Chapter 167: Isn’t It Common Sense?

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation | Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Zhou Qiang’s voice echoed in Su Xuan’s ears, and he took a deep breath.

“Zhou Qiang, we need to re-examine this matter…”Please visit 𝓃𝑜𝓋𝓮𝓁-𝒏𝑒xt.c0m website to read fastest update

He spoke directly.

Zhou Qiang, who had been continuously talking, stopped abruptly, looking at

Su Xuan with confusion.

“What do you mean?”

“It means that Zhou Hao’s death isn’t as simple as an accident,” Su Xuan explained.

Zhou Qiang immediately nodded, “Yeah, we’re trying to find out who killed him, right?”

Zhou Qiang was a bit puzzled. Hadn’t they already known this? Why was Su Xuan bringing it up now?

“That’s right.”

“But when I went through the information you collected, I found that there was a sudden 500,000 dollars deposit in Chuanzi’s account.”

“And the source of the money is unclear, it went through numerous

transactions before ending up in his hands.”

Facing his colleague’s confusion, Su Xuan calmly explained.

Su Xuan spent the entire afternoon with Chuanzi. However, Chuanzi’s attitude was better than he had expected. Although he repeatedly insisted that Su Xuan should find the buyer and that the matter had nothing to do with him, he believed that the police shouldn’t arrest him.

In response, Su Xuan couldn’t help but let out a cold laugh. “How did the other party contact you? If you’re willing to provide us with their contact information, we can consider it as your cooperation, and we’ll take it into account during the investigation.”

Su Xuan’s stern words had made Chuanzi realize the seriousness of the situation. Now, Chuanzi’s only option was to reveal the buyer. However, when Chuanzi heard this, his expression instantly changed. He went from almost being convinced by Su Xuan to a cold and twisted expression.

“Don’t think I don’t know what you police are up to! If I reveal the person, 111 end up dead, won’t I? I won’t tell you anything! You guys are the police, so why don’t you investigate it yourselves?”

He taunted Su Xuan, fully aware of the potential consequences. Su Xuan s expression almost couldn’t hold back his frustration. His gaze turned cold as he locked onto Chuanzi.

Despite feeling uneasy, Chuanzi continued to provoke Su Xuan with his words. Upon hearing this, Su Xuan understood Chuanzi’s intentions. He wanted to shift blame, putting all the responsibility on someone else while avoiding any consequences for himself. However, he was also afraid that they would actually follow through with it, which was why he refused to divulge any information about the buyer.

But unfortunately…

“Do you think that if you remain silent, we won’t have any way to deal with you?” Su Xuan remarked. “Whether you were hired to commit murder or you planned to kill Zhou Hao yourself… you still committed the act. You confessed to it yourself. Do you think you can just walk away from this?”

Chuanzi’s expression turned puzzled. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. In his limited understanding of the law, he believed that if someone paid him to commit murder, he shouldn’t be held responsible for the act.

Su Xuan took a moment to educate him on the legal facts, and Chuanzi’s face showed his confusion. This wasn’t what he had initially thought. After all, he hadn’t intended to kill anyone; he had acted because someone had paid him to do so. In his mind, this made the situation not entirely his fault.

He wondered why he was being arrested in the first place.

Finally, Su Xuan managed to obtain the phone number and stepped out of the room, feeling mentally exhausted. As police officers, they often encountered individuals like Chuanzi who were profoundly ignorant of the law. It was astonishing how some people could commit a crime and still believe they were not guilty.

“Bro,” Zhou Qiang said as he patted Su Xuan’s shoulder firmly, taking the stack of interrogation records from him. His expression was solemn. “You’ve been through a lot.”

Zhou Qiang felt like he had taken on a great burden by dealing with this suspect. He couldn’t believe that the person he had identified as a potential suspect turned out to be so ignorant. How could someone who had committed murder think of themselves as a good person?

Su Xuan remained expressionless, his energy drained, as he swatted away Zhou Qiang’s hand. “I’ll leave the rest to you.”

He needed a break….

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