Chapter 199. Guests

Within the Governor's Mansion on Hope Island, Elizabeth lay in Charles' warm embrace. Holding the cell phone in her hand, she curiously flipped through the images in the phone's gallery.

"The Land of Light looks so enchanting. No wonder you yearn to return," Elizabeth remarked in wonder.

Charles rested his chin atop her head as he inhaled the sweet fragrance of her hair.

When he first arrived in this subterranean realm, he had believed that his smartphone would be his cheat system, the game-changer that would become of use at the most critical moments. Now, it seemed like its most fitting role was its original one: a way to pass the time.

After exploring the contents of the phone in silence for some time, Elizabeth suddenly looked up.

"Darling, why haven't you been rushing to set sail again? That's so unlike you," she asked with a doubtful gaze in her eyes.

Charles shook his head. "Not yet. I'm waiting for someone."

Indeed, he was waiting for news from Anna on how to break the curse that the Divinities had placed on him. The previous anomalies of his mind had made him realize that if he were to continue his island exploration with a wounded mental state like his, he would eventually succumb to it.

He didn't want to break. He wanted to stay alive to find the way back to the surface.

Of course, Charles wasn't solely waiting for news from Anna. On his end, he had also been making use of his authority and power as a governor to search for alternative solutions.

However, the outcome was disheartening. Despite the massive bounty offered, not a single soul came forward with a cure. Not even a swindler tried their luck. It was as though no one in the entire subterranean world knew how to break the curse.

What has Anna been up to? Why hasn't she sent any word after all this time? She didn't even respond to the telegram I sent from Skywater Island. Charles was lost in his thoughts as he held Elizabeth close.

Flipping over, a playful grin appeared on Elizabeth's visage. "How perfect. You are all mine for the meantime."

As she leaned in for a kiss, Charles playfully tilted his head upward to dodge her advance. "You are the governor of an island. Are you sure your home is going to be fine if you stay here for a long time?"

Elizabeth's recent clinginess had allowed Charles to see her softer and more vulnerable side.

"It's alright. My people are watching over the island. And even if anything happens, I will borrow your navy to reclaim what's mine," Elizabeth responded. With graceful agility, she positioned herself atop Charles. Sitting astride, she adjusted Charles' head before leaning down her face to his.

Just as their faces inched closer to each other, a voice from a maidservant sounded from outside the bedroom. "Governor, you have guests."

Seeing Elizabeth flutter her eyelashes enticingly, Charles responded, "Ask them to wait. I'm... preoccupied at the moment."

" might want to see them. The guests are slightly different. They are unusually tall," the maidservant persisted.

Charles arched an eyebrow. "Unusually tall? Did they mention where they're from?"

"The World's Crown."

The island's name stirred something within Charles, and he hurriedly rose to his feet. Adjusting his disheveled clothes, he then briskly exited the room.

As Charles entered the reception hall, his face fell with disappointment, not finding the familiar silhouette he'd hoped to see. Instead, he was met by several imposing figures, each standing a towering three meters in height.

Draped in white robes, the guests concealed themselves completely, save from the pair of eyes that peeked out from beneath their triangular hoods.

Standing next to Charles, a hint of panic flashed across Elizabeth's eyes when she saw the terrifying visitors. However, she cast a fleeting glance at Charles and decided to remain silent and observe the situation.

One of the visitors presented a wooden box and a folded piece of parchment before Charles.

Stepping forward, he cast a quick look at the box before opening the letter. The message inside was penned in delicate feminine script and was written in Chinese.

Gao Zhiming, do you miss me? It's me. I missed you so much, so so much that I'm losing sleep over it.

Oh, by the way, the way to break the curse of the divinities that you are seeking? My friend found it. Did you receive the box? Ask the tall fellows for further details. They know about it.

Loving you forever, Anna

"Where's Anna?" Charles asked the visitor standing at the forefront of the group.

"She couldn't make it," the figure replied in a raspy voice. It was the first time Charles had heard these giants speak. Their voice resembled the harsh grating of an old saw against metal.

Holding the metallic box-like object in his palm, Charles inquired, "How do I use this?"

"Head toward Shattered Isles in the Misty Waters of the southern region. The prophet on the island will guide your way."

A trace of joy spouted in Charles' heart. His troubles might soon be resolved.

"Thank you. How should I compensate you?" Charles asked.

The giant shook his head in response. "No need. That Dioite has settled the payment."

The speaking giant then lowered his lantern-like massive head and sized up Charles with his eyes, which had black pupils against a dark blue backdrop. After giving Charles a once-over, he turned around and led the others away. It seemed as though they had traveled all the way here just to deliver these two small items to Charles.

Shattered Isles in the Sea of Mist. Charles mentally jotted down the name. This was the key to curing the anomalies plaguing his mind.

The moment the towering figures left the room, Elizabeth rushed forward. Her earlier calmness had disappeared and was replaced by visible anxiety.

"Charles, how did you get acquainted with those guys? Stay away from those madmen! Never ever interact with them!"

"Do you know them?" The moment the words left his lips, Charles' gaze landed on Elizabeth's stature, and a realization seemed to dawn upon him.

With a flustered look that Charles had never seen, Elizabeth continued, "Promise me, Charles. Don't get involved with them. And don't go to the Sea of Mist."

"Can you tell me why? My plan requires me to head there," Charles asked, his voice deep and unwavering as he stared at the box in his hand. He didn't want to abandon the plan that had been set in motion. Presently, this was the only method to break the Divinities' Curse. And it pointed him in one direction: the Sea of Mist.

Elizabeth hesitated for a moment before she let out a soft sigh of defeat. "As you can see, my height is unlike others. It's from them; my grandfather was one of them."

"How are they related to you? You originate from the same clan?" Charles probed.

"No!" Elizabeth was quick to retort. Her eyes brimmed with unmistakable disgust as she continued, "I'll never be! They are a bunch of revolting lunatics, a deranged bunch worse than the Divine Light Order or even the Fhtagn Covenant."

Charles was slightly taken aback by Elizabeth's outburst. He collected himself before pressing on, "Who exactly are they? Why do you detest them so much? Because of their height?"

A cold, mocking smile appeared on Elizabeth's visage. "Where did you think they got their height from? Those guys are merely the dwellers from the outer regions of the Sea of Mist. The vile and nasty events within the inner circles of the Sea of Mist are beyond your wildest imagination."

Charles remained silent. His gaze remained fixed on Elizabeth, urging her to go on.

A sudden memory seemed to have struck Elizabeth as the disgust in her eyes intensified.

"My grandfather once told me about their secrets. They have a special method that allows their kind to breed with the local natives and produce offspring. Originally, they were just humans. As for their height? Who knows which island's native they slept with to achieve that."

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