and even their souls will become new relics!" Linda reminded the group.

Feuerbach let out a feigned sigh. "It seems like you know everything now. My presence here is kinda redundant. Alrighty then, I'm going now.

"You can look through the other information yourself. The blueprints for attribute-identifying machines are in there, too." With that, Feuerbach was just about to disappear when Charles called out to him.

"Hold on. We know what's written on this document, but we also need to know the things that aren't mentioned. I believe that with the Foundation's current technological level, you must have a thorough understanding by now."

"Of what?"

"For example, despite the 73 pairs of attribute combinations, why do relics possess various bizarre abilities? Are there any patterns to their pairing? Also, the relics in the Subterranean Sea most likely didn't come from the surface. So how were the relics down there created?"

Charles didn't lack power. His strength had been growing continuously all this while, but he knew that strength wasn't the most important thing in the surface world. fɾēewebnσveℓ.com

Compared to a so-called power enhancement, the data provided by the Foundation was more important and was the core of explorations. Only by mastering the knowledge written within could they truly harness the power of Origin Essences.

"Why do they have such bizarre abilities? It's because they've been contaminated."

Hearing this, everyone present immediately perked up, not wanting to miss a single word.

"Contaminated by what?"

"By the so-called Divinities you speak of, and also by the attributes of the objects they are stuck with. Anyway, I'm just an agent; don't ask me. This is a super big topic, and I only remember that the research department was studying it."

"Let us in on all your experimental data. That is what we truly need," Anna demanded as she pushed open the door and walked in.

"Erm…" Traces of distress crossed Feuerbach's face. "I'm afraid that won't be possible. Don't forget that these relics originate from 002. When we study the relics, we are studying 002 as well, so we can't share that information with you."

"Why not? At this point, you're still planning to keep things to yourself? Do you want me to show up at your doorstep demanding it? If that happens, a lot of people will be very curious about the Foundation's location, won't they?"

Hearing Anna's threatening words, Charles' heart skipped a beat as he knew things would turn ugly. Sure enough, Feuerbach's eyes suddenly turned pitch black, and a cold, serpent-like voice echoed in everyone's ears.

"Again and again, you've repeatedly demanded information from us. Do you really think we owe you?!

"I'm telling you, we've already given you what you requested! We've sent the data over and fulfilled our end of the agreement. Now do your part!"

With a sharp beep, Feuerbach's projection vanished from mid-air.

Clearly, the Foundation was getting annoyed.

"Anna, you shouldn't have said that. Regardless of their motives, they're still our allies for now," Charles rose to his feet and said to Anna.

Anna didn't speak a single word. She merely rolled her eyes at Charles before turning to leave.

"Hey! Did you find the Foundation's location? Where are they?" Charles called out after Anna.

However, the only response he got in return was the loud slam of the door.

An awkward silence descended upon the room. A few seconds later, Nico attempted to break the tension and joked, "That sister's got quite the temper, huh? Charles, I didn't know you were into that type. How did you two meet?"

With his brows knitted together, Charles sank into his seat and said, "No matter what, we still need to use this method. Jax, assemble a team and start experimenting. If there are no issues, then we'll replace the old fusion rituals with the new ones and make them available for everyone to use for free."

As for the potential side effects, they could worry about that later if they managed to survive long enough.

"The preparation is already ongoing. The first batch of test subjects is in place, but the experiment needs an observation period. The conclusion won't be out so soon," Jax said in an unhurried voice.

"Try to speed up the process. Or, we can also use some of the explorers as the initial test subjects. Since the Foundation decided to cooperate with us, they most likely wouldn't be setting any more traps."

With that, Charles then projected the holographic map in front of himself. Red lines surfaced on the vast expanse to the left of the huge nebula. Those lines indicated the paths of the explorers.

With a swift motion, Charles drew the longest red line with his finger. "Alright, we've rested long enough. It's time to set out."

A few days later, all preparations were completed, and the crew of the Narwhale assembled once more. Charles felt a sense of reassurance as he looked at the familiar faces on the deck. "Narwhale! Set sail!"

The massive airship slowly took flight and disappeared into the looming wall of darkness.

Unbeknownst to them, in the crowd below, a pair of fanatical eyes were watching the Narwhale intently as she disappeared into the distance.

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