Seeking Immortality In The World Of Cultivation

Chapter 238 - Chapter 238: Chapter 230: Scouting Ahead

Chapter 238: Chapter 230: Scouting Ahead

Translator: 549690339

Under Su Qian’s expectant gaze, He Song maintained a calm face and spoke casually.

He came here only for the purpose of a map.

If it were not for the fact that the Spirit Skill Pavilion was indeed too large, and casually mentioning wanting a detailed map of the Sun Faction could possibly attract unwarranted attentionhe might have directly asked for a detailed map of the Sun Faction.

After all, his upcoming tasks require the exact locations of all the Immortal Pavilions and Immortal Cities, as well as the routes needed to get to different places.

With these things,

he would be able to quickly determine where would be most suitable to construct his own hidden cave mansion.

However, an outsider cultivator, asking for a detailed map of the Sun Faction… what is he up to?

Gathering intelligence?

Testing the waters?

Scoping things out in advance?

Standing in the other’s shoes, He Song felt that if he were presented with such a situation, he would also harbor suspicion.

Who knows, it might even stir up unnecessary complications.

Naturally, to avoid raising any suspicions , He Song simply said he wanted a map.

As for what kind of map it was, he could only find out after looking at it.


when Su Qian asked, He Song only mentioned he wanted a map, and did not reveal his true intent.

“A map? Sir, please follow me.”

Hearing He Song’s request, Su Qian thought for a moment, then quickly led him away.

Maintaining a conversation with He Song while leading the way, she seemed to be trying to close the gap and ease any negative impression He Song might have of her previous conduct.

He Song found it amusing, but nonetheless engaged her in conversation. As a newcomer, he also needed to deepen his understanding of the place.

However, when it was mentioned that this was He Song’s first time in the Sun Faction territory, Su Qian’s eyes lit up and she began introducing him to the Sun Faction.

Thanks to Su Qian’s explanations, He Song quickly gained a certain understanding of the Sun Faction.

The Sun Faction’s territory was incredibly vast.

Areas where sects such as the Thick Earth Sect, Golden Sword Sect, Pure Yin Sect, and Jade Flower Sect are located were just the outer fringe of the Sun Faction’s influence.

These areas occupied by the Golden Core Sects served as a buffer zone between the Sun Faction and the other Nascent Soul Upper Sects.

The Sun Faction’s territory, like that of other Golden Core Sects, was divided into Immortal Workshops, Immortal Cities, and Immortal States for governing different areas.

Immortal Workshops and Immortal Cities were no different from those of the Golden Core Sects.

However, Immortal States were a level above Immortal Cities, serving as higher governing centers.

Each Immortal State governed at least twenty Immortal Cities, and it was not impossible for some to have as many as thirty.

Each Immortal City oversaw three to five Immortal Workshops.

The reach of an Immortal Workshop usually extended for hundreds, and even up to a thousand li.

The Sun Faction, on the other hand, had control over ten Immortal States.

This meant that the city governed by the Sun Faction could be at least two hundred, and realistically, even as many as three hundred cities was possible.

Consider this, the Thick Earth Sect, being a Golden Core Sect, had only four Immortal Cities, not even owning a single Immortal State.

Even after taking over the Seven Star Sect’s territories and doubling its Immortal Cities from four to eight, it still did not possess a territory equivalent to one Immortal State.

But the Sun Faction? They governed ten Immortal States, with nearly three hundred Immortal Cities.

The scale of this territory was nearly a hundred times beyond a typical Golden Core Sect’s capability.

He Song simply made a rough calculation in his mind and found the territory of the Sun Faction to be staggeringly large.

No wonder….

No wonder the Sun Faction could so easily offer up several of its Immortal Cities just as a buffer with other Nascent Soul Upper Sects.

No wonder the Sun Faction could continuously produce Nascent Soul Ancestors.

No wonder the Sun Faction could arbitrarily command the Golden Core Sects under it.

No wonder…

In such a colossal Nascent Soul Upper Sect, the variety of spirit items within its territory would naturally be countless.

Furthermore, He Song began to waver in his previous decision to purchase a detailed map of the Sun Faction’s territory. The Flying Cloud Immortal Mansion was quite remote, Maybe…

They wouldn’t have a detailed map of the Sun Faction.

At most, he might only be able to purchase a map of one Immortal State here.

An Immortal State, which usually governed more than twenty cities, was a vast area that He Song had never seen since he entered the Cultivation World.

Before while at Bamboo Mountain Immortal Pavilion, he thought Green Wall Immortal City was already enormous.

When he was at Green Wall Immortal City, he thought the Thick Earth Sect was huge again.

While at the Thick Earth Sect, he thought the surrounding Golden Core Sects were massive.

It was not until he stepped out of the Thick Earth Sect and entered the territory of Nascent Soul Upper Sect, did he suddenly realizethis Sun Faction was truly enormous.

It was too huge!

From the Herbs Immortal Workshop of the Thick Earth Sect to here, he had only passed through several Immortal Cities, but it had already taken him more than ten days.

Bear in mind, He Song was now at the mid-stage Foundation Establishment, and could move with incomparable speed using tunneling light.

Even under such circumstances, passing through several Immortal Cities had still taken him more than ten days.

If one were to traverse across a state, it would likely take over a month, or even two.

If one were to traverse across the ten states under the control of the Sun Faction… who knows how long it would take.

Of course, distance cannot be calculated this way.

Nonetheless, He Song had developed a grasp of the vast size of the Sun Faction.

At the very least, he wouldn’t make a fool out of himself over this matter. As they listened to Su Qian’s sweet voice, their figures gradually receded into the distance.

Shortly after.

They came to a row of bookshelves.

Nonchalantly, Su Qian picked up a jade slip from the shelf and passed it to He Song.

“Sir, this is a map of Cloud State, this Flying Cloud Immortal Mansion belongs to Cloud State. The Eight-vein Immortal City, not far away, is the Immortal City in charge of the Flying Cloud Immortal Mansion.”

“This map of Cloud State is not a treasure, it is only worth one spirit stone.”

He Song wasn’t concerned with what Su Qian said. After learning that this was a map of Cloud State, his divine sense was about to read the information in the jade slip.

But he paused, and instead attached the jade slip to his forehead.

At the same time, He Song breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He had almost forgotten that those at the Qi Refining stage did not possess divine sense, and his cultivation level that he had revealed so far was only at the seventh-tier Qi Refining.

If he had just used his divine sense to read the jade slip, his identity as a Master at the Foundation Establishment stage would have been exposed.

Although it was unlikely to cause major trouble, even minor trouble was something He Song was not willing to deal with at this moment. Luckily, He Song reacted in time and attached the jade slip to his forehead.


After attaching the jade slip to his forehead, information about Cloud State quickly appeared in He Song’s mind, including the locations of Immortal Cities and Immortal Mansions within Cloud State.

Amazingly, the jade slip even recorded the geological features of Cloud State, including the mountains, rivers, and even the locations of the sizeable cities inhabited by mortals.

In this respect, the information recorded in the jade slip could be regarded as extremely detailed.

He Song even had a rough understanding of Cloud State after going through it.

He saw the location of the Flying Cloud Immortal Mansion on the map and after comparing it with what he had seen when he arrived, he finally let out a breath of relief when he found no discrepancies on the map. He Song then removed the jade slip from his forehead.

His gaze turned to Su Qian.

“Good, here are ten spirit stones.”

“Could you help me find some jade slips related to the surrounding information?”

“And if there are any bigger, more detailed maps, that would be even better.”

He casually gave out ten spirit stones, and without paying attention to the suddenly brightened gaze of Su Qian, he casually asked.

Ten spirit stones.

Only one of which was marked for the map.

The remaining nine spirit stones were all Su Qian’s.

For Su Qian, a Cultivator of the third-tier Qi Refining working in the little

Immortal Mansion, these ten spirit stones was already a considerable amount. “Sure, sure, sir, please wait a moment, I will get them for you right away.”

After collecting the ten spirit stones given by He Song, Su Qian’s eyes lit up.

Her figure was quickly following the sound of footsteps and quickly disappearing into the distance, no doubt to fetch the jade slips that He Song requested.

Having worked at the Spirit Skill Pavilion for several years, she naturally understood the needs of those who came from other places. What do newcomers need when they first arrive?

A map.

Definitely the first thing.

And the distribution of surrounding forces.

Ranked second.

The description of nearby opportunities.

Comes in third.

The local forces which should be avoided, or people.

Ranked fourth.

Local customs, etc.

Ranked last.

These things, that she had searched for with many cultivators before, naturally she knew what these cultivators really needed.

Therefore, when He Song threw out ten spirit stones, expecting her to find these things for him, she naturally agreed without any hesitation.

These things, each item only costs one spirit stone.

Even if He Song doesn’t give her any more spirit stones in the future, the ten spirit stones he gave her, she could still make a profit of five spirit stones.

And even, if He Song casually gives out more spirit stones, she may even earn more.

With such motivation.

Su Qian naturally took He Song’s commands seriously.

And moreover, because she and He Song could meet was mainly due to He Song having caught her slacking off in the corner.

She originally intended to build a rapport with He Song to prevent him from speaking out about her slacking off.

Now she had this opportunity, and naturally she would not miss this chance to build good rapport with He Song.

In this regard.

He Song, watching Su Qian’s figure disappearing into the distance.

A hint of amusement flashed in his eyes.

When he was searching for someone to guide him earlier, He Song didn’t just find Su Qian alone, he had also noticed several others without anyone else around them.

However, the only one who was slacking off at the time was Su Qian.

That was the reason why He Song chose Su Qian as his guide.

First, catch a small handle on the other party, and then use spirit stones to make them unable to refuse his request.

This was a plan He Song had thought of early on.

In this way, He Song could naturally get what he wanted as quickly as possible.

Even if his request was slightly excessive, under the premise of having her small handle grabbed by him and being tempted by spirit stones, he did not think Su Qian would react excessively..

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