The colossal black wall was so astounding that everyone was left frozen in place for a full five seconds before they regained their composure.

"So this is the darkness they reported in the newspapers? If we bring it back, we will be able to save the Subterranean Sea," Grace muttered to herself as she clutched her red crystal staff tightly and adjusted her sling bag.

"Let's go. I'll bring you to Governor Charles. The moment this outpost was constructed, he has been sending us telegrams to hurry up. His patience is probably running really thin now," Leonardo remarked and led the group through the bustling street.

Being a newly built outpost, the place was small, and it didn't take long for them to find the fully repaired Narwhale.

Grace finally laid her eyes on the legendary Governor Charles for the very first time.

His face was a mix of pale white and red flesh and marred with several scars. One of his eyes appeared normal, while the other glowed a dark red. Paired with his steel prosthetic arm and towering stature, Grace felt her nervousness and unease heightening at the sight of Charles alone.

The legendary hero of the Subterranean Sea was nothing like she had imagined; in fact, it could be said that he was way far from it.

"Why are you here?" Charles asked Leonardo with an expressionless face after taking a brief glance at Grace.

Leonardo bowed slightly and answered, "This is the final outpost of the front lines. Mistress was concerned and sent me to assist in the management of this area. Also, she appointed James to oversee the Colossal Hole Fortress."

Charles nodded in understanding before taking a step forward and standing before Grace.

In front of the towering Charles, the teenage girl appeared even more petite. Out of fear, she tightly clutched her staff tightly to her chest and instinctively shrunk back.

"Why is she so young? Can't the Western Seas even send a single adult?" Charles' voice was laced with apparent dissatisfaction.

"Governor, it's not that. They said this girl has the strongest abilities and is the most qualified bait from this batch, so they sent her to you."

As someone who had fought his way through seas of blood and mountains of corpses, Charles' intense gaze made Grace feel like she could hardly breathe.

"Nevermind. It's close to the agreed time with T. We'll have to make do with this. By the way, has Anna checked her memory?"

"Mistress has already checked her out. There are no issues."

"Raise your head. What's your name? How old are you this year?" Charles' sudden series of questions sent a tremble coursing through the teenage girl's body.

"G-G-Grace. I'm fifteen this year, Governor Charles," Grace answered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Do you know what you are here for?"

"Yes, they told me before I came. I… I will do my best for my role." ƒrē

"Great, come with me. I'll introduce you to the rest of the crew; we've already wasted enough time."

Feeling the oppressive gaze leaving her, Grace exhaled in relief. She looked up to see Charles' broad back walking into the distance.

"Don't just stand there. Hurry up and follow him," Leonardo urged, snapping Grace out of her daze.

Grace hurriedly quickened her pace to catch up with Charles.

The mice quickly rounded up the crew, and they soon gathered on the deck of the Narwhale. However, their appearance clearly startled Grace.

The first mate was wrapped in bandages from head to toe, the second mate had flamboyant makeup and a coquettish demeanor, the boatswain was covered in scales, and the ship doctor revealed vampire fangs when she spoke. To top it off, the Narwhale had a mischief of mice as gunners.

After being introduced to everyone, Grace couldn't close her mouth and was speechless. Her bright eyes widened in shock.


Charles' prosthetic left hand landed on Grace's shoulder, jolting her out of her astonishment.

Standing in front of him, the petite Grace looked as helpless as a little white rabbit.

"This is Grace from the Western Seas, and she is the newest addition to the Narwhale," Charles announced.

Grace immediately felt the various gazes landing on her. Feeling shy from the attention, she lowered her head.

"Captain, what's this cute little girl's role on the ship? Surely she's not just here to warm your bed, is she?" Nico asked teasingly.

Grace's cheeks flushed a rosy red; she felt as though her face was steaming from embarrassment.

"Her role on the ship is as a weapon, a weapon that will be deployed in critical moments as a last-ditch effort," Charles answered and then briefly expanded on his strategy.

Upon learning Grace's true purpose on the ship, the crew's gazes turned onto her again. This time, there was a different underlying emotion in their eyes.

"All of you know my personality. I'll only say this once: Grace is extremely important to us. She hasn't participated in any exploration missions before so for the foreseeable future, I don't want to see anyone causing her any trouble.

"Weapons may be powerful but they are also incredibly fragile and must be protected from moisture and fire. The same applies to her. If anyone dares to lay a hand on her, I'll personally grab them by the neck and toss them overboard. Do you understand?"

Charles' gaze swept over the crew. He wasn't too worried about the old hands; his warning was directed more at the newly recruited crew members.

Although only seasoned explorers were qualified to be on the Narwhale, it was always better being safe than sorry. After all, the presence of a delicate young girl on an exploration ship was an unstable element in itself.

"Understood, Captain!"

"Got it!"

"Aye, Captain!"

Charles nodded in satisfaction and gave further instructions. "Dipp, you'll have to squeeze in with the other sailors and give your room to Grace for now. You can move back once she's gone. Linda, help her settle in. Everyone else, dismissed. Assemble here at eight A.M. sharp tomorrow."

The crew members left in small groups, leaving Grace alone on the deck. Her heart was racing with unease until a bald woman approached her.

After a brief moment of thought, Grace gathered her courage and introduced herself, "Hello, I'm Grace."

"Linda, ship's doctor. Come with me. I'll help you get some essentials."

Climbing down the rope ladder, Grace followed Linda toward the nearby shops. Being with someone else of the same gender, she was less nervous than before. Soon, her lively nature began to show. Her eyes darted around with curiosity as she scanned her surroundings while peppering Linda with questions.

"Linda, what do we need to buy?"

"Daily essentials, things you'll need on the ship. And some stuff for you to relax and destress. A ship's a confined space; doing nothing all day can drive one crazy."

"Daily essentials? Like a washbasin?"

"There's no need for a washbasin. Freshwater is for drinking. We aren't in the Subterranean Sea; there's no seawater to use either."

"So no washing of faces? Wouldn't that be dirty?"

Linda gave Grace a sideways glance before leading her to a shop with a white door frame.

"We didn't wash our faces before. But now, a new batch of wet wipes have just arrived. You can stock up a month's supply. There's also chewing toothpaste for cleaning your teeth. These are all new inventions of Hope Island."

Grace looked at the items in the ship before peeking into her sling bag. "Can I take all of these? How much does it cost? I didn't bring much money."

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Linda stared at Grace's youthful face and a hint of pity flickered across her eyes. "It's free. Just tell them what you need. You've already paid; all of us have."

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