She was born into a wealthy family

Chapter 65 - came to a perfect end

Chapter 65: Chapter 62 came to a perfect end


Shui Shui took the Erhu and adjusted the tone. Although it was a little broken, it could still be used. After pulling it a little, the tone was also adjusted.

Troublesome, still troublesome.

The host was selected from a few classes of students. They rehearsed it at the last minute and it was not bad.

As for the people from the 15th High School, they were also here. They were only willing to perform a performance. If they were not willing, no one would force them. This was because these people were not easy to talk to. If they were not willing, then forget it

Shui Shui was backstage. When she heard her name, she went forward. She was dressed in a military uniform anyway. She didn’t even change out of her casual clothes.

After she went up on stage, the lights were very bright.

The host introduced, “next up is class 13’s classmate, Qian Shuishui, who will play a song called ‘ambush from all sides’ . ”

The host didn’t explain in detail how to play it, but when she saw the Erhu, her eyebrows twitched. It was so rare. Moreover, it was a girl learning the Erhu.

There was a chair on the stage. Shui Shui Shui walked over and moved the chair in front of the microphone. She lowered the microphone and sat down. She looked at the people below. There were so many people. There was a warm applause from below.

Shui Shui’s hand trembled slightly. In fact, she just wanted to make the pole more comfortable. After placing her finger in a good position, she began to play. She was excited and filled with strong emotions.

The ten-sided ambush made these military instructors very engrossed in listening. This was because the ten-sided ambush would trigger their memories and memories. Although being a soldier was very tough, they had made many friends. Moreover, this kind of experience was unique. Shui Shui played very quickly and smoothly. The music flowed out from Shui Shui’s finger and made everyone enjoy it.

The ERHU’s ten-sided ambush was indeed different, especially the climax. Everyone’s hearts were shaking.

Mu Zilin watched. He did not expect Shui Shui to be good at water. In fact, she had not learned for long. He realized that Shui Shui Shui learned everything very quickly.

The students of class 13 were also quite surprised. They did not expect Shui Shui to have such a traditional musical instrument. What about the Erhu.

Modern people usually liked to learn some guitar or piano, especially the piano. There were even more people who learned it. It could be said that it was already widespread. Boys preferred handsome musical instruments.

After the song “ambush from all sides” ended, Shui Shui stood up, bent down and thanked him. Then, she left the front desk and returned to the backstage. She put the musical instrument away and prepared to return to her class.

She hurriedly returned to the place where her class was. She sat down and settled it.

Instructor Li looked at Shui Shui Shui with satisfaction. Not Bad. She had a skill. In fact, at first, he thought that Shui Shui would choose to sing. In the end, he did not expect that she would choose to play a musical instrument directly. Pure music was indeed a little rare.

Xu Die turned to look at Shui Shui behind her. She did not expect Shui Shui to play a musical instrument. She did not know much about Erhu and it sounded very smooth. However, who knew if she had made any mistakes in playing it? Perhaps she had made a few wrong syllables in the middle and no one knew.

Xu Die always thought of the bad and did not think of the good at all. Moreover, she always wanted Shui Shui to make a fool of herself. Unfortunately, many times, it was not as she thought.

Shui Shui met Xu die’s gaze and returned a smile.

Xu Die gritted her teeth. What did she mean That mocking smile In reality, Shui Shui only smiled casually and did not have any other thoughts.

Looking at these performances, some of them were quite good because there were street dances and people performing mechanical dances. The shocking music coupled with the explosive dance made the students watching below unable to hold back their excitement.

There were quite a number of programs on this teacher’s Day. In the end, a few teachers went on stage to sing a song and the audience applauded.

Everyone’s feelings were different and they were so relaxed. When they thought of the fact that they still had to continue training tomorrow, they could not help but feel unhappy. After the full performance, the instructor did not let them continue training, but let them go back to the dormitory, a good rest tonight.

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