Short, Light, Free

Chapter 105: Blemish of Time I

Chapter 105: Blemish of Time I

‘Blemish’ originally refers to a spot on a jade. A tiny spot that causes the jade to lose its value.

It can also mean a flaw or defect.

It is a good derogatory term.

But what happens when Blemish meets Time?

Will that blemish in time change everything?


“I’m only telling this secret to my grandson,” Grandfather managed to croak out.

I sat helplessly by his hospital bed, reassuring, “I’m here, Grandpa, I’m Luqiao. Tell me, I’m listening.”

“They... they must all leave. I’m only telling my grandson. Get out, all of you,” he repeated insistently before his voice dissolved into coughs.

“Do you guys wanna go out for a bit, Dad?” I turned and asked my relatives.

“Let’s go, everybody. Listen to your grandfather, Luqiao.” Dad sighed and exited with the rest.

Grandfather grabbed my hand tightly. “Luqiao, you’re exactly like me when I was young. You’re also the smartest and you will be more capable than your father.”

“Is this what you wanted to tell me?” I asked, not really understanding him.

“No, no. Do you know how old I am this year?” he asked before coughing again.

“Aren’t you 63?”

“No, I’m 73. If I tell you that I’m 73, would you think I’m very young?” he asked.

He wasn’t making any sense, but I still nodded. In his current condition, I would do anything to prevent antagonizing him.

“There’s a place in this world called Blemish of Time. It’s a place God has mistakenly left. The people there have no concept of Time and they don’t grow old. Only the richest bunch lives in that world. That blemish offers them immortality. I’ve had the honor of working for them for a decade, which is why I don’t look as old as I really am,” he explained.

“Are you sure you’re not joking, Grandpa?” I asked, absolutely confused but stirred.

A place where people don’t grow old?

Grandfather reached a wobbly hand into his pillow and took out an identification card.

I eyed that yellowing card. A young man of age 20 something. He looked somewhat like me, which made sense after I caught a glimpse of Grandfather’s name on it. Although the card had already expired for a few decades, it was still proof of his real age. He really was 73 and he really did look much younger than his age.

“Now you understand. Remember to burn it. I’ll tell you the location of this place and its secrets,” he continued.

I hurriedly nodded and stashed his card in my pocket.

“Remember Bluewave City? The entrance to Blemish of Time is underneath that. I was recruited for a job in Bluewave City when I was 18. I knew nothing at the start, but I eventually discovered that I was actually a porter for Blemish of Time. The job paid well but it also had many restrictions. The air in that place is poisonous, so you can’t leave the moment you take a breath of it.”

“Poisonous? But you said they won’t grow old?”

“You won’t be able to leave once you breathe the air within. Leave and you’ll die from asphyxiation. As such, I had to wear thick protective clothing and wear an oxygen mask when moving the guests’ items. While bodies of the wealthy stop deteriorating, they’ll still have to eat, shit, and sleep,” he told me.


“That’s right. It was only later on that I realized how tiny the place is. About two square kilometers. The land is extremely costly in there and prices are calculated by per square meter. Those who can’t afford it will be banished, and they die moments after leaving. But if you have the money, you’ll live forever in there.”

“So you’re saying that those who breathed the air within can live forever, but the moment they leave, they die? And you worked as a porter, wearing special clothing and masks, for ten years?” I clarified.

“See, I told you you’re much smarter than your father.”

He coughed twice before he was able to cover his mouth with a tissue paper.

I saw blood spreading on the white sheet.

“I don’t have much time left,” he added.

I nodded, wanting him to rest but also developing a yearning for that place. I wanted to know everything about it.

“I wore a third generation suit, but because of a newly released fourth generation suit, the former became obsolete. The old one had a fatal flaw, it cannot guarantee a 100% seal from the outside air. It is the reason why I managed to maintain a youthful appearance despite wearing it for 10 years. They gave me a new identity after dismissing me and that was when my lungs started giving me problems. Look at the blood here and you’ll know. It’s been slowly accumulated from years of breathing in poisonous air.”

I nodded. “Are you telling me all these to get me to work there? Why? For the high salary?”

“No. It’s for the secret of Blemish of Time, of course.”

“What do you know about it?” I asked anxiously.

“I’ve been pondering over its secret for a few decades now. I remember every single detail of my experience there and I’ve finally realized what’s unique in there,” he answered between bloody coughs.

“I’m listening,” I said urgently.

He raised his head slightly and continued, “There’s a special type of grass in there. It looks good and it can’t be found anywhere else. Its leaves are transparent and you can see their veins. I suspect that it has something... to do... with the se...secret. Over 60 years have passed and I... I don’t know how the suit... has evolved... It is risky but I hope to... grass...”

The blood had clogged his throat so much, his voice was becoming distorted.

“You want me to steal the grass and create a new Blemish of Time?” I asked.

Grandfather nodded, unable to talk. A few moments later, he stopped breathing.

After a long pause, I stood up and exited the ward.

“What did he say?” Father asked.

“He’s gone. He said I’m smart, should work in the city, and not waste time in this small town,” I lied smoothly.

“Did he really say that?” Father asked doubtfully.

I nodded. “Yeah, I’ve thought about it and I agree.”

Before Father could respond, I walked away.

A pile of ruins outside the village.

I lit a bonfire.

I gave Grandfather’s old identification card a last look before tossing it into the flames.

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