All three Princes stood side by side with their hands behind their back and waited for the King to arrive inside the dining hall. The guards opened the door to the dining hall and bowed to the King while placing their hands over their chest.

The King walked inside the hall, followed closely by his guards. Around 10 guards entered the hall and spread around the hall.

"Your Majesty," All three Princes were placing their hands on their chests and bowing to the King.

The King gave an acknowledging smile to Prince Nigel and walked towards his chair. One of the dining hall attendants pulled the chair for the King and the King settled down very elegantly.

Shortly after the King, Queen Mother Blevine, and Queen Tasha also entered the dining hall.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness," The Princes bowed simultaneously to the Queen and Queen Mother.


After the elders settled down on their respective seats, all the Princes also settled down on their respective chairs.

Around 15 of the maids entered the hall one by one and placed different varieties of dishes on the table. After all of the dishes were on the table, 6 of the maids stood by the side of each of the Royals and began to serve food on their plates. The only sound that was audible in the room was the maids clattering on the plates and bowls.

And after filling the plates with each and every food item, the maids stood behind the Royals.

The King looked at everyone present in the room and finally broke the silence in the hall, "I kept this dinner so that I could welcome my nephew who recently turned for the first time."

Everyone at the table gave a proud look to Nigel.

The King kept on addressing Nigel, "I, the alpha of the Siccaldi clan, officially accept you as one of the members of the clan. From today, you are not just my nephew but also my pack member. I hereby welcome you to my Kingdom and to my pack."

Nigel gave a nervous smile to everyone. He didn't know whether being a part of the pack was a good thing or not.

The King raised a glass of grape wine and said, "Let's drink for the health and wellbeing of Prince Nigel."

Everyone on the table raised their respective glasses and took a sip of the strong wine. Nigel winched his face because he didn't really like that taste.

Then the King began to ask questions to Nigel while cutting a piece of fish on his plate, "So, how are everyone back at Wyverndale? How's the King and how's my sister?"

"They all are well, Your Majesty," Nigel politely replied to the King.

"And you have this sister that you are very fond of," the King snapped his finger and tried to remember the name, "what was her name again?"

"Princess Adeline?" Fenris excitedly put the words in the King's mouth.

King Conall glared at Fenris from the corner of his eyes and shifted his gaze towards Nigel. He smiled and asked Nigel, "Yes, and how's your sister Adeline?"

Nigel's heart skipped a beat when he heard Adeline's name from the King's mouth. But he tried his best to suppress his nervousness and smiled, "She is also good. But she was crying and throwing tantrums when I said that I would be here for a month." Nigel chuckled remembering his sister and said, "I hope that she is doing okay now."

The King also laughed when he heard that. "She sure treasures you very much. You should invite her here sometime, show her around Aberdeen."

Nigel nodded his head and accepted the King's offer, "Sure, I will do that the next time I visit Aberdeen."

"Visit next time?" The Queen Mother asked in a bit of confusion, "I thought that you were going to stay here for good now that you are a…"

But the Queen cut her words and giggled, "Mother, he is going to stay here for a month." She gestured to the Queen Mother that Nigel didn't know about their plans yet.

The Queen Mother acted as though she had forgotten that and nodded her head, "Oh! Yes, yes. He is going to be here for a month. Don't forget to visit your grandmother's quarter at least once a day, okay Nigel?"

"Sure, Queen Mother, I will visit you after I am free from the training." The words that his grandmother said slipped past Nigel's nervous mind. He didn't suspect one bit about the plan of the clan to keep him there forever.

Queen Mother took a sip of her wine and smiled at her grandson, "Just call me a grandmother."

Nigel gave a bright smile because addressing her as Queen Mother always sounded weird to him. "Sure, grandmother."

And Wulfric instantly protested, "That's not fair. Why does Nigel get to call you grandmother while we still have to call you Queen Mother?"

"Yes, that's not fair! Queen Mother," Fenris also supported Wulfric's voice.

But the Queen Mother was not going to allow that to Wulfric and Fenris. "You two are not my daughter's son. Be born as my daughter's sons in your next life and then I might even let you refer to me as granny."

Everyone at the table began to laugh at that banter between the Princes and the Queen Mother.

"And how did the introductory session with Rhea go? I hope that she made you aware of all the rules of the clan and also a few aspects about being a werewolf." The King continued with his inquiries.

Nigel understood why the Princes ate before they even sat with the King. He wasn't giving Nigel any opportunity to eat more than a few bites. "Yes, the session went well. She made me aware of several things that I didn't know before."

The question-answer session continued for quite some time. Every once in a while they would also tease each other and make casual conversations. Everyone made Nigel feel right at home.

The King was quite well trained at talking and having dinner to his full in between the talks. After he had his fill, and after making sure that Nigel had everything that was required to make himself comfortable, he got up from his seat and prepared to take a leave, "Enjoy your dinner, everyone."

He glanced at his nephew and said, "And Nigel, I hope that you will focus well on your training and get better in no time."

"I will, Your Majesty," Nigel replied while politely bowing his head.

After the King left, Queen Mother and the Queen finally were able to focus on their food while the Princes were also already full from their snacks.

"Nigel, why don't you come and stay at my quarter tonight? It has been ages since we got to talk with each other. So I think it would be nice." Wulfric asked his brother.

Fenris instantly added, "I am not letting Nigel come alone. If he is coming then I am also coming to your quarter."

Nigel smiled because of that warm gesture from his brothers. He nodded his head and agreed, "Sure, let's catch up with our lives."

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