Second Try Idol

Chapter 9: The Future Starts to Change (3)

Chapter 9: The Future Starts to Change (3)

“You guys haven’t even debuted yet, and this is the path you have chosen?” asked the manager.

Upon hearing his words, Lee Jin-Sung and Goh Yoo-Joon deeply furrowed their brows and shook their heads.

“No, it seems that Joo-Han hyung and Hyun-Woo have completely lost their minds,” said Goh Yoo-Joon.

"That's what I'm saying." Lee Jin-Sung nodded in agreement.

The two usually bickered every day, but they seemed to get along best in moments like this. Goh Yoo-Joon and Lee Jin-Sung then glared at Joo-Han, their faces filled with dissatisfaction.

"Joo-Han hyung, if it is too hard on you, we can brainstorm together," Park Yoon-Chan suggested.

Hearing this, Lee Jin-Sung quickly voiced his agreement. "Exactly. The more I think about it, the more I believe that this approach is not suitable for our first shoot."

"Well, it's just my opinion," I said, trying not to sound too insistent. I then avoided the members' gazes as I leaned my head on my arm. I had assumed they might react strongly to my suggestion, and my prediction turned out to be accurate.

To my surprise, Joo-Han considered my proposal with quite a positive attitude. At this moment, he placed a hand on Lee Jin-Sung's shoulder, encouraging him to sit down, and he spoke calmly, "Calm down, everyone. Nothing is set in stone yet. I just think there's some merit in what Hyun-Woo has suggested."

"Uh, establishing the group's first image with a comedic approach seems... a bit excessive," the manager remarked cautiously.

Goh Yoo-Joon exclaimed in anger, "Ah! Have you two really lost your minds?"

"Is this some kind of joke? Especially with such an important shoot coming up," said Lee Jin-Sung.

"It's not a joke," I stated firmly as I sat straight up. I wanted to make it clear that this was a serious strategy I had put thought into. Sensing that I was fighting this battle alone, Joo-Han decided to back me up.

"Think about it. When we go on the show, which would create a bigger impact and buzz? Performing a serious song by senior idols, or trying the concept that Hyun-Woo has suggested?”

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Obviously, the comedic approach would stand out more regardless of our skill level. As Lee Jin-Sung and Goh Yoo-Joon hesitated, Joo-Han pressed on.

“Once we gain attention, we can start showing our true skills on stage. Which group will intrigue the public the most then?”

"...It would be us." Park Yoon-Chan realized, to which Joo-Han nodded in agreement.

"Exactly. That’s when we can really show them our impressive skills.”

Ah, I wasn’t very eloquent. Despite my numerous arguments, the members seemed to be convinced more by Joo-Han’s words.

"It's definitely a risk and might come off as a lowbrow. But if done right, we will come off as both entertaining and skillful," said Joo-Han.

However, even with Joo-Han's great persuasion, Lee Jin-Sung still looked skeptical.

"But will everything go as planned? What if the viewers think we are not taking the show seriously?"

I replied, “Who said anything about playing around? We will approach it with utmost seriousness."

"Seriousness, you say?"

I nodded earnestly. We would dance more seriously than ever. Though the song had comedic elements, I was thinking of asking Joo-Han to arrange it with dance breaks, shouts, high notes, and even a rap section. It was about showcasing our skills while maintaining a comedic element, like the opening of Red Riding Hood Cha-Cha.

"Have you gone mad? Are you sick?"

"I'm not sick. I'm serious!"

"Hmm..." The manager rubbed his stubbly chin, looking deep in thought. After a moment of contemplation, he seemed to agree with this idea.

"It is a gamble, but it will definitely make headlines. I think it's a good idea."

"Oh! Even you are agreeing to it, hyung?"

"Survival shows are still part of the entertainment industry, and I think they won't be too strict with idol trainees."

"...Ah, I don't know anymore. I just don't get what you guys are thinking," said Lee Jin-Sung, feeling defeated.

"But they said my skills were just average even during the audition."

"Uh... why don't you go work out first?" I suggested, feeling out of my depth.

I was really bad at being a comforting friend. If I could, I wanted to wake up Joo-Han and pass this task onto him.

"Just do what you have to do, and don't throw a tantrum. Go work out and come back. Show them in the upcoming broadcast that you are someone with both skills and potential."

"In the broadcast...?"

"Yeah, I should ask Joo-Han hyung to give all the center positions to you."

"I don't want that. I don't like being the center. Ah, I will go to exercise now."

What was going on? Park Yoon-Chan, who seemed determined to discuss his concerns, quickly left the dormitory after hearing my suggestion. I thought he was okay with the concept since he hadn't voiced any objections during the meeting.

'What's wrong with being the center for Cha-Cha...'

I genuinely believed Park Yoon-Chan was the perfect fit for the center position in Cha-Cha. I had been planning to recommend him for that position, as it presented an excellent opportunity for him to shine in a prominent role for the first time.

‘...Wait a minute.’

'What if I end up being chosen instead?'

That thought was slightly overwhelming.

It was 6 AM, and the sun was slowly rising. I stared at the door through which Park Yoon-Chan had disappeared, determined to reduce my part and increase Park Yoon-Chan's part to make sure he became the center for Cha-cha.

...Well, I knew I was capable of being the center, but it was for Park Yoon-Chan's sake.


About ten days before the shooting, we had to keep adjusting our rap, dance, and vocals to match Cha-Cha's opening. It was exhausting.

Lee Jin-Sung commented, "Joo-Han hyung must not have been in his right mind when he arranged this song."

"And you are dancing on it. You are no different," countered Goh Yoo-Joon.

Rubbing my sore lower back, I couldn’t help but agree. "We're all not in the right mind."

The absurdity of the situation was not lost on us. Some of us had initially opposed the Cha-Cha concept, but now, even the most resistant among us were starting to enjoy it. Joo-Han's touch had metamorphosed the once sweet children's melody into a slow hip-hop tune, unraveling Cha-Cha's life journey from the tender age of twelve to twenty-two.

“Full of mistakes, ha! Cute Cha-cha~”


“Mysterious magical pendant~”

‘Look at that.’ Goh Yoo-Joon and Lee Jin-Sung, who used to hate the idea, were having the most fun now. All of us started to enjoy the concept and sang the verses of the song with various ad-libs whenever we had the chance.

“Uh, uh, when we join forces, nothing is impossible! We are the Electron Rangers, yo!”

“Hey, there is no such rap.”

As time went on, the song evolved, giving birth to various versions including R&B, trot, rap, and hip-hop.

‘We need to showcase this playful side of ours on broadcast as soon as possible...’

Our ability to have fun with Red Riding Hood Cha-Cha was something I believed could really set us apart from our competition and help us establish our desired group image.

Just then, the door to the practice room swung open, and our manager walked in.

“How’s it going, guys? You seem to be making good progress,” he said, looking around at all of us.

We stopped and gathered around the manager as he handed out drinks. He then said, “I just came from a meeting, and we have narrowed down some names for the group. We will discuss it in the conference room in a bit. Also, we have to suddenly schedule a profile shoot due to UNET’s request.”

“Ohhh, a profile shoot?”

As I tried to open my drink, my hands trembled uncontrollably. The lighting accident, which had occurred on the day of the profile shoot, was suddenly at the forefront of my mind, casting a shadow over the excitement.

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