She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 256 - Meeting Of The Like-Minded

"Your Majesty, we should really do something about the food shortage. Else the people will burn down the Palace in no time." The Chief Advisor was still pestering King Reginald who was sitting leisurely on his throne and enjoying his jasmine tea.

"Then I will burn down all of their houses," Reginald said very lightly and shrugged off his shoulders.

The Chief Advisor, Lord Horace, let out a quiet sigh and then murmured to himself, "If this goes on like this then there won't even be any houses left to burn."

"Did you say anything, Chief Advisor?" King Reginald raised one of his brows and glared at Lord Horace.

Before Lord Horace could deny that, one of the guards came inside the throne hall and bowed to the King. And then he delivered a message, "Your Majesty, Her Majesty Queen Lillian of Wyverndale is here to see you. She is requesting a meeting with you, Your Majesty."

"Queen of Wyverndale?" Reginald frowned his brows and turned to look at Lord Horace. And he asked, "Aren't we in a cold war with Wyverndale?"

Horace slightly bowed and then answered, "Yes, Your Majesty. We don't exactly see eye to eye with any of the Kingdoms of this continent."

King Reginald tapped his fingers on the tea cup and asked again, "Then what is the Queen of Wyverndale doing here in the Palace? And why did the guards allow the Queen of the enemy Kingdom to walk inside our Palace?"

"Queen Lillian and the late King had some arrangements made in the past. You can say that she is on our side. And my guess is that she is here to discuss the arrangements that she had with the late King." Horace explained so that Reginald would not end up doing something foolish again like chasing the guest away and potentially angering one of the most powerful witches.

Horace had always been close to the late King of Mihir as well. And because of that, he knew anything and everything related to the Kingdom. This was why the late King appointed him as the Chief Advisor and left his son in the care of Horace while he was on his death bed. The late King knew very well how incapable his pampered son was and he wanted to leave him in the hands of someone he knew was capable.

And because the late King had entrusted his son to him, Horace was trying his best to keep the word that he gave to the late King. If it was not for the late King, then he would have left the Palace already rather than being treated like a maggot by the worthless King. He would have even left the Kingdom if it was not for his words. He really disliked the son of his good friend.

"Arrangements? What kind of arrangements?" Reginald asked with a little curiosity on his face.

The corner of Horace's lips curved up just a few millimeters. And he said with a somewhat confident tone, "Arrangement to take over Wyverndale, and with that take control of the whole continent, Your Majesty."

A wicked smile appeared on King Reginald's greedy lips. "Take control of the whole continent you say? Hmmm… I wonder why my late father didn't do that sooner. It would have been so much easier for me." He placed the tea cup on the table and spoke while stretching his arms, "But I guess it is a chance to make a name for myself."

"I will be known as the great King who united all the Kingdoms into one." Reginald was already daydreaming about the fame when he was already infamous as the useless King.

And Horace fed his ego a little more so that he wouldn't ruin what the late King had already put into place before his untimely demise. "Yes, of course, Your Majesty. You will be known as the Great Conqueror and your name will be engraved in the glorious pages of history."

Reginald puffed his chest a little as though he was already the Great Conqueror. And he ordered the guard, "Lead the Queen inside."

"Yes, Your Majesty," the guard bowed to the King and quickly left the throne hall.

And soon, Queen Lillian entered the hall with a few of her personal bodyguards. She was wearing a black gown and was wearing really dark makeup on her face, making her look as menacing as ever.

And with the huge bodyguards that were standing behind her, she looked even more threatening. Though they were not carrying any weapons on them right now, they looked like they could take out a few guards of Reginald with their bare hands.

She stood in front of the King. As she was not the reigning Queen, she deeply bowed her head to the King and greeted him, "I, the first Queen of Wyverndale, would like to greet the 17th King of Mihir, His Majesty Reginald."

"Rise." King Reginald then spoke in a voice exuding overconfidence, "I believe that Your Majesty is here to discuss something important that will benefit us both?"

"Indeed, Your Majesty." Lillian slightly bowed again and said, "But first, please accept my sincere condolences. I am deeply sorrowed by the news of the demise of the late King. And I would like to apologize for coming here so late. It took some time for the news to travel through the mountains. And it took some more time for me to cross those mountains."

"I am glad that you crossed all those mountains and decided to visit me. I am deeply touched." Reginald smiled ear to ear making him look like a creep who was actually glad that his father had died.

He then got up from his throne and walked down the platform. He stood in front of the Queen and gestured towards his right, "Please follow me. I suppose that the matter that we are about to discuss is going to take some time."

"Yes, it is going to take some time." Lillian gave a sinister smile. She was already impressed with how readily the current King was interested in the deal that she was going to make with him.

She was happy that this King shared a similar hunger for power as the late King. Not that it would matter to her, she could easily corrupt the mind by planting some seeds of greed in other's minds. But it was always easier to talk to those people whose minds were already corrupted.

Reginald glanced at Horace and ordered, "Lord Horace, why don't you accompany us? I am sure that you can fill in the details for me." He then turned to look at Lillian and asked, "I hope that it is okay with you. He is more aware of the works of my father than I am. So it would be great if he can also attend this meeting with me."

Lillian nodded her head and agreed. "Yes, I remember Lord Horace from our previous meetings. So it is fine if he comes along."

Reginald put his arms behind his back and walked ahead of the two. Lillian gestured her bodyguards to wait for her and followed after the King.. And Horace also joined the two like-minded Royals.

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