Earlier today, before entering the room, Theodore had gone to see his followers. He wanted someone to observe each and every move of Lillian because she was growing stronger by the day. She was becoming a larger threat to the people of Palace, especially to the Princess.

And he needed to know what evil she was cooking up so that he could protect his love from the possible danger.

However, he was making this task of protecting the Princess from the witch harder for himself by not telling the Princess what Lillian was doing exactly. If he had just been truthful with her and told her that Lillian had been summoning mystical beings inside the Palace, then Adeline would have been more cautious. 

But he believed that telling Adeline everything would only mean inviting danger for her. Adeline was capable of acting rashly when she was overwhelmed with emotions. And Theodore did not want that to happen, he did not want Adeline confronting that same witch who was very dangerous to her.

So, he chose two of his followers to gather up information on what kind of being Lillian was summoning. After knowing the 'what' and the 'who', Theodore was planning to find that being in hell.

He could not directly interfere in the human world, without facing the wrath of God. That was why he was planning to use his reputation as the Devil Prince of Hell to threaten that being in his own domain.

Theodore had entrusted the task of observing Lillian to a Dire Wolf and a Chimera. The Dire Wolf was to keep an eye on the Palace from the outside. The Dire Wolf was larger than the normal wolf but it could pass as an animal residing in the forest, and it also had excellent night vision. Because of these things, the Dire Wolf was a perfect choice for this task.

The Chimera was a mystical being that looked like a human with a tail. But it had the abilities of a chameleon. So it was chosen to keep a watch from the inside of the Palace because it could keep a watch without being detected by anyone, not even other mystical beings.

After Theodore gave them an order he had teleported both of them near the Palace. It was already nightfall so Theodore did not want to make any delay and have them miss Lillian in action.

The Dire Wolf and the Chimera agreed to meet at the same spot in the morning and then headed on their separate path. Their eyes and ears were at alert for any signs of mystical beings or any unusual activity in and around the Palace.

As usual, Lillian's peak hours began when everyone in the Palace was sound asleep. At midnight, she walked like a real scary witch to the middle area of the Palace, and she was ready to chant her forbidden summoning spell.

However, she took her sweet time to initiate the summoning because of her experience on the previous night. She was hesitant to go through the same pain that she went through yesterday. And she certainly did not want to hear the screams of her countless dead ancestors.

But her vengeance towards the King was far greater than her fear for pain. "I will take my revenge with you Dragomir, no matter how much pain I have to endure in the process. I will lead you to your death."

The Queen began to chant the summoning spell. Like yesterday, she was feeling extreme pain in her head as well as her whole body. Her ancestors were cursing her. But no matter what, the Queen endured it all and kept on chanting the spell.

Lillian had made a blood pact with the succubus that had appeared yesterday upon her summoning. So, when she chanted the spell to call the succubus, the same one appeared in front of Lillian.

The succubus flapped her wings and sighed, "Ah! Finally… I was  waiting very impatiently for you to summon me for the whole day."

"Let's not wait any longer then. Use your charm on the King and come to see me after you finish the job. I will wait for you in my chamber." Lillian gave out her order to the succubus.

The succubus looked at Lillian with an alluring smile on her face and asked, "Aren't you going to accompany me today?"

"You already know the way, so I will just wait in my room," Lillian replied while massaging her hands. She was still feeling pain because she had channeled so much dark energy through her body.

The succubus was trying to play with Lillian. And she teased her, "What if I run away without completing that task? Or what if I get lost in this huge Palace?"

Lillian was not in the mood to entertain the succubus so she spoke bluntly, "I know you won't get lost. And I trust you for this task. Now let's not waste any more time." After saying that Lillian began to walk towards her quarter, leaving the succubus behind.

The succubus pouted her lips and whispered, "Boring witch! She could have played with me for a while as a way to thank me." And then she flapped her wings and headed towards the King's quarter.

Both Lillian and the succubus did not notice that the Chimera was standing close by and was listening to all of their conversations. He saw what creature was summoned, and he heard who the target of that succubus was.

The Chimera came out of his camouflage and narrowed his eyes. "So that witch has been summoning a succubus. Master said that she was targeting the woman that he had brought to the cave but that doesn't seem to be the case. She is going after the King."

"Should I find wolfie and go back to the cave, now that I know everything? What's the point in waiting till the morning?" The Chimera thought to himself. "No... what if she summons some more creatures? I better stay alert for the whole night. I don't want to give half information to my master."

The chimera camouflaged himself again and went in the direction where the Queen had gone before. He was going to keep on observing the Queen for the whole night.

On another side, the Dire Wolf was roaming outside the Palace when it noticed that some kind of mist had engulfed the Palace's sky. It came closer to the Palace wall to see the mist up close.

And that was when it noticed the ashes on the ground that was close to the Palace wall. At first glance, it had thought that those ashes were there from some kind of forest fire. But when it looked closely, those ashes seemed to lead somewhere. It followed the ashes to see where it would lead to. That was when it realized what it really was, it was the magic circle.

The Dire Wolf tried to smudge the magic circle but there seemed to be some kind of barrier protecting the circle. It was unable to touch it. Then it sniffed the ashes to check for something. And it was right, the circle was drawn from the ashes of an oak tree.

"If the witch is able to power the magic circle this big, then she must be able to channel a great amount of dark energy. She must be really powerful for a human.." The dire wolf thought to itself.

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