Shrouded Seascape

Chapter 170. In the House

Chapter 170. In the House

"I-I..." Margaret stammered as she faced her elder brother.

Noticing the unease on her visage, Jack shoved his younger sister aside and barged into the bathroom. The moment his eyes laid sight on the disheveled, bearded man in the bathtub, they went wide in disbelief.

He had thought of various situations, but this was not one of them.

"What is this?" Jack inquired as his brows furrowed together. He reached out a hand, wanting to brush aside Charles' unkempt hair.

Margaret immediately dashed over and slapped away her elder brother's hand. She extended her arms wide to stand between Jack and Charles.


She didn't know what Jack would do if he discovered Charles' identity, but she knew it wouldn't be something good.

Jack stared momentarily at the visibly nervous Margaret before he shrugged. "In that case, I guess I've no choice but to let Father know of this. You know his temper as well. If he finds out that you—"

"Brother, I'm begging you. Please don't let him know," Margaret implored.

"Then you'd have to tell me who he is. I can't let some unknown stranger stay in our house."

"He's a good man, someone I've known for a long time. Help me just this once and keep his existence a secret, please? You promised you would be on my side," Margaret pleaded.

Meeting his sister's desperate gaze, Jack rubbed the scruff on his face before he let out a deep sigh. He then turned around and gestured with a flick of his hand. "Take him and come with me."

"Where are we going?" Margaret asked.

"You'll find out when we are there. Of course, you can choose not to follow, but I’m really looking forward to Father's reaction when he discovers him."

Margaret hurriedly supported Charles up and instructed her head attendant, "Gina, quick, fetch a bath towel over."

The siblings exited the Governor's Mansion. Chauffeured by Jack's driver, they navigated through twists and turns for several minutes before the car pulled up to a serene two-story house with its own garden.

Alighting from the passenger seat, Jack promptly shut the car door and entered the building.

"This is a pretty quiet place. Not many people come around this area as well. It's best suited for your needs."

"Brother, where is this?" Margaret asked as she supported a rather dazed Charles into the house.

The interior was designed in an elegant and minimalistic style and exuded a unique charm. Black marble tiles lined the floor, while the cream-colored leather sofa added a touch of sophistication.

The interior predominantly featured a monochrome palette of black and white, with occasional hints of blue to strike a balance. The overall design evoked a sense of sleek lines and crisp freshness.

"Originally, I got this place for my... female acquaintances, but now, I'm lending it to you to keep your gentleman. Aren't I the most accommodating and generous brother?

”I used to think our personalities were nothing alike, but now, it seems we might be more similar than I thought," Jack answered with a playful smirk.

Margaret pursed her lips and swallowed the retort that had reached the tip of her tongue. She helped Charles to a nearby sofa, and they both sank into it.

"Brother, can I bother you to get a doctor over? Ch—he's injured," Margaret asked.

"Alright. I'll send one over later," Jack said as his gaze darted between the two figures before him.

"Brother, please go now. I'm begging you. His injuries are really severe." Margaret's voice was laced with urgency.

"Hey, this is my house. Can't I linger a little longer?" Jack arched an eyebrow.

Eventually, under Margaret's insistent pleas, Jack stood up helplessly and headed toward the door.

Letting out a feigned sigh, he lamented, "I feel like I'm just a tool. Used and then discarded."

The door closed with a thud behind Jack, leaving only Margaret and Charles in the house. She moved closer to Charles. Observing his countenance at a close distance, her heart raced.

With a hint of unease, Margaret stole a glance out of the window to make sure that Jack had indeed left. Then, she reached out somewhat stiffly to hug Charles and buried herself in his embrace. After several moments, she lifted her gaze and stared at Charles.

"Mr. Charles, don't worry. I'll definitely find a way to cure you, no matter what."

Charles only offered a blank gaze in response.

Staring at the familiar yet foreign visage before her, past memories they shared flashed past in Margaret's mind.

Suddenly, she leaned in and pressed her lips onto his. In that instant, it was as though the whole world had gone silent. A wave of dizziness hit her as though she was intoxicated, but yet it was equally comforting.

Outside the house, Jack's brows were pressed together as he leaned against the side of the wall and smoked his cigar.

Just as he was about to be done with his second one, he muttered to the seemingly empty air to his left, "Find out everything about that man as soon as possible. I want to know who he is and how he got acquainted with Margaret."

A gentle breeze blew past his ears, but there was no one visible around him offering a response.

“And..." Jack trailed off. He threw his cigar on the ground and crushed it under his boot before continuing. "Send a few men to keep a watch on him. If he ever shows the slightest indication of harming my sister, end him and throw him into the waters."

The next morning, Margaret's face was brimming with delight as she clutched a small basket in her hand and rushed out of the Governor's Mansion.

However, just as she stepped out, she ran into her father, Daniel, who had just alighted from his car.

"My little princess, where are you going?" Daniel asked with a smile on his face as he spread his arms wide open for an embrace.

Seizing the duration of the embrace, Margaret cooked up an alibi. With a sweet smile, she answered, "Father, Mary invited me to see the new play at the theater. I won't be back for lunch."

Daniel eyed his daughter with skepticism as she left the compounds.

Something about Margaret today seemed... amiss.

After some time, Margaret arrived at the quaint two-story house. Pushing open the bedroom door, she was greeted by her head attendant, Gina, whose visage held a hint of fatigue.

"How was he doing last night? Did anything happen?" Margaret inquired.

Gina stifled a yawn and shook her head. "Nothing much happened. He was quiet throughout the night. But occasionally, he'd speak in some incomprehensible language."

"All right. You should head back to rest. I've already helped you apply for leave with the butler. "

"Miss, are you sure about being alone with him? Would it..." Gina hesitated about leaving her young mistress alone with some unknown man.

"I'll be fine. Hurry up, go back and rest." Margaret urged as she gently pushed Gina out of the door.

After watching Gina leave through the front gate, Margaret returned to the room and delicately propped Charles up on the bed.

She then took out the dishes that she had personally prepared from the basket and placed them before him.

A warm, contented smile bloomed on Margaret's visage as she watched Charles take one bite after another. As she continued to feed him, her soft voice rang out in the room.

"Mr. Charles, the doctor told me yesterday that your shoulder wound is healing well. Your brain injury is rather complex, but don't worry. There's still hope of recovering. And once you've fully recuperated, perhaps we can...." Margaret trailed off as her cheeks flushed red.

She continued feeding Charles without uttering another word. After Charles had finished his meal, she sat anxiously for a few minutes, her cheeks still burning with a deep rose color.

She then leaned in and draped herself across Charles. Lying against his chest and hearing the rhythmic thud of his heartbeat, the corners of her lips curved upward into a faint smile.

After a couple of seconds, she decisively took off her shoes and joined Charles in bed, nestling herself closer into his embrace.

Meanwhile, Jack was seated behind his desk in the office within the Governor's Mansion. His expression was solemn as he dealt with official paperwork.

Just then, a deep voice rang out beside his ear.

"I've found information regarding that one-armed man. He's the missing Governor of Hope Island, Charles."

Jack was momentarily stunned by the news.

However, a look of elation soon appeared on his face.

"Are you certain?" Jack wanted re-confirmation.

"The young mistress gave him a haircut and shaved his beard today. His clean-shaven face matched the portrait issued by Hope Island."

A maniacal laughter escaped Jack's lips as he muttered, "Oh, my dear sister. You've truly outdone yourself. To think that you would pick up such a prized catch and even bring him back."

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