Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Chapter 201 Lady Of The Night (25)

(Northern Region- New Atlantic City)

(Lucky's Tavern)

"Do I make myself clear?" Camilla's cold voice entered Mary's ears as the vampire leaned in closer until her lips were mere inches away from the mask covering the young woman's face.

"Yes mistress," Mary softly replied. She was grateful that the mask covered the conflicted expression that flashed across her face.

Camilla's words were controlling and dominating and yet... Mary could have sworn that there was a hint of insecurity in her tone.

No... surely, she must have been mistaken.

"Good... now let's get something to drink... wait... what is this?" Camilla furrowed her brows in confusion as she pointed at something on the table.

There was a small sheet of paper with black lines that formed the image of a square. Mary glanced at the paper and saw that it was a QR code.

"That's a QR code... let me show you," Mary softly whispered as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a cellphone.

She scanned the paper using the camera on the phone and then handed it over to Camilla when the menu appeared on the screen.

Lucky's tavern did not sell anything to eat and the only items on the menu were animal blood, human blood mixed with alcohol and then alcoholic beverages.

Camilla stared at the phone in fascination as her finger gently touched the screen.

She still wasn't used to the advances in modern technology but was adapting surprisingly well.

"Can I take your order?" a very pretty vampire with dark red hair walked up to their table and flirtishly winked at Camilla.

She wore a plain white shirt and a sharp black dress that fell down to her ankles.

The waitress's lips gently curved upwards as her gaze directly roamed up and down the length of Camilla's body.

"Haven't seen you before around these parts... any chance you're a freshie?" the waitress asked in a strange tone.

"Yes, she is," Mary replied in a low tone before Camilla could open her mouth.

"Ohhh... congratulations!" the waitress shrieked happily as she clapped her hands together.

"Welcome to your new life! Here's what... the first round of drinks is on the house! Except for blood of course."

"Okay... I'll have one glass of your finest Le Chateau 1876," Camilla replied after looking at the menu on the phone one more time.

"And yourself... ma'am?" the waitress politely asked.

"I'm good for now," Mary bluntly replied as she touched the corner of her mask. She could not remove the mask under any circumstance.

The waitress walked away but did not forget to sway her hips slightly as she left.

Unfortunately, her movements went unnoticed as all of Camilla's attention was on the hooded figure sitting opposite to her.

"I've never heard the word 'freshie' used before. How did you know about that term?" Camilla curiously asked.

"It's a human word... I assumed that it meant a newly converted vampire," Mary confidently replied.

"Mistress I know that you do not want your identity revealed so I thought that you being a new vampire would be a good disguise."

Camilla hummed thoughtfully and tapped her fingers against the side of the table. Her human servant was very quick witted.

A good quality but it would make her very uncontrollable in the future.

Camilla's fingers kept knocking against the wooden table as numerous thoughts entered her mind.

Tap... tap... tap...

Meanwhile Mary took quick glances around the room to observe how vampire interacted among themselves.

The pupil technique that she had learnt in the castle library allowed her to see even though a mask blocked her direct line of sight.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

Vampire were... just like humans?

Some were arguing in the bar, others flirted with single men and women near the counter and the rest either partied or made light conversations.

If it weren't for those sharp fangs and crimson eyes, this could have been a bar in any city in the human controlled territories.

Still... Mary did not let down her guard or feel any sort of kinship with these bloodthirsty demons.

She was well aware that if her identity was leaked... these same peaceful vampires would not hesitate to tear her to shreds and drink all the blood in her body.

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Or would they?

Mistress Camilla always complained that her blood had a foul-smelling taste so perhaps ordinary vampires would think the same.

Hmm... Mary wasn't exactly sure how to put that theory to the test... at least before she got a bit stronger.

While Mary and Camilla were both distracted, the waitress returned holding a tray with a glass goblet in the middle.

The goblet was filled with a dark purplish-red liquid that swished gently from side to side. The waitress placed the glass on the table and then gave a polite bow.

"Are you all ready to order some more items?" the waitress curiously asked.

"No... not yet. We will call for you when we are ready," Camilla spoke in a commanding tone as her fingers wrapped around the glass.

She raised up the goblet to her lips and took a small sip of the sweet tasting liquid inside the glass.

It was a delicious wine that had been aged for over hundred years, so it had a mellow flavour as well.

"No problem. In that case I can come back in twenty minutes," the waitress smiled and bared her sharpened fangs.

She left the table once more but this time she didn't make any unnecessary movements which meant that she realised that Camilla wasn't interested.

Mary opened her mouth to ask Camilla a quick question when the doors to the tavern swung open with so much force that the doors flew off their hinges.

A handsome aristocratic gentleman wearing a flowery tuxedo entered the room accompanied by several bodyguards.

"Eww... the scent of the poor..." the gentleman scowled fiercely as he gestured towards one of his bodyguards.

The female bodyguard held up a cellphone and began to press record.

The aristocratic vampire proceeded to randomly smash bottles and chairs using his enhanced strength.

The diners inside the tavern were extremely upset but no one dared to stand up to the high-born vampire.

The high born were stronger than ordinary vampires and most were associated with huge or powerful clans.

Camilla continued to sip the wine in her goblet as if the destruction happening in the room had nothing to do with her.

"Why is he doing that?" Mary softly whispered as she tried not get the aristocratic vampire's attention.

"Probably a new convert... got a taste of power and wants to show the entire world that he's invincible," Camilla took another sip as she spoke.

"He'll be dead within the decade."

"Arrogance and a lack of ability are a combination that does not lead to a happy ending."

The high-born vampire flung a table through the air, and it landed a few feet away from Camilla and Mary with a heavy thud.

Fortunately, the high-born vampire appeared to get bored by the lack of reaction from the crowd inside the tavern.

"You all are a bunch of cowards," the aristocratic vampire sneered mockingly as he raised up his hand and made a rude gesture.

There was still no reply from the crowd as everyone buried their heads down and refused to make eye contact.

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